Friday, July 26, 2024

How Much Does Geography Affect People’s Lives

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How Does Geography Affect Business

Urban Geography: Why We Live Where We Do

Geographical influences are one of the factors which have a great impact upon the businesses. Geographic influences regard the effects which the natural features, population, industries of a region have upon a business. They are based on the general and specific location and placement of a business.

Tying It All Together: From Empire To State

Clearly, to create political “China,” it is still important to tie these different regions together. Transportation remains the most crucial factor. As the means of tying the country and its regions together proceeded, a common written language and shared cultural values evolved. The written language and the bureaucratic class that used it were pivotal in creating a net of a shared experience and cultural values that bonded the disparate geographies and spoken languages of China and linked the past to the present.

Because the origins of China’s empire lay in its interior, imperial highways were initially the most important features of the transportation system. The network of imperial highways was first established by Qin Shihuangdi , who united the kingdoms of China in 221 B.C.E. He also initiated the construction of a canal system. By the Song dynasty , canals linked the lower Yangzi Valley and regions south of it to the North China Plain. Natural lakes and rivers also helped unify the Chinese Empire, with the Yangzi and its tributaries tying together coastal and interior regions. Except in Qinghai and the Tibetan Plateau and Xinjiang, an extensive rail system links China and is the most common form of long-distance travel.

Russian Multiculturalism And Tension

During the period of Russias expansion and development as an empire, and later during the time of the Soviet Union, Russias territory included not only ethnic Russians but other surrounding groups as well. Ethnicity is a key feature of cultural identity and refers to the identification of a group of people with a common language, ancestry, or cultural history. Many of these minority ethnic groups harbored resentment over being controlled by an imperial power.

Prior to the Bolshevik Revolution, the Russian Empires response to the non-Russian communities they controlled was known as Russification, where non-Russian groups give up their ethnic and linguistic identity and adopt the Russian culture and language. This type of policy is known as cultural assimilation, where one cultural group adopts the language and customs of another group. The Russian language was taught in schools and minority languages were banned in public places. Catholic schools were banned and instead, Russian Orthodoxy, part of the Eastern Orthodox Church, was taught at state-run schools. The Russian Empire essentially sought to make everyone in the territory Russian. This policy was only marginally successful, however, and was especially difficult to implement in the outer regions.

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Theres More To Geography Than You Think

When you think of geography, what comes to mind? Memorizing maps and capitals? Thats not all geography is! Its actually much more. Geography is the study of humans and people through space, throughout time, and how those spaces have shaped history. Its a fascinating field of study, and important too. Why is geography important? Lets find out!

Geography And The Media

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42The Capes and Bays approach mentioned earlier in the discussion of geography in the Republic of Ireland still characterises much of the attitude towards geography held by the generation of people over forty years of age. For them it represents much of the exposure they had to geography particularly in first and second-level schools. Intriguingly, up to about fifteen years ago, little use was made of graphic presentation of such geographical information in the Irish media. Many global events were reported in an aspatial way whereby no maps were provided to contextualise such happenings. Fortunately, that situation has changed. Now, in part because of the immediate availability of maps at many scales in digital format, maps are used to provide a spatial setting for the news items that accompany most newsworthy stories, both global and local. It is one of the ironies of life that as geography moves further and further away from place geography its existence is being perpetuated, perhaps even being reinforced by such media developments. In adverting to such an irony one has to be aware of its potential advantage. People are enabled to have mental maps of where things happen and it does raise the profile of geography, even if it is a very partial and incomplete one.

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How Much Does Geography Affect Peoples Lives

A lot it changes how they view the world


A lot


These features include vegetation, climate, the local water cycle, and land formations. Geography doesn’t just determine whether humans can live in a certain area or not, it also determines people’s lifestyles, as they adapt to the available food and climate patterns


Geography greatly affects the lives of people living in a particular region, both economically and socially. Taking as an example South America, more precisely Brazil, which is the country in which I live, there are a wide variety of city and soil types, as well as seas, oceans and even lakes that can affect each person’s life, of a population.

Here in Brazil, we have many different regions and so many distint cultures. As an example about this, I am going to compare the south and north region from Brazil. In the south region we have a colder climate than the north region, and besides that the topography and soil type greatly influence how people live and produce in the region, economically and socially.

Talking about the culture in that region wrote before, were mainly colonized by Germans, Italians and Ukrainians and because of this, the culture inserted in this southern population was the European culture.

