Monday, September 30, 2024

What Is Tourism Geography Definition

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Why Join The Ecotourism Movement


Joining the ecotourism cause is a way of guaranteeing the tourism industry will continue prospering and providing social and economic benefits to destinations and communities throughout the globe. Ecotourism provides the opportunity for immersion into the natural world in an enjoyable and effective manner, resulting in greater compassion and better stewardship of the worlds remaining natural wonders.

Cultural Tourism In Dubai

Dubai might not be the first destination that comes to mind when you think of cultural tourism, but it does, in fact, have a great offering.

What I find particular intriguing about Dubai is the mix of old and new. One minute you can be exploring the glitz and glamour of the many high-end shopping malls and skyscrapers and the next you can be walking through a traditional Arabian souk.

Ecotourism: The Principles Behind It

TIES highlights some principles associated with what ecotourism stands for: more than minimizing physical, social, behavioral, and psychological impacts, ecotourism is also about building a culture of environmental respect and protection while providing positive experiences to visitors and hosts. On the hosts side, an ecotourism mindset is one generating value for local people and the industry, and they should help deliver remarkable experiences to visitors while raising their sensitivity to local environmental, political or social issues.

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Cultural Tourism In India

It is impossible not to visit India and experience the culture. Even if you are staying in a 5 star Western all-inclusive hotel in Goa, you will still test Indian curries, be spoken to by Indian workers and see life outside of the hotel on your transfer to and from the airport.

For most people who travel to India, however, cultural tourism is far more than peeking outside of the enclave tourism bubble of their all-inclusive hotel.

Thousands of international tourists visit the Taj Mahal each year. Many more people visit the various Hindu and Buddhist temples scattered throughout the country as well as the various Mosques. Some visit the famous Varanassi to learn about reincarnation.

Most tourists who visit India will try the local dal, eat the fresh mutton and taste chai.

All of these activities are popular cultural tourism activities.

What Is Space In Geography

Geography of tourism


. Keeping this in consideration, what is space in human geography?

In the humanistic geography space and place are important concepts. Space is something abstract, without any substantial meaning. While place refers to how people are aware of/attracted to a certain piece of space.

Secondly, why space is so important in geography? Time is important to Physical Geographers because the spatial patterns they study can often only be explained in historic terms. Concrete space represents the real world or environment. Abstract space models reality in a way that distills much of the spatial information contained in the real world.

Keeping this in view, what is an example of space in geography?

Space is for example described in kilometers or miles. There is also another mathematical space, the topological space. This space is defined as the connections or connectivity between points in space. The relative measurements of space can take the form of socioeconomic or experiential or cultural space.

What is space in simple words?

Space in simple understanding is an area or volume. Space or spacing may also refer to: In science: Outer space, the area beyond the limit of the atmosphere of Earth. Space , one of the fundamental concepts like time and mass.

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Naics: The North American Industry Classification System

Given the sheer size of the tourism industry, it can be helpful to break it down into broad industry groups using a common classification system. The North American Industry Classification System was jointly created by the Canadian, US, and Mexican governments to ensure common analysis across all three countries . The tourism-related groupings created using NAICS are :

  • Accommodation
  • Food and beverage services
  • Recreation and entertainment
  • Transportation
  • Travel services
  • These industry groups are based on the similarity of the labour processes and inputs used for each . For instance, the types of employees and resources required to run an accommodation business whether it be a hotel, motel, or even a campground are quite similar. All these businesses need staff to check in guests, provide housekeeping, employ maintenance workers, and provide a place for people to sleep. As such, they can be grouped together under the heading of accommodation. The same is true of the other four groupings, and the rest of this text explores these industry groups, and other aspects of tourism, in more detail.

    Before we seek to understand the five tourism sectors in more detail, its important to have an overview of the history and impacts of tourism to date.

    Tourism Travel And Hospitality: What Are The Differences

    It is common to confuse the terms tourism, and hospitality or to define them as the same thing. While tourism is the all-encompassing umbrella term for the activities and industry that create the tourist experience, the UNWTO defines travel as the activity of moving between different locations often for any purpose but more so for leisure and recreation . On the other hand, hospitality can be defined as the business of helping people to feel welcome and relaxed and to enjoy themselves . Simply put, the hospitality industry is the combination of the accommodation and food and beverage groupings, collectively making up the largest segment of the industry . Youll learn more about accommodations and F & B in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4, respectively.

