Monday, April 22, 2024

What Is Self In Psychology

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History And Development Of The Self

What is self Psychology?

Everyone has an experience of self. That self, however, can be quite different from the one experienced by another person. For example, historians suggest that people in medieval times experienced themselves quite differently from the way people do today. Literature from that time suggests that people did not possess the rich interior lives that people experience today but, rather, equated a persons self with his or her public actions. Not until the 16th century, according to the literature of the time, did people conceive of an inner self whose thoughts and feelings might differ from the way he or she acted. Over time, that inner self would become to be considered as the individuals real self, which reflected who the person really is. Today, people feel their selves are more accurately revealed by their interior thoughts and feelings rather than by the actions they take .

People also differ in their experience of self as they age and develop. Indeed, evidence indicates that people are not born with a sense of self, but that the notion that one is a separate and autonomous being is one that the child must develop. For example, suppose you placed a large orange mark on the forehead of a toddler, and then put the toddler in front of a mirror, a procedure known as a mark test. Children dont begin to show any recognition that it is their self that they are seeing in the mirror, reaching for their own foreheads to touch the mark, until they are between 18 and 24 months old.

The Process Of Self Psychology

Self-psychology developed the concept of being experience near as opposed to experience distant. Experience distant reflecting the potentially judgmental position. Experience near reflecting the internal experience of the individual-empathy.

Within;Self;Psychology empathy is the primary tool. It allows the therapist to enter the experience of the person at their level of experience. For example, if someone struggles to identify their sadness the therapist may see the facial display of sadness on the person but instead of saying youre sad they might say I wonder if you feel a bit down right now. This might seem like a too subtle distinction but it is a very important one.

The persons response invariably will let the therapist know if they have pitched the observation at the correct level. If the person takes what the therapist has said and expands on it, even a little bit, the empathic observation fits with the patients current self-state. But if the patient doesnt respond or becomes confused or silent or whatever the therapist will know that the observation is out of tune with the patients self-state, and has, in fact, been;unempathic. ;Getting in tune with the patient at the patients level is the goal of the Self Psychologist.

This idea of getting in tune with the persons self-state is the central building block of this approach.

Social Media Living Our Social Lives Online

Recent statistics suggest that there are around 2.5 billion global Internet users as of 2014 roughly 35 percent of the worlds population. Some sources suggest the true figure to be closer to 3 billion people, and this number will likely continue to grow, particularly with the increasing availability of mobile technology.


At the foundation of all human behavior is the selfour sense of personal identity and of who we are as individuals. Because an understanding of the self is so important, it has been studied for many years by psychologists ;and is still one of the most important and most researched topics in social psychology .;Social psychologists conceptualize the self using the basic principles of social psychologythat is, the relationship between individual persons and the people around them and the ABCs of social psychologythe affective, behavioral, and cognitive components of the self.

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Social Media: Helpful Or Harmful

Many people wonder if social media has impacted our self perceptions. Given the circumstances, is social media better than the alternative, that may involve further limiting your interactions with others? Anecdotally, clients in therapy often discuss stress related to social media, particularly in younger age groups. However, they also report that they would have difficulty staying in touch with peers if they were not active on social media networks.

Research on this topic, conducted prior to the pandemic, is mixed and still very much up for debate. One analysis of 100+ studies found that overall, social networking sites seem to average a negative impact on self esteem. However, its possible that those who already have negative self esteem use social networking as a substitute, according to the authors of the study. Some people may have an easier time interacting online than in person. We also dont know yet how the impact of social media may change due to social distancing measures.

The good news is that your self perception and way of interacting in the world are not set in stone. Through understanding yourself and others better, challenging your thoughts and behaviors, and seeking help if needed, you can protect and improve your social self, allowing you to thrive in our socially complex world.

Implications From Ego Psychology

Carl rogers theory of self pdf. Person. 2019

With respect to self-management skills and motives, the psychodynamic model focuses on the internal drives and familial influences involved in adaptation, self-preservation, and mastery as well as on the conflicts and complications involved with each. In this tradition, Freud envisioned self-management as stemming both from the drive for self-preservation and from the management functions of the ego and the superego. The influence of the superego comes through the conscience as the moderating moral agent and through the ego ideal as the internalization of positive values and aspirations from significant family members . Middle childhood is viewed as a period of latency wherein the superego has become strong enough to keep the disruptive forces of the id under control, thus allowing the ego to develop. Through development of the ego, coregulation of self and social forces increasingly supplants the more fundamental regulation based on impulse gratification. By its very definition as a period of latency, this ego development is not viewed as consciously involving intense conflict or struggle on the part of the individual. Furthermore, while some degree of external influence is acknowledged, traditional ego control theorists view self-control as a relatively stable personality characteristic deriving predominantly from forces within the self.

