Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Is Biological Monitoring In Ecosystems

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A Biological Systems: Species Diversity

Biological Monitoring-Invertebrate Sampling

Another way ecologists assess ecosystem health is through diversity metrics. How many different species are present and the distribution of their abundance are key measurements of health. Researchers commonly use the Shannon Diversity Index or Simpsons Diversity Index, which combine these metrics , allowing changes to be quantified over time and compared. In addition to how many species are present, what are those species provides a deeper understanding of the community structure.

How Is A Bmi Sample Evaluated What Are The Metrics

Once the benthic macroinvertebrates in a stream sample have been picked, sorted and identified under a dissecting microscope to the level of order and family, they can be used to assess the health of the stream as a home for aquatic life. The assessment is based on which orders and families of insects are present and how well they tolerate degraded conditions. There are five main metrics used to evaluate stream health.

Why Is Environmental Monitoring Important

Monitoring programs have been criticized as “costing too much while delivering too little.” However, environmental monitoring serves a vital scientific role by revealing long-term trends that can lead to new knowledge and understanding. For example, Charles David Keeling’s long-term measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide at Mauna Loa, HI provided the first unmistakable evidence that carbon dioxide emissions from human activities were warming the Earth. As a result of Keeling’s and other scientists’ careful and consistent monitoring, global climate change is now widely accepted as scientific fact.

Monitoring is also essential for evaluating environmental planning and policy. Without monitoring, projects cannot prove their success or identify areas for improvement. For example, the effectiveness of nearly $15 billion of river restoration projects initiated in the US since 1990 is not known due to the absence of monitoring. Due to its unique contributions to science and practice, monitoring is an integral aspect of ecological research, management, and policy.

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Shotgun Sequencing Of Edna From Seawater

Figure 1

Assignment of sequences recovered from the shotgun library of eDNA collected from Coral Bay in west Australia. Pie chart segments represent the percentage of sequences that were assigned to taxa using the software MEGAN 5.11.3. Sequences that were assigned to fish were further mined for commonly used DNA barcodes the number of fish barcodes identified in the dataset is displayed in the box insert.

Pcr Metabarcoding And Sequencing

A Review of Biological Monitoring of Aquatic Ecosystems ...

Libraries for sequencing were made by pooling amplicons into equimolar ratios based on qPCR Ct values and band intensity on a 2% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide. Amplicons in each library were size-selected using a Pippin Prep and purified using the Qiaquick PCR Purification Kit . The volume of purified library added to the sequencing run was determined using qPCR against DNA standards of known molarity as in Murray et al.. Depending on the amplicon size, libraries were either unidrectionally sequenced using a 300 cycle MiSeq® V2 Reagent Kit and nano flow cell, or with paired-end sequencing using a 500 cycle MiSeq® V2 Reagent Kit and standard flow cell on an Illumina MiSeq platform located in the TrEnD Laboratory at Curtin University. Sequence data is available from the Dryad Digital Repository:

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Structure Of The Ecosystem

The structure of an ecosystem is characterised by the organisation of both biotic and abiotic components. This includes the distribution of energy in our environment. It also includes the climatic conditions prevailing in that particular environment.

The structure of an ecosystem can be split into two main components, namely:

  • Biotic Components
  • Abiotic Components

The biotic and abiotic components are interrelated in an ecosystem. It is an open system where the energy and components can flow throughout the boundaries.

Structure of Ecosystem highlighting the biotic and abiotic factors

A Biological Systems: Ecosystem Services

Ecosystem services are the direct and indirect benefits provided by an ecosystem benefits such as clean air and water, food production, recreation, and local climate regulation.² These services benefit the organisms in the ecosystem, including humans. For example, lets take an oyster reef . The physical structure of the oyster reef provides habitat for young fish and other small animals.³ The oysters themselves filter excess nutrients and particles out of the water, improving water quality and clarity.³ Oysters are a source of seafood for people to eat. These are all services provided by the oyster reef ecosystem. If, however, humans remove too many oysters to eat, the reef no longer functions. Tipped too far, the system may not be able to recover on its own . Ecosystem services are an indicator of the health of the system, and their continued delivery is essential to a well functioning environment.

