Friday, July 26, 2024

Why Do You Love Biology

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You Enjoy Working And Collaborating With Others

Biology involves a lot of group projects and collaboration with others. Whether youre working on a lab, dissecting an organism, or need the notes from a class you might have missed, your classmates will be your best friends! Depending on what career you choose, chances are you will work in a very similar environment.

What Kind Of Job Can I Get By Studying Biology

Jobs for graduates with a degree in biology can be just as diverse as the nature of the study. Aside from working in a lab, many biologists find themselves in other closely related fields, such as agriculture, food processing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, health care, research and development and more.

Biology Is At The Heart Of Many Social And Economic Issues

Biology courses frequently get into matters outside and beyond the laboratory. The link between biology and vital issues like food distribution, commerce, and public health means that you cant ignore biology and still be a properly informed and active member of society.

When asked about implications for biology in important issues and why you should pay attention whether youre a biology student or not, Visick said, We don’t have to look much farther than the current events of right now, do we? A small handful of individuals have successfully spread so much misinformation about COVID-19, the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, and the anti-COVID vaccine that half our country remains unvaccinated. An important reason why such efforts can succeed is that not enough people know enough basic biology that they can distinguish misinformation and disinformation from good information.

He went on to say, Of course, COVID is far from the only biological issue of today. Environmental policy, healthcare issues, nutrition, and diet, agriculture, reproductive issues, personal health, drugs … many, many questions today require some understanding of biology.

So while we all have a responsibility to know something about biology, there is a great opportunity for any biology graduate with skills in communication and education to inform the public and help us make decisions that will have a huge impact on our lives.

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Is Biology A Level Harder Than Chemistry

At the end of the day for some students biology is the hardest as they find it difficult to memorise content and prefer the ability to understand and apply it, like in chemistry or physics. However, the general consensus among students and teachers is that chemistry is the hardest A Level science.

The Many Branches Of Biology

Biology Rocks with Concert Posters for Academic Lectures

Although there are only four unifying principles, biology covers a broad range of topics that are broken into many disciplines and subdisciplines.

On a high level, the different fields of biology can each be thought of as the study of one type of organism, according to “Blackie’s Dictionary of Biology ” . For example, zoology is the study of animals, botany is the study of plants and microbiology is the study of microorganisms.

Within those broader fields, many biologists specialize in researching a specific topic or problem. For example, a scientist may study behavior of a certain fish species, while another scientist may research the neurological and chemical mechanisms behind the behavior.

What is a scientific hypothesis?

There are numerous branches and subdisciplines of biology, but here is a short list of some of the more broad fields that fall under the umbrella of biology:

Biochemistry: The study of the chemical processes that take place in or are related to living things, according to the Biochemical Society . For example, pharmacology is a type of biochemistry research that focuses on studying how drugs interact with chemicals in the body, as described in a 2010 review in the journal Biochemistry.

Ecology: The study of how organisms interact with their environment. For example, an ecologist may study how honeybee behavior is affected by humans living nearby.

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Youll Do Amazing Internships That Will Change Your Life And The Lives Of Others

Along the way toward your exciting future career, youll take part in internships that will allow you to hone your skills and often apply them to work that helps others.

At ENC, students pursuing their biology degree have a variety of options to choose from. Here are just a few of the internship partners we work with:

  • Beth-Israel Deaconess Medical Center Many opportunities for students interested in medical biology to gain experience in a hospital environment.
  • CVS Pre-pharmacy students get hands-on experience applying biological sciences to alleviating pain, preventing illness and more through pharmacology.
  • Idaho Fish & Game Students interested in conservation can get in touch with nature and learn about the policies, practices and application of biological science to protecting wildlife.
  • Peace Corps If youre interested in applying biology to public health, these internships show you how to translate knowledge into community action.
  • Boston Museum of Science Students interested in teaching biology enjoy learning how to connect with young people and adults alike in this fun, dynamic educational environment.

Why I Love Biology

Whenever you look at the world around you it is utter mayhem. Contrasting opinions, ethical dilemmas, an environment and a society which seems completely indifferent to your own existence.

Studying biology is one of the few respites I have found from this all encompassing indifference. Has life arisen by chance? Yes. Is there a particular reason for it being here that would make us happy? No. Has this all assembled almost entirely at random, yes, but, in amongst the randomness of this world agents have persisted for a reason. They have formed adaptations which has lead them to this day for a reason. Through the way they perceive the world they have developed pathologies for a reason.

Biology has taught me that despite the world trying it’s best to remove you from it, you still exist til this day because you are the antithesis of meaninglessness.