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    The Benefits And Reasons Why Ecotourism Has Been Growing

    Among the reasons that help understand why ecotourism has been growing are:

    • It is easier to access remote ecotourism destination nowadays thanks to cheap flights and accessible infrastructures
    • Many people are not happy or feel fulfilled with traditional tourism destinations and activities so theres a greater interest in challenging and more educative tourism
    • There is a greater awareness about the need to protect the environment and desire to contribute towards this cause
    • Travelers wish to be perceived as different and eco-friendly
    • Ecotourism may help protect sensitive environment locations and raise awareness on local environmental and social delicate issues
    • It may also generate income opportunities for local people

    In The Library’s Collections

    Geography and it’s importance to Tourism

    Tourism as a subject search brings up many results. Below are a few of the narrower, more specific subject headings.

    General books on Travel and Tourism are located in the call number range G 149 through G 180 on Baker Level A.Books on specific tourism spots or tourist trade in specific countriesare located with books about that country. The online catalog is yourbest guide for finding these items.

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    Ecotourism Vs Conventional Tourism: Whats The Difference

    • There is a greater chance of eco-tourists traveling to nature-surrounded sites compared to mass tourists looking for plenty of distractions, cultural sites, and the busy life of large cities
    • Ecotourism usually means travelers make their own travel arrangements, while mass tourism relies on a greater number of travel agents and tour operators
    • With mass tourism, the expectations are that there are many different services involved, while in ecotourism site there are only a few if any, services involved
    • Ecotourism activities are usually nature-related and, therefore, tend to be more physically demanding whereas typical tourism is more comfortable and less physical
    • Small groups and long-term stays are also common in ecotourism travelers, while mass tourism often relies on large groups staying for short time periods

    What Are The Geographical Components Of Tourism

    4/5geographical elementsTouristTourist

    People also ask, what are the geographical elements of the tourism system?

    GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES Leiper outlines three geographical elements in his model: 1) Traveller-generating region 2) Tourist destination region and 3) Transit route region. ? The tourist destination functions as a ‘pull’ factor in the market and provide an area for most of the tourism activity.

    Subsequently, question is, what are the components of the travel and tourism industry? components of tourism industry Hotel and accommodation. It includes lodges, resorts, tourist homes, guest houses, eating establishments etcetera. Transportation services that include air, water, road, rail and foot. Entertainment services that is casinos, social halls, churches and mosques.

    Subsequently, one may also ask, what does tourism mean in geography?

    Tourism geography is the study of travel and tourism, as an industry and as a social and cultural activity. Tourism geography is that branch of human geography that deals with the study of travel and its impact on places. Geography is fundamental to the study of tourism, because tourism is geographical in nature.

    How tourism is related to geography?

    The subject can be broken down into six essential elements:

    • The world in spatial terms.
    • Places and regions.

    different typesKinds of TourismTourism

    • Cultural tourism.

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    Cultural Tourism Explained: What Why And Where

    This post may contain affiliate links. Read my full disclaimer here. Always remember to be a responsible tourist. See this travel resources post to plan your next trip.

    Cultural tourism is big business. Some people seek to embark on their travels with the sole intention of having a cultural experience, whereas others may experience culture as a byproduct of their trip. We can argue that there is some form of cultural tourism in most holidays .

    But what do we mean by the term cultural tourism? Whats it all about? In this post I will explain what is meant by the term cultural tourism, providing a range of academic definitions. I will also explain what the different types of cultural tourists are, give examples of cultural tourism activities and discuss the impacts of cultural tourism. Lastly, I will provide a brief summary of some popular cultural tourism destinations.

    The Origins Of Tourism

    Geography of Tourism

    By the early 21st century, international tourism had become one of the worlds most important economic activities, and its impact was becoming increasingly apparent from the Arctic to Antarctica. The history of tourism is therefore of great interest and importance. That history begins long before the coinage of the word tourist at the end of the 18th century. In the Western tradition, organized travel with supporting infrastructure, sightseeing, and an emphasis on essential destinations and experiences can be found in ancient Greece and Rome, which can lay claim to the origins of both heritage tourism and beach resorts. The Seven Wonders of the World became tourist sites for Greeks and Romans.

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    Is Tourism Good For A Country

    Group task:Discuss the advantages and disadvantages that tourism can bring to an area. Each person in the group needs to create a table and include as many ideas as possible. You will need to explain them, see the example below.Extension: Select two different coloured highlighters and separate out your ideas into:

    • Economic reasons

    Types Of Cultural Tourists

    In attempt to understand the scope of cultural tourism academics have developed a number of typologies, usually based upon the tourists level of motivation.

    Culturally interested tourists demonstrate a general interest in culture and consume cultural attractions casually as part of a holiday rather than consciously planning to do so.

    Culturally motivated tourists consume culture as a major part of their trip, but do not choose their destination on the basis of specific cultural experiences, whereas for culturally inspired tourists culture is the main goal of their holiday.

    A more complex typology was proposed by McKercher and Du Cros , who defined tourists based upon the depth of the cultural experience sought, distinguishing them in to one of five hierarchical categories.

    The first is the purposeful cultural tourist for whom cultural tourism is their primary motive for travel. These tourists have a very deep cultural experience.