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Preventive Actions And Research Priorities

Governmental Agencies and industry have been working for decades to lower benzene exposures by decreasing the content in gasoline, reducing automobile emissions, removing benzene from consumer products and by recommending that individuals stop smoking.

In EU, the improvement of benzene knowledge about risk, kind of use and total amount marked is also due to the introduction of Regulation EC No 1907/2006, better known as REACH . Very recently, regulations commission regulation 2015/1494 has amended Annex XVII to Regulation No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning REACH about benzene.

If the risks cannot be managed, authorities can restrict the use of substances in different ways until the most hazardous substances should be substituted with less dangerous ones. Restrictions are a tool to protect human health and the environment from unacceptable risks posed by chemicals.

As regard to benzene, it was prohibited its placing on the market or its use as a substance or in mixtures, in concentrations equal to or greater than 0.1% by weight. Additionally, the natural gas placed on the market for use by consumers shall have benzene concentration below 0.1%. The final restriction is about toys, where benzene in the free state shall not be greater than 5 mg kg 1.

In this contest, the spread of information about lesser- known benzene sources become essential most of all in non-occupational environment.


Anne E. Hershey, Gary A. Lamberti, in, 2001

Bioassessment Of Florida’s Aquatic Ecosystems

What is an Ecosystem?

using biological approaches to measure and evaluate the consequences of human actions on biological systems

Florida’s Watersheds

Watersheds, or basins, are natures boundaries. They are the land areas that drain to a waterbody. Florida has over 8,000 lake watersheds and 52 major river basins, each with many smaller tributaries and their associated watersheds. Even the smallest of Floridas creeks represents the beginning of a network of flowing waters that connect in a long, gradual journey to the ocean. To improve the effectiveness of Floridas land and water resource management programs, and to allow better assessment of the cumulative effects of all pollution sources within a watershed, these programs are currently implementing an integrated, cooperative watershed approach. This approach allows better coordination of efforts to control point and nonpoint sources of pollution, to establish total maximum daily loads, to involve the public, and to determine which mix of control strategies work best within a watershed. Bioassessments play a major role in helping to define problem areas and evaluate the effectiveness of our pollution control efforts. Remember that “we all live downstream” and that reducing nonpoint source pollution requires all of us to be part of solution. If we all do a little, we can do a lot to help ensure future generations have clean water.

Why Study Biological Communities?

What is a Bioassessment?

How Can the Results of a Bioassessment be Used?

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This Key Finding Is Divided Into Two Sections:

Biodiversity monitoring is the process of determining status and tracking changes in living organisms and the ecological complexes of which they are a part.1Biodiversity monitoring is important because it provides a basis for evaluating the integrity of ecosystems, their responses to disturbances, and the success of actions taken to conserve or recover biodiversity. Research addresses questions and tests hypotheses about how these ecosystems function and change and how they interact with stressors. Ecological research provides the context for interpreting these monitoring results. Policy and management needs guide the development of monitoring.

A comprehensive review of the status of Canadas ecological monitoring and information systems is beyond the scope of this report. This section presents observations and lessons learned about the strengths and weaknesses of information and its availability for assessing status and trends of Canadas ecosystems.

The Federal Clean Water Act

Under the Federal Clean Water Act , states are required to develop programs that evaluate the physical, chemical, and biological integrity of the Nation’s waters, and to adopt water quality standards to restore and maintain that integrity. States must report to Congress on the condition of all waters within their boundaries every two years.