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Biology Majors Are Prepared For A Wide Variety Of Careers And Skills

This major allows its students to pursue incredibly diverse types of jobs. Are you getting a BS in Biology? You can apply for med schools, law school, or MAT programs. You can end up selling insurance, being a science writer, working in pharmaceuticals, being a teacher, a wildlife biologist, a lab tech, professor, a dental assistant, a PA, a veterinarian, and countless other jobs. Its a wide open door into not just one path, but thousands. Who wouldnt want to maximize their postgrad college options?

Lighter Requirements In Grades

The requirement to study biology is easier to obtain than for many other courses. Most students are averse to Mathematics, Physics, and pretty much any course that requires intensive numerical calculations. This could be due to the nature of these subjects that requires a thorough understanding of one or more concepts for one to understand another.

Biology is light on pre-requisites in High School subjects. That makes it easier for many people to gain admission into universities to study courses related to biology. Although this comes with the drawback that there could be relatively too many students.

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So What Can You Do With A Biology Degree

Biology degrees are extensive, so as you might expect, careers for biology graduates are equally as wide-ranging. Careers you could pursue with a biology degree include:

Biology careers can lead you to study living organisms to help develop biological knowledge and understanding of living processes for a number of different purposes, including treatment of disease and sustaining the natural environment.

Many biology degree graduates choose to study at postgraduate level within a specialization or related field, in order to further their expertise and help career progression, although further study often isnt necessary for many.

Read on to find out more about the selection of typical and less typical biology careers available for both undergraduates and postgraduates.

Biology Careers In Environmental Conservation

As an environmental biologist youll be interested in solving environmental problems and helping to protect natural resources and plant and animal wildlife to conserve and sustain them for future generations. Careers with a biology degree which fall under this remit include marine and/or aquatic biologist, zoo biologist, conservation biologist, ecologist and environmental manager. Biologists in these roles carry out recovery programs for endangered species and provide education for the general public. Hiring industries include charities and not-for-profit organizations, government and the public sector and ecological consultancies.

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The Multidisciplinary Nature Of Biology

Biology is often researched in conjunction with other fields of study, including mathematics, engineering and the social sciences. Here are a few examples:

Astrobiology is the study of the evolution of life in the universe, including the search for extraterrestrial life, according to NASA . This field incorporates principles of biology with astronomy.

Bioarchaeologists are biologists who incorporate archaeological techniques to study skeletal remains and derive insights about how people lived in the past, according to George Mason University .

Bioengineering is the application of engineering principles to biology and vice versa, according to the University of California Berkeley . For example, a bioengineer might develop a new medical technology that better images the inside of the body, like an improved Magnetic Resonance Imaging that scans the human body at a faster rate and higher resolution, or apply biological knowledge to create artificial organs, according to the journal Cell Transplant.

Biotechnology involves using biological systems to develop products, according to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology . For example, biotechnologists in Russia genetically engineered a better-tasting and more disease-resistant strawberry, which the researchers described in their 2007 study published in the journal Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture 2006 and Beyond .

Biology Is An Endless Adventure


There are constantly new developments being made in this field. A person will never know all there is to know about science or biology. What could be more exciting than always having new things to learn about for the rest of your life? What could be more challenging? Science is about being investigative, thinking critically, always asking questions, and learning for life. I don’t know what’s more interesting than that. Whether my future takes me underneath the waves observing corals or tagging sharks, or whether I end up in the public school system teaching biology to high schoolers, this degree is one I will always be putting to good use and that I’m incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to earn.

Happy exploring!

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What Do Biology Graduates Do

Nearly a fifth are employed as natural and social science professionals and science, engineering and production technicians . Careers as teaching professionals, business, research and administrative professionals, sales, marketing and related associate professionals and business associate professionals are also popular.


Three Reasons To Study Biology:

  • Studying biology offers students more flexibility in their career paths. By not focusing on one specific discipline, biology majors are able to learn about all aspects of biology, like ecology, to cells, to marine life.
  • Do you like the idea of fieldwork, but also working in a lab? Well, by studying Biology you can do both. Unlike specific biology disciplines, studying biology allows you to do both one week you can put on a lab coat and look at cells in a microscope, and the following week put on your boots and explore nature.
  • If youre interested in continuing your studies at the post-graduate level, then majoring in biology during your undergrad is a good choice. Since it is research focused, and flexible to adapt to many disciplines, continuing your studies to the post-graduate level is a natural transition.
  • Read Also: What Makes Something Living Biology

    Youll Find Answers To Your Burning Questions About How Life Works

    Beyond the career opportunities a biology degree provides, youll enjoy the simple pleasure of taking a deep dive into the subject matter.