    The second category is the sightseeing cultural tourist for whom cultural tourism is a primary reason for visiting a destination, but the experience is more shallow in nature.

    The serendipitous cultural tourist does not travel for cultural reasons, but who, after participating, ends up having a deep cultural tourism experience, whilst the casual cultural tourist is weakly motivated by culture and subsequently has a shallow experience.

    Adapting this theory, Petroman et al segments tourists based upon their preferred cultural activities.

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    Definition Of Tourist And Excursionist

    Building on the definition of tourism, a commonly accepted description of a tourist is someone who travels at least 80 km from his or her home for at least 24 hours, for business or leisure or other reasons . The United Nations World Tourism Organization helps us break down this definition further by stating tourists can be:

  • Domestic
  • Inbound
  • Outbound
  • Excursionists on the other hand are considered same-day visitors . Sometimes referred to as day trippers. Understandably, not every visitor stays in a destination overnight. It is common for travellers to spend a few hours or less to do sightseeing, visit attractions, dine at a local restaurant, then leave at the end of the day.

    The scope of tourism, therefore, is broad and encompasses a number of activities and sectors.

    Spotlight On: United Nations World Tourism Organization

    UNWTO is the United Nations agency responsible for the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism . Its membership includes 159 countries and over 500 affiliates such as private companies, research and educational institutions, and non-governmental organizations. It promotes tourism as a way of developing communities while encouraging ethical behaviour to mitigate negative impacts. For more information, visit the UNWTO website.

    What Is The Impact Of Tourism

    Subject knowledge animation: What is Ecotourism?

    Benefits and problems of tourismTourism can bring both benefits and problems to an area.

    Positive effects of tourism include:

    • Creates employment opportunities for local people
    • Promotes cultural awareness and can help preserve local culture andtraditions e.g. Masai Mara in Kenya
    • Income from tourists can be used to develop local infrastructure andservices e.g. new roads and airports. In LEDCs money can be spent on developing access to education, clean water and sanitation
    • Foreign currency can help local people
    • Natural features that attract tourists in the first place can beprotected using income from tourism

    The negative effects of tourism include:

    • Tourism can have a negative environmental impact. This is at a rangeof scales. The increase in air travel has contributed towardsincreased carbon dioxide emissions. On a local level natural featuresthat attract tourists are themselves under threat due to humanactions
    • often local people are employed in low skill, poorly paid work inunsatisfactory working conditions
    • travel agents, airline companies and hoteliers benefit more than local companies when holidays are booked to destinations in LEDCs companies based in MEDCs set up luxury hotels in LEDCs. The profits usually return to MEDCs. They also create more competition for locally run guest houses
    • destroys local culture and traditions as areas becomes more westernised

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    Glossary Of Tourism Terms

    Tourism is a social, cultural and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business/professional purposes. These people are called visitors and tourism has to do with their activities, some of which involve tourism expenditure.

    Activity/activities: In tourism statistics, the term activities represent the actions and behaviors of people in preparation for and during a trip in their capacity as consumers .

    Activity : The principal activity of a producer unit is the activity whose value added exceeds that of any other activity carried out within the same unit .

    Activity : The activity carried out by a statistical unit is the type of production in which it engages. It has to be understood as a process, i.e. the combination of actions that result in a certain set of products. The classification of productive activities is determined by their principal output.

    Administrative data: Administrative data is the set of units and data derived from an administrative source. This is a data holding information collected and maintained for the purpose of implementing one or more administrative regulations.

    Aggregated data: The result of transforming unit level data into quantitative measures for a set of characteristics of a population.

    Aggregation: A process that transforms microdata into aggregate-level information by using an aggregation function such as count, sum average, standard deviation, etc.

    What Is Cultural Geography

    Some of the main cultural phenomena studied in cultural geography include language, religion, different economic and governmental structures, art, music, and other cultural aspects that explain how and/or why people function as they do in the areas in which they live. Globalization is also becoming increasingly important to this field as it is allowing these specific aspects of culture to easily travel across the globe.

    Cultural landscapes are also important because they link culture to the physical environments in which people live. This is vital because it can either limit or nurture the development of various aspects of culture. For instance, people living in a rural area are often more culturally tied to the natural environment around them than those living in a large metropolitan area. This is generally the focus of the “Man-Land Tradition” in the Four Traditions of geography and studies human impact on nature, the impact of nature on humans, and peoples perception of the environment.

    Cultural geography developed out of the University of California, Berkeley and was led by Carl Sauer. He used landscapes as the defining unit of geographic study and said that cultures develop because of the landscape but also help to develop the landscape as well. In addition, his work and the cultural geography of today is highly qualitative rather than quantitative a main tenant of physical geography.

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    Keeping Up With The Journal Literature

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