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Who First Used The Term Geography

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Th~18th Centuries In The West

Geography first term paper for grade 6 students in english medium
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Relazioni Universali

Geography as a science experiences excitement and exerts influence during the Scientific Revolution and Religion Reformation. In the Victorian period, the oversea exploration gave it institutional identity and geography was “the science of imperialism par excellence.” Imperialism is a crucial concept for the Europeans, as the institution become involved in geographical exploration and colonial project. Authority was questioned, and utility gained its importance. In the era of Enlightenment, geography generated knowledge and made it intellectually and practically possible as a university discipline. The natural theology required geography to investigate the world as a grand machine from the Divine. Scientific voyages and travels constructed geopolitical power from geographical knowledge, partly sponsored by Royal Society. John Pinkerton appraised the eighteenth century had “the gigantic progress of every science, and in particular of geographical information” and “alteration has taken place in states and boundaries.”

Over the past two centuries the quantity of knowledge and the number of tools has exploded. There are strong links between geography and the sciences of geology and botany, as well as economics, sociology and demographics.

Urban And Regional Planning

Urban planning and regional planning use the science of geography to assist in determining how to develop the land to meet particular criteria, such as safety, beauty, economic opportunities, the preservation of the built or natural heritage, etcetera.

The planning of towns, cities and rural areas may be seen as applied geography although it also draws heavily upon the arts, the sciences and lessons of history. Some of the issues facing planning are considered briefly under the headings of rural exodus, urban exodus and Smart Growth.

Geography Careers In The Information Age

Geography careers in the 21st Century are represented in many exciting fields that offer careers in government, business, non-profit organizations, and education. All these sectors offer standard to above standard remunerations that are competitive with other careers. The new information age GIScience courses offer basic and advanced geographic information systems, remote sensing, cartographic visualization, and spatial statistics. The American Association of Geographers website is a starting point in getting oriented with the field of geography. The website includes answers and links to those interested in a career in geography. There are also Graduate Student Assistants programs, post-Doctoral programs, and internships in information assistance, each of which also helps in prospective geographers’ professional development and career planning.

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From The Nature Of Geography:

The ultimate purpose of geography, the study of areal differentiation of the world, is most clearly expressed in regional geography only by constantly maintaining its relation to regional geography can systematic geography hold to the purpose of geography and not disappear into other sciences. On the other hand, regional geography in itself is sterile without the continuous fertilization of generic concepts and principles from systematic geography, it could not advance to higher degrees of accuracy and certainty in interpretation or its findings.

How Many Americans Have A Phd In Psychology

This 509

In fact, since 1998 the number of psychology PhDs awarded has dropped about 13 percent, from 3,676 to 3,199, the survey found. The figures reflect a larger trend in higher education: The total number of PhDs awarded in the United States has dropped 6.3 percent since an all-time high of 42,652 in 1998.

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Is A History Degree Hard

History is an enjoyable degree to study and it gives the flexibility to choose between a wide range of courses. It requires hard work and long hours spent writing essays and reading, but because of its flexibility you can study what you are really interested in, thus making the workload seem somewhat less agonising.

Towards A Comprehensive Approach To Mobility

19Individuals visit a place, but not only one place. This is why we speak of mobility. Indeed, we must take into account the ensemble of places visited, what could be termed, from the individuals point of view, an individual system of mobility . This would allow us to consider the structuring and possible substitution of different kinds of mobility: commuting as a substitute for migration in the case of a change in residence, links between business trips and tourist trips, etc. A comprehensive approach also attempts to embrace the different geographical practices which involve mobility.

Table 1. The first distinction: daily place/non-daily place.

Source: modified from Stock , Knafou et al.

Table. 2. The second distinction: towards a geographical code of practices.

23These elements define a certain geographical code of practices which corresponds to the combination of the different elements. Each practice playing football, doing research, going on holiday, going to the cinema, and so on can therefore be expressed by different geographical dimensions.

Table 3. Some examples of a geographical code of practices.

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The Relationship Of Physical Geography To Human Geography

In an Introduction to Geography classes a fellow instructor likes to stress the point that physical and human geography are completely separate disciplines and that there can be NO mixing between the two. In fact, he makes a big deal that they must write this down and put stars by it in their notes as this important point will most certainly be on the test. He then stops and lets them think about this statement as they dutifully write it down.

Now you might be thinking that this contention that physical and human geography are completely separate and can never be mixed seems nonsensicaland you would be correct. Eventually, a few of the students start to grin and perhaps a bold one might challenge the instructor .

The instructor then gets to point out to the students the fallacy of such a contention and makes the point that physical and human geography, like the sides of a coin, are absolutely inseparable. We know that physical systems can have enormous impacts on human systems . We also know that human impacts on the environment have been great, as humans have always modified the surface of the planet to scratch out a living or to build great civilizations .