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The Formation Of Self

There are three general stages of self-concept development during early childhood:

  • Stage 1:;0 to 2 years-olda. Babies need consistent, loving relationships to develop a positive sense of self.b. Babies form preferences that align with their innate sense of self.c. Toddlers feel secure with gentle but firm limitsd. At age two, language skill develops and toddlers have a sense of me.
  • Stage 2:;3 to 4 years-olda. Three and four-year-olds begin to see themselves as separate and unique individuals.b. Their self-images tend to be descriptive rather than prescriptive or judgmental.c. Preschoolers are increasingly independent and curious about what they can do.
  • Stage 3:;5 to 6 years-olda. They are transitioning from the me stage to the us stage, where they are more aware of the needs and interests of the larger group.b. Kindergarteners can use their words to communicate their wants, needs, and feelings.c. Five and six-year-olds can use even more advanced language to help define themselves within the context of the group .
  • Create A Me Commercial

    This activity can be especially fun for the drama-loving students. Tell them that they are each going to make a two or three-minute commercial on why you should hire them.

    The commercial should focus on their special skills, talents, and positive qualities. It should highlight what is great about them and what they would bring to the fictional position they are auditioning for.

    Give the students some time to write their commercial, then have them present their commercials to the class. An alternative method for this activity is to have small groups create commercials for each group member.

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    What Is The Best Therapy For Low Self

    Fortunately, there is a treatment that research has shown is the most effective for remedying low self-esteem. It is cognitive behavioral therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy is the cutting-edge treatment of choice for most psychological problems. It is designed to be brief, problem-focused, and active.

    Component Models Of Self

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    Component models of self-regulation specify the processes that trigger self-regulation and the sequence in which they occur. Like the cognitive behavior formulations of self-regulation, these models emphasize the importance of cognitive mediating processes to understand the relationship between cognition and behavior. While originally formulated for application to adults, the study of their application to children is growing.

    While the various-component models differ in their specification of the critical processes involved , all emphasize the importance of monitoring or observing one’s own behavior, comparing ongoing performance to previously formed standards of values, and modifying behavior to reduce the perceived discrepancy between ongoing behavior and standards of comparison. Under the Kanfer model, for example, the child may develop new behaviors as well as regulate previously learned ones.

    The models also share an emphasis on self-knowledge as primary in self-regulation. Carver and Scheier explicitly implicate self-understanding in their description of the function and salience of self-monitoring and self-anchored reference standards or values . Attention or focus on the self serves an important mediating role in self-regulation. Directing attention to the self increases the tendency to compare one’s present state with relevant and salient reference values and results in increased conformity to these standards.

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    What Is Winnicotts Theory

    Winnicotts conception of the true and false selves are connected to his views on play. He believed that the false self was a mannerly, orderly, external self that enabled a person to fit into society. The true self, however, is the only self capable of creativity, and play helps a person develop this true self.

    I And Me: The Self In The Context Of Consciousness

    • Cognition and Philosophy Lab, Department of Philosophy, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

    James distinguished two understandings of the self, the self as Me and the self as I. This distinction has recently regained popularity in cognitive science, especially in the context of experimental studies on the underpinnings of the phenomenal self. The goal of this paper is to take a step back from cognitive science and attempt to precisely distinguish between Me and I in the context of consciousness. This distinction was originally based on the idea that the former corresponds to the self as an object of experience , while the latter reflects the self as a subject of experience . I will argue that in most of the cases this distinction maps onto the distinction between the phenomenal self and the metaphysical self , and as such these two issues should be investigated separately using fundamentally different methodologies. Moreover, by referring to Metzingers theory of phenomenal self-models, I will argue that what is usually investigated as the phenomenal-I can be interpreted as object, rather than subject of experience, and as such can be understood as an element of the hierarchical structure of the phenomenal self-model. This understanding relates to recent predictive coding and free energy theories of the self and bodily self discussed in cognitive neuroscience and philosophy.