    Theres nothing more stimulating for a life sciences enthusiast than improving your understanding of the phenomena of life! Youll discover the secrets of:

    • Molecular biology, the most basic building blocks of the natural world.
    • Cellular biology, the smallest building blocks of all organisms.
    • Organisms, the inner-workings of living things.
    • Populations, the way living things interact and evolve.

    Ready To Start Your Journey

    In the 2017-2018 school year nearly 6% of all undergrad degrees were granted to people studying biological and biomedical sciences.

    One of the biggest reasons biology degrees are so popular is because they’re a bit like a Swiss Army knife. You can do a lot with a biology degree, depending on what subfield you study and whether you go to grad school or not. Biology majors can study Antarctic penguins, decode the genome of rogue viruses, engineer new plants, or become doctors, just to name a few options.

    However, biology can be a challenging field and not all biology degrees are created equal. There are many factors to consider when deciding whether to study biology in college.

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    Why I Love Biologytuesday 18 October 2016

    For Biology Week, we thought wed feature our Biology Tutor Josie Briggs who writes about how fascinating Biology is and why she loves it so much.

    Biology is inherently fascinating. From a very young age I have always loved reading and learning about science. Biology is unique because of the complexity of living things and how they interact with each other and the environment. Its intriguing to think that many rocks and minerals on Earth originated from living things. It is well known that chalk and limestone are the remains of small aquatic creatures especially shellfish, which died and fell onto the seabed and were buried and pressurised to turn them into rock. Also, marble is metamorphosed limestone or chalk which has been subjected to high temperatures and pressures. Less well known is that flints began as sponges. If it wasnt for living things, the mineralogy and geology of Earth would be completely different.

    When you look at a single cell under a microscope or in a micrograph, remember that this cell is awesomely complex. Nessa Careys book The Epigenetics Revolution describes how genes are activated and deactivated to cause cells to become specialised. Biologists have found that some of these epigenetic changes may be passed even to the fourth and fifth generations. This means that some behaviour or living conditions experienced by your great great grandparents may be affecting the way you are today.

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    Why Study Biology At Luther

    The foundation of Luthers biology major is itsrigorous academic program. The discipline ranges from studying the structure of biomolecules to the interactions of species with their environment. It also offers a customizable curriculum, which can help students get into professional and graduate programs or the job market. And because theres significant overlap in the preparation for any of these options, Luther students enjoy considerable flexibility in their curricular choices.

    Luthers strong biology program isled by dynamic educators who are active members of scientific community and leaders in scientific field.The faculty has experience over a broad range of subdisciplines which helps students study biology from many perspectives. Biology faculty also serve as academic advisors and thus work closely with students on their curricular choicesincluding social sciences and humanities along with natural sciencesto prepare them for their career choice.

    The biology department also offersexcellent internship opportunitiesthat take place for a semester or during January Term. These internships are work-oriented and observational rather than academic and give students a first-hand look at a profession.

    Luthers biology program providesnumerous opportunities to study abroadso that students can broaden their educational experience. They can choose to study abroad during January Term, during the summer, or for a semester.

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    Undergraduate Vs Graduate Degrees In Biology

    The next question to consider is how far you should take your education. Not all degrees are available at all levels of study. For example, epidemiology degrees are only available as graduate degrees, as are veterinary degrees. It’s common for people to choose a broad biology degree, such as general biology, for their undergrad and then specialize in a more specific topic as they advance, but this isn’t always the case.

    A good question to ask yourself is where you’d like to end up. For example, if you want to be a professor of virology or a surgeon, you’ll need to get an advanced graduate degree. Alternatively, if you’d rather just work in the lab and leave all the grant-writing or patient-handling to others, you may be better off earning a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

    Increasing your level of education often leads to a higher salary, but it can also make you overqualified for some roles and limit your options. It can sometimes be tough to get a foothold with an advanced degree because the number of positions available may be relatively small. This is where networking can help set you apart from your competition.

    If your network is small, consider enrolling in for-credit internship and practicum experiences while youre in school.

    Based on these numbers, your chances of finding a job as a nurse are probably much greater than your chances of finding a job as a wildlife biologist.

    If You Are Unable To Understand It

    7 Reasons Why You Should Be Dating A Biology Major

    Some concepts of biology might be difficult to understand. For this, you can try reading any other standard text book or may be you can approach any teacher . If a teacher is unapproachable, you can ask any of your friend who has understood it to explain that to you. Even if a friend refuses to help you, dont worry. You can rely on the videos available online or on e-classes if available. After this, if you still face trouble, sit with a calm mind and try to think in a different way. It might help you out.

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