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What Does Space Mean In Geography

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Previous Ideas About The Diversity Of Geographic Space

What is space and how do we study it? Crash Course Geography #3

In Ancient Greece the scientists were already talking about ecumene, the portion or place in which a culture is located and which is always occupied.

It has to do with human geography. The planet would become the”home”of human beings, so geography investigates the relationship between humans and the place where they live.

As the Greeks had a sedentary way of life, with a city and its sanctuaries, they began to study other organizations to know their way of inhabiting the world.

From there, the planet begins to be considered as a whole formed by ruptures, that is to say with sites with different geographical characteristics. Until then the Earth was considered as a space in common, without boundaries.

For that reason, other places, inhabited or not by people, that have different forms of habitat are beginning to be considered.

In this sense, mapping is responsible for delimiting the different zones. The idea of a common Earth is modified and gives rise to, among other things, the Kantian theory that being in the world is a way of behaving.

On the other hand, with the passage of time the notion of ecumene is modified. When society begins to discover other sites and stop being isolated, the notion of a unique Earth returns.

That is to say that the isolation of the previous civilizations gives way to the united principle that in turn gives rise to the birth of what we know as geography.

To summarize, it can be said that geography is based on:

What Is Informal Representation Of A Place

What is an Informal Representation of a place? A representation of a place that shows the geographical context of a place through the media which offers sounds and sight of the place. An Informal Representation of a place tends to be more subjective offering geographical context of a place through sound and sight.

Defining Geography: What Is Where Why There And Why Care

History is the study of events through time. Basically, historians ask “What happened when and why then?” But many people, it seems, have a problem defining geography. Not enough people understand the nature of the discipline or its relevance to our everyday lives.

This brief essay presents an easily taught, understood, and remembered definition of geography. I have used it in my own teaching, public speaking, and professional writing for more than a decade. It works beautifully, and I believe that it will work for you and your students as well.

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Space Place And Scale In Past And Present

Underpinning many articles in Past and Presents earliest issues is an unspoken agreement with the nation-state as container of historical process. These articles often expose this tendency within their title, including the name of the nation along with an indication of the period studied. While this tendency reflects practical intra-disciplinary divisions , it also reveals a tacit agreement that national borders delimit bounded spaces within which social and economic practices unravel.

Nonetheless, in these early issues of Past and Present, there are deviations from this pattern. The most obvious divergences occur in articles focused on the pre-national period in Europe, which refer, instead, to regional designations of space. In these articles, the focus is on the process studied, often interpreted through the lens of social class. These studies do not emphasize local meaning, but instead treat the space within which processes occur as absolute. Eric J. Hobsbawms work in this early period deserves special mention, as his work focused on social processes that crossed national borders, giving more importance to the role of class than to the national space within which it existed.

As such,

But If We Were Describing New Orleans With Notions Of Place We Might Say:


Shaped by the influence of Native American, French, African-American and Spanish cultures, New Orleans is the home of jazz music and spicy Cajun cuisine. The spirit of New Orleans is vibrant, joyful and resilient. It is known as a place where the people are friendly, and the party never stops.

Of course, not all the food in New Orleans is spicy, and not every person who lives there is a friendly party-animal. There is much more to this place than that. These are just examples of ideas of place that are often associated with the city.

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The Visual Grammar Of Maps

A second visual grammar can be found in the way maps are designed and interpreted. As with node-link diagrams, we rely on strong visual metaphors, although in this case they are used to reason about geographical space. The terms enclosure, path, region, overlap, and connection all have visual expressions. Only three basic kinds of graphical marks are common to most maps: areas, line features, and small symbols . Fig. 6.63 elaborates the basic grammar of maps and shows how areas, lines, or small symbols can work in isolation and in combination.

Use closed contours, areas of texture, or areas of color to denote geographic regions. Use color, texture, or boundary style to denote the type of region.

Use lines to represent paths and linear geographic features. Use line color and style to represent the type of linear feature.

Use small, closed shapes to represent point entities, such as cities, that appear small on a map. Use color, shape, and size to represent attributes of these entities.

Maps need not be used only for geographical information. Johnson and Shneiderman developed a visualization technique they called a treemap, for displaying information about the tree data structures commonly used in computer science. Fig. 6.64 shows an example of a tree data structure presented in treemap form and in a conventional node-link diagram.

Figure 6.64. The basic visual grammar of map elements.

E. Casetti, in, 2001

What Is Geographical Space

In geography , geographical space is understood as the specific way in which a society is organized in the physical space it occupies or to the physical space itself, once it has been organized by a specific society.