Here is the fundamental contention that justifies this whole course:

Required Reading

Elements Of A Practice

Class 12 | CBSE | Geography First Term Syllabus | Session 2021-22 | Explanation in Simple Language

15We approach mobility as a practice in order to acquire knowledge on mobility practices. More generally, the purpose is to understand and reconstruct what people do when associating practices and places. Thus, mobility is approached as a practice related to places. This approach is conceived in order to see practices not only as social practices, but also as geographical practices: they are always related to a place, and they take place. One can put forward the hypothesis that different practices express and require different places in order to be adequate. That means that each practice has its more or less appropriate place, whose qualities fit with the practices: for example, going on holiday in a tourist place rather than in an industrial city. This would be the functional aspect of practising places. However, there is also a symbolic aspect: a different degree of involvement to cite the word used by Elias in describing a certain way of being or insideness to use the term employed by Relph to define one way of being with places.

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A Brief History Of Geography As A Field Of Study

The Greeks are the first known culture to actively explore geography as a science and philosophy, with major contributors including Thales of Miletus, Herodotus, Eratosthenes, Hipparchus, Aristotle, Dicaearchus of Messana, Strabo, and Ptolemy. Mapping by the Romans as they explored new lands added new techniques.

During the Middle Ages, Arabs such as Idrisi, Ibn Battuta, and Ibn Khaldun built on and maintained the Greek and Roman learnings. Following the journeys of Marco Polo, interest in geography spread throughout Europe.

During the Renaissance and into the 16th and 17th centuries the great voyages of exploration revived a desire for solid theoretical foundations and accurate detail. The Geographia Generalis by Bernhardus Varenius and Gerardus Mercators world map are prime examples.

What Are The Key Concepts Of Geography

In VCE Geography, the ten key geographical concepts are: place, scale, distance, distribution, movement, region, change, process, spatial association and sustainability. It will become clear through your work with the concepts in this chapter that they interconnect with, and support one another extensively.

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Is A Psychology Degree Employable

Psychology graduates gain an impressive range of skills that make them highly employable: A key factor behind this success story is that psychology graduates acquire diverse knowledge and an impressive range of skills that make them highly employable across an enviable range of professions that offer real prospects.

Notable Geographers Through The Ages

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The Babylonians were the first cartographers but the Greeks were the first geographers. These were the men who science owes for their contribution to geography. Eratosthenes was the first to simplify the science of geography with his works on longitude and latitude. The 12th Century geographer Al Idrisi made a map of North Africa and Eurasia that included the histories of the peoples and cultures in these areas. The 18th Century Prussian naturalist Alexander Humboldt wrote Kosmos, a book about geography and natural science. Another 18th Century scholar, the German Emmanuel Kant, was known for treating geography as an intellectual science. The 19th century saw Carl Ritter, also of Germany, as one of the most important geographers in history. The 20th Century Italian Arnold Faustini also made his mark in geography, and one of the moon’s craters was later named after in his honor.

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The Necessity For Geographic Literacy

The world is getting smaller, more crowded, and more integrated as the population expands, resources diminish, and globalization brings us all closer together. The US is a “hyper-power” with unprecedented influence around the globe. For the citizens of such a country that is also a democracy comes a duty to be geographically literateto understand how this planet works in terms of its physical and human geographies. Geographically illiterate citizens will at best be ignorant of what their government is doing globally, and at worst support their government in making bad decisions that are detrimental to national, regional, and global stability and well being.

Globalization means that America will interact with its global neighbors through combinations of cooperation, competition, and occasional conflicts. Thus it is essential that American citizens be geographically literate so that they may hopefully cooperate most of the time, compete some of the time, and occasionally engage in conflict. Viewed this way, geographic illiteracy might be seen as a threat to national security. Of course this is true for citizens of other nations as well, however national rankings of geography literacy show that our neighbors abroad understand the importance of geographic knowledge and do not suffer our illiteracy.

Required Reading

Why Geography MattersMore than Ever

Registered students can access a PDF of the reading in Lesson 01 in Canvas.

Geography Word Of The Week: Photogrammetry

  • Image of Washington, D.C. from a digital orthophoto quadrangle, an aerial or satellite photo that has been corrected so its pixels align with latitude and longitude lines. This correction technique is a part of photogrammetry.


Definition:Photogrammetry is the science of obtaining reliable information and measurements about the properties of surfaces and objects without physical contact with the objects through photographs, for mapping and surveying.

Origin:The German geographer Otto Kersten first introduced the term in 1867 in the title of an article that was published in the Architectural Society Weekly Journal. The word photogrammetry” is derived from the three Greek words phos or phot, meaning light gramma, which means letter or something drawn, and metrein, the noun of measure.

