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What Is On The Sat Subject Test Math Level 2

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Sat Subject Test Math 1 Vs Math : Which Should I Take

SAT Subject Mathematics Level 2 – The Official SAT Subject Test Study Guide (Practice Test 2)

If you’re considering taking SAT Subject Tests and math is a strong subject for you, you’ll need to There are two Math SAT Subject Tests: Math 1 and Math 2 .

Math 2 is meant for students with more high school math coursework and covers a broader range of topics than Math 1 does. Other than that, the two tests are pretty similar: both have 50 multiple-choice questions and a 60-minute time limit.

In this article, I’ll go over what’s covered in Math 1, what’s covered in Math 2, their similarities and differences, whether Math 1 is easier than Math 2, and how to choose which Subject Test to take.

Note: This article deals with the two Math SAT Subject Tests, not the Math section on the regular SAT. To learn more about the SAT Math section and how to do well on it, check out our ultimate SAT Math prep guide.

What Is Covered In The Sat Math Level 2

The SAT Math level 2 covers the same syllabus like the SAT mathematics level 1, but the major difference between the two-level is that SAT mathematics level 1 covers the basic algebra and geometry while the SAT mathematics level 2 covers algebra, geometry, basic trigonometry, functions, statistics and pre-calculus.

The SAT level 2 covers approximately:

10 to 14 % of the questions focus on numbers and operations.

48 to 52 % of the questions focus on algebra and functions.

28 to 32 % of the questions focus on geometry and basic trigonometry.

8 to 10 % of the questions focus on data analysis, statistics, and pre-calculus.

Barrons Sat Subject Test Math Level 2 10th Edition Pdf

Would you like to pass your Maths SAT exam? Have you been searching for the right book to prepare you for your Exams? IF your answer is yes, then Barrons Sat Subject Test Math Level 2 10th Edition PDF Book is for you.

Barrons Sat Subject Test Math Level 2 10th Edition PDF guide opens with a detailed introduction that provides an overview of this exam, information about calculator use and scoring, and strategies for maximizing your score, followed by a full-length diagnostic test with all answers explained to help students pinpoint their strengths and weaknesses.

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What’s On The Math Level Ii Subject Test

Like the Math I Subject Test, the Math II test covers algebra and geometry. Additionally, it tests trigonometry and elementary functions, which describe a relationship between an input and output. A simple function question may ask you to solve for x, while others may ask you to define a function’s range or domain or to graph it. I’ll show some example problems of function questions that appear on the Math II test below.

First, here’s the breakdown of what percentage of the test covers each content area. As you can see, algebra and geometry make up a significantly larger portion of the questions than number / operations and data analysis / probability.

Data analysis, statistics, and probability 8-12%

Some of these concepts appear on the math section of the general SAT, while others, like trigonometry, elementary functions, and graphing, are more advanced and specific to the SAT Math 2 Subject Test.

The following are examples of function and graphing questions you might see on the Math II Subject Test.

The SAT Math Level 2 test contains questions that ask you to define the range or domain of a function.

Function questions may also present you with a graph or, like in the question below, ask you to draw or visualize your own graph and manipulate it to reflect changes in a function.

The answers to these questions are D, D, and B, respectively.

Like all the SAT Subject Tests, the Math Level 2 test is 60 minutes long. In this hour, it asks you to answer 50 questions.

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Math Plane

The first step to acing the SAT II Math Level 2 Subject Test is making sure this test is for you in the first place! Plenty of students initially believe that just because theyre in pre-calc or trig right now, earning straight As, that means they must take the SAT II Math Level 2 Subject Test over the Math Level 1 Subject Test. After all, it’s more advanced, right? And they’re more advanced. It just makes sense.

However, as standardized tests, the two are entirely different beasts.

While the SAT II Math Level 1 test forces students to be perfect and trick-proof on more basic math concepts , the SAT II Math Level 2 test rewards straightforward application of much harder math topics .

Timing-wise, all 50 problems of Math Level 1 are absolutely doable in the 60 minutes, and your score will suffer if you dont work through everything. Think of it as: finishing is the norm, so not finishing is therefore not competitive. Math Level 2, on the other hand, requires a student to work quicklyfinishing all 50 problems in an hour is highly unlikelybut not all 50 questions are required for a top score. On some Math Level 2 curves, a student can answer the first 43 questions and not make it to the last 7and still end up with a perfect 800!

That said, if youre a slow workerbut work without careless errors and mistakesyou might benefit from taking Math Level 1, even if you earn straight As in pre-calc.

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Your Strategy Notes For Sat Subject Test Math 2c

for your SAT Subject Math Level IIC Test prep as a PDF file.