Physical and chemical data are traditional measures of ecosystem health. These data include measurements of dissolved oxygen, dissolved organic carbon, and the concentration of various toxins, amongst other things. Biological integrity, widely defined as The ability of an aquatic ecosystem to support and maintain a balanced, adaptive community of organisms having a species composition, diversity, and functional organization comparable to that of natural habitats within a region, was a newer addition to the set of tools used for monitoring aquatic ecosystems. To develop specific criteria within the State’s Water Quality Classification Law that supported the standards of physical, chemical, and biological health set forth in the Federal Clean Water Act, the DEP initiated a statewide biological monitoring program in 1983.

The following pages discuss water quality classification in more detail:

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Aa Brief Overview Of Biomonitoring

Biomonitoring can be broadly defined as the use of the biota to gauge and track changes in the environment , just as symptoms are used to identify disease in medicine. It has its roots in the microbiology of running waters, following the first bioassays conducted in the polluted rivers of Europe in the late nineteenth century , although it subsequently expanded to cover other fresh waters and also marine and terrestrial systems .

Biomonitoring now underpins much of the management and conservation of fresh waters, albeit primarily in the developed world, designed to protect the ecosystem goods and services they supply, including the water itself, the production of food, climate regulation and waste processing . Over 15 years ago, the former Vice President of the World Bank, Ismail Serageldin, suggested that if the twentieth century’s wars were fought over oil, the twenty-first century’s wars would be fought over water: despite covering < 1% of the Earth’s surface, fresh waters are clearly strategically very important . Within Europe alone almost 80% of the total EU environmental budget involves water-related expenditure, which will rise even further as the EU Water Framework Directive comes into full operation .

C. Herr, T. Eikmann, in, 2011

A Biological Systems: Colonization & Extinction

(PDF) Biological monitoring of lotic ecosystems: the role ...

Ecosystems change in composition over time. Species colonize a new environment and species go extinct. Populations grow and shrink. The migration of one species can create availability for new organisms to move in. Measuring how populations shift in terms of growth, reproduction, death, predation, and others, are parameters that provide useful information about the health of the ecosystem.

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Key Questions For Next

Classical biomonitoring techniques have focused primarily on measures linked to various biodiversity metrics and indicator species. Next-generation biomonitoring describes a suite of tools and approaches that allow the examination of a broader spectrum of organizational levelsfrom genes to entire ecosystems. Here, we frame 10 key questions that we envisage will drive the field of NGB over the next decade. While not exhaustive, this list covers most of the key challenges facing NGB, and provides the basis of the next steps for research and implementation in this field. These questions have been grouped into current- and outlook-related categories, corresponding to the organization of this paper.

Primary Citations From Leading Worldwide Scientists

Prof. David M. Rosenberg PhD, Univ. of Manitoba and the Freshwater Institute, DFO, Winnipeg, and lead author of the EMAN Protocol :144-152)

… and …

Prof. Ole A. Saether PhD, Museum of Zoology, Univ. of Bergen, Norway, and Freshwater Institute, Winnipeg, Canada

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Examples Of Use Of Remote Sensing In This Assessment

Analysis of ice-cover seasons on large lakes using remote sensing allowed trends to be derived for the Arctic, a region with few ground-based observations.26 Remote sensing also improved detection of large forest fires,27 provided trends for Arctic sea-ice extent,28 measured broad-scale change in Western Arctic vegetation at treeline,29 and provided trends in primary productivity across the country.30 Onetime analyses of land cover,31 and forest fragmentation32, 33 provided measures of status, with potential to provide trends in the future.

Viaquatic Insects In Biomonitoring Studies

Water Quality and Biological Monitoring using Macroinvertebrates

Biomonitoring studies are used to measure response and recovery of aquatic communities to disturbances, protect biodiversity, evaluate compliance, and improve understanding of the relationship between physical, chemical, and biological components. Many federal and state biomonitoring programs exist throughout North America. For example, the USGS National Water Quality Assessment program seeks to evaluate water quality from national to local spatial scales, while Alaskas Water Quality Assessment & Monitoring Program addresses expectations for state water quality stewardship set out in the federal Clean Water Act. Such biomonitoring programs have historically emphasized the measurement of chemical and physical parameters, but use of aquatic organisms has become more prominent in the last several decades. This is due, in part, to the recognition that chemical and physical measurements provide information on instantaneous conditions but may not accurately reflect long-term conditions associated with a particular water body. By contrast, organisms function as better sensors of environmental quality by, for example, integrating past and current conditions over a larger spatial scale.