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    Relational And Self Psychologies

    Social connections were of paramount importance for psychologists, such as George Herbert Mead and Charles H. Cooley, who argued that a childs sense of self and indeed all thought and emotion emerge through relationships with others, called objects by object psychologists, like Margaret Mahler and Heinz Kohut. Cooley coined the term looking glass self to capture how the self is built from the qualities seen reflected in the eyes of others. Among the interpersonal experiences that these relational and self psychologists contended were building blocks for a cohesive and balanced sense of self were the following: mirroring , merging , adversary , efficacy , and vitalizing . It was assumed that only other humans were eligible to provide such relationship benefits. However, human/animal interaction research finds that many children report these building blocks in their relationships with their pets . Thus, the range of self object experiences now includes other species, not just human/human bonds.

    Implications for AAT

    D.K. Freedheim, … S. Klostermann, in, 2016

    Can You Silence Your Inner Critic

    The Psychology of Self

    You can silence an inner critic, and one often-effective approach is self-transcendence: When people can shift their focus away from themselves and toward others, or the world at large, research shows, they are more likely to ignore or turn off their self-criticism and become more patient, self-compassionate, and open to self-improvement or seeking help from others.

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    Maslow argued that the failure to have needs met at various stages of the hierarchy could lead to illness, particularly psychiatric illness or mental health issues. Individuals whose physiological needs are not met may die or become extremely ill. When safety needs are not met, posttraumatic stress may occur.

    How To Improve Self

    Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to address problems with self-esteem. Some actions that you can take to help improve your self-esteem include:

    Low self-esteem can contribute to or be a symptom of mental health disorders, including anxiety and depression. Consider speaking with a doctor or therapist about available treatment options, which may include psychotherapy, medications, or a combination of both.

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    The Danger Of Negative Self

    The problem with negative self-talk is that it typically does not reflect reality, and so it can convince people, wrongly, that they are not only not good enough, but that they can never get better, paralyzing them into self-absorption and inaction.

    People with depression and anxiety frequently experience destructive and dysfunctional self-talk; the internal chatter they hear may be incessant and overly critical. Overwhelmed by the negativity, they can wallow in painful rumination, attacking themselves ceaselessly. In severe cases, this type of inner dialogue can be curtailed with professional treatment, such as cognitive behavioraltherapy.

    Is It Ok To Talk To Yourself

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    Many people use self-talk, either internal or aloud, to motivate themselves, and research shows that it can be beneficial, if done properly. In a study, people who used the first-person when talking to themselves before a task were less effective than those who spoke to themselves in the second- or third-person. Creating psychological distance in our self-talk, then, can help us calm down and face challenging moments.

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    What Is Negative Self

    Basically, negative self-talk is any inner dialogue you have with yourself that may be limiting your ability to believe in yourself and your own abilities, and to reach your potential. It is any thought that diminishes your ability to make positive changes in your life or your confidence in yourself to do so.

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    How Can I Make My Self

    You can make your self-talk work for you by closely monitoring it. Its easy to allow self-talk to become critical or dwell in second-guessing. When this happens, research shows, we become less successful at finding creative solutions for problemsand others may come to doubt us as well. Correcting your self-talk when its unconstructive can keep it focused on boosting you.

    How Does Negative Self

    What is Self

    The technique of reframing negative self-talk can be especially valuable when those thoughts focus on people’s bodies or appearance. When such thoughts arise, one can remind themself, Everyone feels like this sometimes, but how I feel about my appearance does not determine my worth, for example, or These are the legs that move me around in the world and the arms that hug the people I love.

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    Implicit Theories And Self

    A two-step process for recalling past states, proposed by Ross, suggests that:

  • The current state of attribute or belief is assessed
  • A theory of stability or change is invoked
  • Steps 1 and 2 are combined to infer the earlier state of attribute or belief
  • This theory suggests that recollection of past states would be biased if a person’s state has changed but they expect no change to have occurred, or if the state has remained constant when a change was expected.

    For example, an implicit theory of stability is often invoked when assessing political allegiances, therefore if this allegiance actually changes, recollection of past allegiance will be incorrect, and assumed to be the same as the current political identification.

    An implicit theory of change is invoked when a change in an attribute over time is expected. One example of this is a study by Conway and Ross, which demonstrates that if a change in skill is expected, but there is no actual improvement, people will believe that their past skill state was worse than it was.

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