Said in simpler terms, this concept refers to the way in which societies interrelate with their environment , structured in various landscapes : natural , humanized, agrarian, industrial, urban, and so on. It can be used as a synonym for territory.

In this way, when studying the geographical space of a society, we must refer to its economic, political, social and cultural organization elements that in geography are usually represented as a set of nodes, lines, areas or flows, as stipulated by spatial analysis .

Therefore, some dynamics are static and stable , while others are mobile and fluid .

This concept is used in the different schools of geography, although more widely in human geography . Its logic is usually to start from the visible, to show the processes that gave rise to it and the dynamics that, present or absent, built the landscape that is observed.

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Components Of The Geographical Space

The following components are attributed to the geographical space:

  • Natural . Those who obviously do not depend on the intrusion of human beings , but respond to nature . Mountains , valleys, lakes, seas, are examples of this.
  • Social . Those who come, instead, from human activities that concern the dynamics of creating a community , such as religious activities, nationalities, states themselves, etc.
  • Political . Those that derive from the way in which power is organized in human society, that is, that respond to pacts, agreements or historical impositions, such as the delimitation of the nations of the planet, the socio-political organization of their territories, etc.
  • Economic . Those that are the result of the numerous dynamics of production and consumption that humanity carries out to meet its own needs, such as capital flows , social classes , etc.
  • Cultural . Those that come from the particular way of seeing the world that a human community preserves over generations, such as local traditions , language, gastronomy , etc.

What Is An Area Place

Location, Space, and Place (Geographic Terms)

There is indeed some difference between the two words. The word area conveys the sense of space on a surface or a region or locality. On the other hand the word place conveys the sense of spot a particular portion of space. This is the main difference between the two words namely area and place.

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What Is Geographical Space For

The geographical space is used to achieve land separations that belong to a given community, and that are managed on its behalf by delegated agencies. Also, through it, we get more knowledge of some aspects of nature because knowing a spaces environment, we can determine what species of flora and fauna exist in the place. At the same time, it allows us to know the industrial, agricultural or livestock aspect, through which we will have a good indicator of economic activity.

Why Is Space Important In Human Geography

The concepts of time and space are very important for understanding the function of phenomena in the natural world. Time is important to Physical Geographers because the spatial patterns they study can often only be explained in historic terms. Concrete space represents the real world or environment.

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Importance Of The Geographical Space

Space is important because it can have an impact on behavior, both human and cultural, being an important factor, for example, in architecture, where it will have an impact on building design and structures, and on agriculture. It establishes the relationship that exists between communities and the places where they are developed.

What Does Place Mean In Geography

Robert Silverberg

Broadly defined place is a location. The word is used to describe a specific location such as the place on a shelf a physical environment a building or locality of special significance or a particular region or location. The term can be used for locations at almost any geographic scale depending on context.Sep 14 2020

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What Is The Diversity Of Geographic Space

To understand the Diversity in geographical space First you have to understand what space is in geography. In short, it is possible to define the geographic space in which people interact, so it is considered a social construction.

The concept was debated by several scientists, but beforehand it is necessary to clarify certain concepts.

To begin with, physical space is the place occupied by an object or person, while geography is dedicated to researching the ecology and how the societies that are located in that space work. In other words: geography Studies the place where societies are located.

The Importance Of Geographic Space

Although an explicit definition of”space”in geography has not yet been formulated, it is fundamental for geographic theory, methodology And application.

The concept of”geographical space”is relational. It acquires meaning and meaning only when it is related to other concepts. The concept of”space”can be conceived as a complement to things, that is, to objects that are substantively conceived. The space conceived in this way is synonymous with emptiness.

The concept of”space”can also be conceived in relation to individual landscape elements as their”environments”. The space conceived in this way has the character of a force field.

Finally, space can also be conceived with respect to the totality of landscape elements, that is, the system expressed by the term”synergic”. Only this third variant of space must be understood as the”geographical space”in the full sense of the term.


  • The geographic space. .
  • Analysis Of The Diversity Geographic Space. .
  • Diversity of geographic space. .
  • Juan José Ibáñez. Geodiversity and Geographic Diversity. .
  • Components of geographic space. . To study.
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    Connecting With Space And Place

    Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earths surface and the human societies spread across it. They also examine how human culture interacts with the natural environment and the way that locations and places can have an impact on people. Geography seeks to understand where things are found, why they are there, and how they develop and change over time. Read More…

    What Is Lived Experience Of A Place

    What is Human Geography? Crash Course Geography #28

    Lived experience may be defined as peoples perspective on the social political and economic situation within their areas and the way that they interact with them. Arguably one of the most significant factors that influence both peoples lived experience and level of engagement with an area is their age.