Nikolai Friberg, … Guy Woodward, in, 2011

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Why This Indicator Is Important

The Ecological integrity of national parks indicator provides an indication of the condition of Canada’s national parks. National parks help to protect biodiversity, preserve ecosystem services, connect landscapes, and provide a natural solution for climate change by capturing and storing carbon. National parks also help to build knowledge and understanding of ecosystems, and connect Canadians with nature.

Parks Canada regularly monitors and assesses the condition of the main ecosystems in national parks . Ecosystems are managed to improve or maintain ecological integrity. Management plans systematically address opportunities for improving the ecological integrity of park ecosystems.

Sustainably managed lands and forests

This indicator tracks progress on the 2019 to 2022 Federal Sustainable Development Strategy, supporting the target: By March 31, 2023, ecological integrity will be maintained or improved in 92% of national park ecosystems. The most recent data available show that, of the 119 national park ecosystems assessed in 2020, 82% were maintained or improved.

In addition, the indicator contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is linked to Goal 15: Life on land.

The indicator also contributes towards the Pathway to Canada Target 1 initiative. It is linked to Priority 3: Maximize conservation outcomes.

The Need For Integration Across Scales

As we have demonstrated, all monitoring types provide useful data for the scale and focus for which they are implemented, but none can address all questions required of a comprehensive monitoring system. This is because of the fundamental trade off between space, time and information content that exists across the targetedâsurveillanceâlandscape spectrum. Recognition of this necessitates the integration of different types of monitoring.

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Biological Monitoring: Theory And Applicationsbioindicators And Biomarkers For Environmental Quality And Human Exposure Assessment

Biological Monitoring is a newly published book whose chief aim is to provide an overview on the current knowledge of biological monitoring by evaluating the quality of ecosystems and human health. The book, edited and mostly written by Marcelo Enrique Conti, is composed of seven relatively dense chapters that deal mostly with monitoring ecosystem changes that result from environmental insults.

The first and second chapters set the foundation for the subsequent chapters by introducing the books central themethat biota in the ecosystem react or respond to environmental stressors, and thus can serve as sensitive bioindicators of environmental quality. The next two chapters discuss aquatic environments, both freshwater and marine environments, and bioindicator assessments of water quality. The authors discuss the various advantages and disadvantages of using invertebrates, fish fauna, and plant systems as indicators of water quality parameters such as nutrient load, presence of heavy metals and other toxicants, and pH. They also introduce the concept of the Index of Biotic Integrity, which characterizes the ability of an environment to remain balanced and integrated into the specified ecosystem.

Ii Monitoring Questions And Classifications

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Each year we expect ecosystem monitoring programs to answer a great number of questions and/or test and evaluate a range of hypotheses. Whilst specific questions embedded within monitoring programs may be taxon, environment and location specific, we argue that there are six fundamental categories of questions that scientists and managers routinely consider, and that ecosystem monitoring data must be capable of answering. These are: what elements within the environment are changing? What is the direction and magnitude of that change? Where is environmental change occurring in the landscape? When is environmental change occurring and is the rate of change increasing or decreasing? What is the cause of the environmental change we are observing? What action can be taken to ameliorate deleterious change and/or encourage positive change?

Inconsistent definitions and rigid adherence to particular approaches can be serious barriers to effective ecosystem monitoring, leading to poor program design, execution, and results. In reality, each type of ecosystem monitoring has its own strengths, weaknesses, and applications , all of which must be carefully considered relative to the desired outcomes. By working in concert, different types of monitoring strategies can provide the complementary information required to assess and examine ecosystem change at various scales, allowing managers to address a diverse range of objectives and questions.

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