Almost everything is taken from the Sparknotes SAT Math Level 2 Guide. Heres how to use these:

  • Print the PDF or use the PDF editor on your tablet to take digital notes on the notes.
  • Read a chapter of the book and follow along in the notes.
  • Try to do the examples in the notes without using the Sparknotes book. You can use your calculator.
  • Check yourself with the Sparknotes book.
  • Complete the review exercises at the end of the Sparknotes chapter. Time yourself giving 1 minute per question . At the end of the time, mark where you stopped and keep working. Be faster next time. On the actual test, you have 60 minutes to complete 50 questions.
  • As you review at the beginning of your next session, review only the powerpoint notes.
  • Max Out Your Chances For Your Best Score: Sign Up For Both The May And June Sat Ii Test Dates

    As Ive mentioned before, if you dont need the May test date for your regular SAT I, take all your Subject Tests for BOTH of these sittings. If you are taking Math Level 2, Literature, and World History, sign up to take all three of those tests in May and all three of those tests in June.

    The College Boardthe company that owns the SAThas changed its policies, and now, they allow you to submit only the particular SAT II Subject Tests that you wish to send to each college. So if you bombed Literature but aced Math 2 and World History in May, you can just send Mays Math Level 2 and World History scores. No one needs to see that Lit score, even though you took that test the hour after the other two.

    Since theres no negative consequence to performing poorly, take them twice. Youll already be studying for your APs, Regents, and finals during that time, so you can just add this to your study plan and do double duty. And knowing youll take them in June regardless of how you do in May takes the pressure off.

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    What Is Sat Maths Subject Test

    SAT Maths Subject Test is designed to map the Mathematical and Quantitative aptitude of applicants. The test is for all students with no age bar, conducted 6-7 times in a year depending upon the nation and region. The duration of SAT Maths Subject Test is 60 minutes and comprises 50 Multiple Choice Questions which students must attempt within the given time frame.

    There are two different types of SAT Maths Subject Tests that are conducted by the College Board, namely Mathematics Level 1 and Mathematics Level 2. Although there is no marked difference in difficulty, Mathematics Level 2 Test can be understood as a more advanced test, taken by students who especially want to pursue Mathematics in their studies. Test 2 is specially designed for students who are acquainted with the concepts of Vector, higher Trigonometry and Precalculus.

    Which Test Do The Colleges You’re Applying To Recommend Or Require

    SAT Subject Mathematics Level 2 – The Official SAT Subject Test Study Guide (Practice Test 4)

    In recent years, many schools such as Caltech and Harvey Mudd, which had required SAT Subject Test scores, particularly in Math, have dropped those requirements. Though many institutions still recommend SAT Subject Test scores, very few schools require now them. However, submitting Subject Test scores can still boost your application, especially if you scored well and the school recommends Subject Test scores, such as most institutions in the University of California system which strongly recommend Math 2 for engineering and science applicants.

    If you know that you have your eye on a program that requires or recommends the Math 2 Subject Test, plan ahead to take the necessary math coursework. Programs that require or prefer the Math 2 Subject Test often have required introductory math coursework for first-year students that necessitates a certain background level in math, which is why they require Math 2.

    Therefore, try to get in the coursework necessary to be able to take and do well on the Math 2 Subject Test. If you don’t plan ahead, you might end up in a situation in which you are set to go into precalculus your senior year. In this case, you should aim to take precalculus the summer after your junior year and the Math 2 Subject Test in the fall of your senior year.

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    Sat Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

    Do you have any questions in your mind related to the SAT Math level 2? Are you looking for information related to Math level 2? Do you want to know the differences between Math level 1 and 2? Are you getting worried about how to prepare for the SAT Math level 2 and what are the topics covered in the SAT math level 2, if your answer is, yes, then this is the right platform.

    Mathematics Level 2 Sat Subject Test Prep Tips

    A great starting point in preparing for this exam is your class notes and past tests. Review these materials to refresh your memory and to determine what concepts you need to revisit. You can also see if any other students in your class are taking the exam. Study groups are always a great way to prepare if you can stay focused in one. In addition, take before your exam date. The testing hour will fly by, so its important to know how to pace yourself.

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    What Year Should You Take The Test

    College Board recommends that you should take more than three years of college prep math before you take the Math II Subject Test. These years should include two classes in algebra and one class in geometry, at least. A class in trigonometry and/or precalculus is very helpful, too.

    So if you take algebra in eighth grade, geometry in 9th, algebra again in 10th, and trigonometry/precalculus in 11th, then you would probably be in the best position to take the Math II Subject Test at the end of 11th grade.