Example:Photogrammetry is commonly used in mapping, architecture, geology and engineering. Meteorologists can also use it as a way to determine the actual wind speed of a tornado.

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Examples Of Geography In A Sentence

geographygeographygeographyForbesgeography USA TODAYgeography chicagotribune.comgeography Washington Postgeography Anchorage Daily NewsgeographyNew York TimesgeographyLos Angeles Timesgeography Star Tribune

These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘geography.’ Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.

The Definition In Practice

geography first term paper for grade 6 English medium students

This definition of geography works well for several reasons. First, it emphasizes that geography is a methodology. It stresses the geographic way of organizing and analyzing information pertaining to the location, distribution, pattern, and interactions of the varied physical and human features of Earth’s surface. All geographic inquiry should begin with the question, “Where?” Geographers and all other scientists ask “Why?” And, of course, most major Earth-bound events, features, and conditions can and often do have some impact on our lives, thereby begging the question, “Why care?”

An example on the global scale, petroleum resources in the Middle East certainly have contributed to a host of conflicts, and “petro-politics” surely will be a major issue for decades to come. Oil production, distribution, consumption, and trade all impact the lives of several billion people daily.

The definition I describe is clear and concise. It places no limitation on what geographers study it clearly identifies the discipline’s unique methodologythe spatial dimension of features, including where they are, in what patterns they occur, what important relationships exist, and so forth.

*Charles F. Gritzner, “What Is Where, Why There, and Why Care?,” Journal of Geography, 101, no. 1 , pp. 3840.

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Who Was The First To Use The Term Geography

Stores of knowledge were built up about such new and exotic places, as demonstrated by the Greek philosopher and world traveler Herodotus in the 5th century bce. That knowledge became known as geography, a term first used as the title of Eratosthenes of Cyrenes book Geographica in the 3rd century bce.

Keltie The Rgs And Geographical Education

Geography in many different forms had been a part of the teaching of British universities in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries, and included mathematical geography, historical geography, cosmography, descriptive geography, astronomical geography, and chorography, and often linked to theology. There were also geographers in the English and Scottish royal courts, and the subject was taught in schools and promoted by learned societies.

The spread of new ideas and data in geography from the late eighteenth century onward was spatially uneven, reflecting both national and local traditions and preferences. Within Europe, innovative geography advanced at a more rapid pace in France and Germany than it did in Britain, for example. This was clearly shown by the survey of geography teaching undertaken in the late nineteenth century for the RGS, which became increasingly concerned with the minimal interest in geography within the British educational system, including the schools and universities, civil service, and the army and navy. In 1869 the society had instituted the award of public schools medals for the promotion of geography, but the system was ineffective and discontinued in 1884.

In 1885 there were, according to Keltie, 12 chairs of geography in Germany, with two in the process of being added in Münster and Berlin , eight in Austria-Hungary, eight in France , 12 in Italy, one in Switzerland, one in Belgium, and none in Sweden.

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Connecting With Space And Place

Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earths surface and the human societies spread across it. They also examine how human culture interacts with the natural environment and the way that locations and places can have an impact on people. Geography seeks to understand where things are found, why they are there, and how they develop and change over time.

Who Made A Notable Contribution To The Knowledge Of Geography

Geography Assignment Help

Geographic knowledge saw strong growth in Europe and the United States in the 1800s. This period also saw the emergence of a number of societies interested in geographic issues. In Germany, Alexander von Humboldt, Carl Ritter, and Fredrich Ratzel made substantial contributions to human and physical geography.

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The Four Traditions Of Geography

There are some other ways to conceptualize the field of geography. Parkinson suggested that geography has four traditions: The Earth Science Tradition, Culture-Environment Tradition, Locational Tradition, and Area Analysis Tradition. Geographic techniques support these traditions. The chart below shows how selected subdisciplines fit within these four traditions.

Calculating The Circumference Of The Earth

Eratosthenes’ most famous contribution to science was his calculation of the circumference of the Earth, which he completed while working on the second volume of his “Geography.”

After hearing about a deep well at Syene where sunlight only struck the bottom of the well on the summer solstice, Eratosthenes worked out a method by which he could calculate the circumference of the Earth using basic geometry. Knowing that the Earth was a sphere, he needed only two critical measurements to calculate the circumference. Eratosthenes already knew the approximate distance between Syene and Alexandria, as measured by camel-powered trade caravans. He then measured the angle of the shadow in Alexandria on the solstice. By taking the angle of the shadow and dividing it into the 360 degrees of a circle , Eratosthenes could then multiply the distance between Alexandria and Syene by the result to determine the circumference of the Earth.

Remarkably, Eratosthenes determined the circumference to be 25,000 miles, just 99 miles over the actual circumference at the equator . Although Eratosthenes made a few mathematical errors in his calculations, the, canceled each other out and yielded an amazingly accurate answer that still causes scientists to marvel.

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