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    The Definition In Practice

    This definition of geography works well for several reasons. First, it emphasizes that geography is a methodology. It stresses the geographic way of organizing and analyzing information pertaining to the location, distribution, pattern, and interactions of the varied physical and human features of Earth’s surface. All geographic inquiry should begin with the question, “Where?” Geographers and all other scientists ask “Why?” And, of course, most major Earth-bound events, features, and conditions can and often do have some impact on our lives, thereby begging the question, “Why care?”

    An example on the global scale, petroleum resources in the Middle East certainly have contributed to a host of conflicts, and “petro-politics” surely will be a major issue for decades to come. Oil production, distribution, consumption, and trade all impact the lives of several billion people daily.

    The definition I describe is clear and concise. It places no limitation on what geographers study it clearly identifies the discipline’s unique methodologythe spatial dimension of features, including where they are, in what patterns they occur, what important relationships exist, and so forth.

    *Charles F. Gritzner, “What Is Where, Why There, and Why Care?,” Journal of Geography, 101, no. 1 , pp. 3840.

    Characteristics Of The Geographical Space

    The main characteristics of the geographical space are the following:

    • It is changeable: This means that the geographical space is transformed because it is subject to physical or human processes of short, medium and long duration that produce changes in it. For example, wind, rain or wave actions, or due to bridges, roads, cities, ports, agricultural fields constructions, and so on.
    • It is accessible: Any geographical space in the world has a location to which we can access in some way, either absolute or relative.
    • It has relation: Because there is a connection between natural and human components, which implies that the components are not isolated. If one of them is altered, it will have effects on the other, whether short, medium or long term.
    • It has distribution: It is the way in which the different natural and human components are distributed in the geographical space. It is classified by density, which describes the number of times a component appears on a specific surface by concentration or dispersion, or by patterns.
    • It is diverse: This means that it has variety and differences in quantity, characteristics and organization of the natural, social, economic, political and cultural components that distinguish one geographical space from another.

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    What Does Geographical Space Mean

    From the Latin spatium , space is a term with multiple meanings. It can be the extension that the existing matter contains , the part that a sensible object occupies or the capacity of a land or place.

    Geographical , on the other hand, comes from geographicus and refers to that belonging to or relating to geography .The notion of geographic space , then, is used by geography to name the space organized by a society . It is an extension in which human groups coexist and interact with the environment.A geographical space is a place inhabited or transformed by man.What is a geographic spaceIt is about any site that is inhabited, modified or transformed by humans in order to obtain some benefit, to satisfy our various needs, such as food, housing, clothing and leisure, as well as the results of these transformations over time.

    The Nature Of Geography

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    Immanuel Kant, writing some two centuries ago, may have been the first scholar to identify clearly and succinctly the unique nature of both history and geography. He observed that:

    • History organizes and analyzes events in terms of when they occurred .
    • Geography focuses upon Earth’s features and conditions by asking where they are found .

    Both history and geography, then, are methodologiesunique ways of thinking about our world and its events, conditions, patterns, and consequences. If “When?” is the realm of history, then “Where?” is the primary focus of geographic inquiry.

    But what is “spatial analysis”? When most people think of space, they associate it with astronomy, not geography. In a geographic context, “space” is defined as a portion of Earth’s surface. Location, place, area, region, territory, distribution, and pattern are all closely related spatial concepts.

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    Types Of Geographic Space

    There is no specific typology of geographical spaces, since these can be of as many types as they have characteristics. However, it is usually distinguished, based on the degree of human participation in the formation of a particular space, between:

    • Intervened geographical spaces . Those in which human activity of any kind has been indispensable for the construction of a geographical space, as is the case with cities .
    • Geographical spaces not intervened . Those who are alien in their constitution to the activities of humanity, such as a desert , for example.

    Human Geography Space And Place

    Historiographical studies of human geography outline a disjointed narrative: geography emerged in the early nineteenth century, characterized by environmental determinism and historicism. It became an arm of European imperialism, and fell into a crisis of disciplinary definition until the publication of Richard Hartshornes Nature of Geography in 1939. Hartshorne urged geographers to focus on spatial distributions rather than time. Though some had turned to social interests, the Second World War, the Cold War and McCarthyism in the United States presented significant obstacles. In the 1960s, geography was overcome by technical, statistical and quantitative study and did not return to qualitative methods and a humanistic focus until the 1970s.

    Suggesting that places are fundamental in providing a sense of belonging for those who live in them, humanistic perspectives propose a definite but complex relationship between the character of specific places and the cultural identities of those who inhabit them. Against this, materialist perspectives propose that cultural battles create explicit inequalities in the way that space is occupied and used by members of different groups.

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