    If you are taking trigonometry/precalculus as a sophomore, then you may be in a good position to take the Subject Test at the end of sophomore year. Usually you want to take Math II, and any other Subject Test, at the end of your school year when the course content is freshest in your mind.

    That being said, which Subject Test dates coincide with the end of the academic year?

    Should I Take Level 1 Or Level 2

    SAT SUBJECT TEST. Math level 2, Test 1, Question 10

    This is a tough question to answer.

    • If youre already in Calculus and youve been a solid A/B math student throughout high school, you should seriously consider Level 2. If you take a few practice tests and get really frustrated, however, experiment with Level 1.
    • If youve taken Pre-Calculus and are a solid A/B math student, you should experiment by taking practice tests in both Level 1 and Level 2.
    • If youre finishing up Algebra II and you are a solid A math student, you should experiment by taking practice tests in both. With some help from ePrep, you may be able to handle the Level 2.
    • If youre finishing up Algebra II and youre a B/C math student, you should take Level 1.

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    All Sat Ii Math Ii Resources

    Are equations like a second language to you? Have you spent much of your time in high school refining and perfecting your knowledge of mathematics, but now find yourself wondering how you can show colleges that you really know your stuff? Try taking the SAT Subject Test in Math II!

    Unlike the regular SAT, which tests Mathematics in addition to Writing, Reading, and an Essay, the SAT Subject Test in Mathematics tests math and only mathalgebra, geometry, trig, and pre-calc, to be exact. If this sounds like a relief instead of a nightmare, this might be just the test for you. It consists solely of fifty multiple-choice questions for which you are allowed to use a specific kind of calculator there is no short-answer or essay portion. Topics tested on the SAT Subject Test in Math Level 2 fall into the following ratios:

    Numbers and Operations Algebra and Functions Geometry and Measurement , including: Coordinate Trigonometry Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability

    World Language Sat Subject Tests

    The language category offered the most diverse test choices in this list of SAT Subject Tests. There were versions for Korean, Latin, Modern Hebrew, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, French, Spanish, and German. The tests were arranged in a similar way, with questions about vocabulary, structure , and reading comprehension each forming roughly a third of the 60 total questions.

    Some world language tests could be taken in one of two varietiesListening and Without Listening. Spanish, French, and German fall into this category. This listening test required students to answer prerecorded questions from an audio track. The choice between taking the listening and non-listening variants was a matter of student preference. Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Subject Tests had a mandatory listening component, while Italian, Latin, and Modern Hebrew didn’t feature listening at all. The language you chose would depend on your coursework.

    Although SAT Subject Tests were offered on six different dates during the school year, not all World Language SAT Subject Tests were available on each date. For example, tests with listening were ONLY available in November. Italian, German , and Modern Hebrew were only offered in June.

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    Sat Subject Test Math 2c Practice Tests

    Take a diagnostic test BEFORE you start preparing. This score is your baseline score and lets you know what you would get if you took the SAT Subject Math IIC now. Youll need to write down and try to improve upon this score.

    You MUST take practice tests if you intend to score over a 600 , so youll need supplemental material. We recommend you use the Kaplan SAT Subject Test Math Level 2 book. Its also a great resource if you need more help on a certain subject. You can buy the Kaplan book at Book World by Kinokuniya in Dubai Mall. If the book isnt available, you can buy the Barrons SAT Subject Test Math Level 2 instead.

    The Best Sat Subject Test In Math Level 2 Prep Books Of 2021

    Functions (SAT Subject Test In Mathematics Level 2)
    • Post by:Professor Conquer

    This post may contain affiliate links, meaning we get a commission if you make a purchase through our links, at no cost to you.

    Spread the love

    Are you looking to highlight your math skills for prospective universities? Are you looking to major in a STEM field which will require extensive math comprehension? If you answered yes to either of these questions, the SAT Math 2 exam would likely be in your near future. The SAT Math 2 Subject Test covers the same information in SAT Math 1 but with the addition of trigonometry and pre-calculus. However, you dont have to be nervous about taking the test as long as you have the right resources. Save yourself the time and the frustration of looking through online forums and scouring book stores by merely reading our list of the best SAT Subject Test Math 2 review books. Get the 800 you need and deserve. Keep reading to see how to prepare for the SAT Math Level 2.

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    What’s Covered On Sat Math 1

    SAT Subject Test Math 1 covers the topics you learn in one year of geometry and two years of algebra. Here’s what you can expect to see on the test:

    Topics and Subtopics

    Source: SAT Subject Tests Student Guide

    As you can see, most of the questions will be about algebra, functions, or geometry. This means that when you are studying for Math 1, these are the main areas you should focus on.

    There will also be a few questions on data analysis/statistics/probability. I’m calling this out because it’s something many students haven’t spent a lot of time on in class.

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