Explanation:The climate and the local water cycle

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The North China Plain

Physical characteristics: As its name indicates, this is an area of gently rolling topography. It is subject to flooding, and water often stands in large pools and “lakes,” as there is no place for drainage. This creates marshes and shallow, reed-filled lakes, which are good for thatching and weaving as well as migratory birds, fish, and snails. Winter and summer temperatures can be extreme, and dust storms are common. Highly variable weather means good harvests for only three out of every five years.

History: The North China Plain was one of the cradles of Chinese civilization. China’s earliest agricultural societies as well as dynasties formed there. People traditionally lived in dispersed communities rather than nucleated settlements because food and water were available everywhere. The primary need to nucleate was as a defense against invaders and raiders. The earliest archaeological sites of “cities” are at the foot of the Taihang Mountains, where there are minerals as well as manageable water resources for all seasons.

Housing: mud-based, single-story structures with flat roofs

Social organization: villages and clans

Transportation: walking, wheelbarrows, bicycles, cars

Food staples: wheat-based foods

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Keeping Up With The Journal Literature

Want an easy way to keep up with the journal literature for all facets of Geography? And you use a mobile device? You can install the BrowZine app and create a custom Bookshelf of your favorite journal titles. Then you will get the Table of Contents of your favorite journals automatically delivered to you when they become available. Once you have the ToC’s you can download and read the articles you want.

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How Does Where You Live Affect Your Health And Life Trajectory

ð? What is Geography? Crash Course Geography #1

The researchers found relationships between particulates and increased levels of cancer, renal failure, coronary heart disease and cognitive decline. They also observed associations of some negative health outcomesfor instance, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetesamong people living closer to highly traveled roads.

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How Does Geography Affect Education

Thus, geographical constraints on educational choices may be an important determinant of regional differences in education levels and subsequently regional growth. Recent studies have found that distance to higher education institutions affects participation in higher education and later outcomes.

Geography And Early America

  • Exploration and colonization of North America transformed human history.
  • Global trade and cultural exchanges alter the lives of people around the world.
  • Personal freedom among individuals and groups significantly affect us today.
  • Conflicts between cultures and countries contrast with trade and development of self-rule.
  • The New World and the U.S. developed through the struggles of individuals to overcome political problems and conflicts with people and the land.
  • Geography is the foundation for civilization, settlement, and culture.
  • What motivates people to leave their homeland and settle in a new place?
  • Why do people explore?
  • How were the early American colonies settled and how did they grow?
  • Introduction to GeographyLocation, Location, Location! Mapmaker, Mapmaker, Make me a Map! Wish You Were Here! The Reason for Regions! Movin’ and Groovin’ Pollution is Not the Solution

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    Barriers To International Development

    Geographers along with other social scientists have recognized that certain factors present in a given society may impede the social and economic development of that society. Factors, which have been identified as obstructing the economic and social welfare of developing societies, include:

    • Lack of education
    • Dependence upon primary resource exports
    • Unequal distribution of wealth
    • Inhospitable climate

    Effective governments may address many barriers to economic and social development, however in many instances this is challenging due to the path dependency societies develop regarding many of these issues. Some barriers to development may be impossible to address, such as climatic barriers to development. In these cases societies must evaluate whether such climatic barriers to development dictate that society must relocate a given settlement in order to enjoy greater economic development.

    Many scholars agree that foreign aid provided to developing nations is ineffective and in many instances counter productive. This is due to the manner in which foreign aid changes the incentives for productivity in a given developing society, and the manner in which foreign aid has the tendency to corrupt the governments responsible for its allocation and distribution.

    How Does Geography Affect Culture


    Geography affects culture through topographical features such as mountains or deserts as well as climate, which can dictate options for clothing, shelter and food. The interaction of culture and geography is called human geography, which is the study of peoples language, religion, medicine, economics and entertainment and how these practices have been influenced by their location.

    Climate and geography play major roles in determining many lifestyle factors. One reason for Chinas variety of languages and customs is the variety of the terrain and climate. The North China Plain has a great deal of standing water that nourishes reeds which are used for thatched housing and woven baskets. Fish in the ponds and reservoirs are an important source of food. People live in dispersed agricultural communities and value self-sufficiency.

    In contrast, life in the Yangzi Valley centers around the river and lakes. The valley has historically been an important producer of food, and the river facilitated trading. Many Yangzi residents live on boats. Manchuria is a cold, rocky region that became a mining center. Rural people live in cliff dwellings. There is a Russian influence in the towns. Contemporary Chinese feel united as a culture despite regional disparities, partly because of the influence of the media.

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    Vast Employment Opportunities For Geography Grads

    If you decide to study geography in college, your opportunities after graduation are vast. Many geography grads go into urban and regional planning, a field that is growing fast. Other geographers work in environmental management and consulting and can have a direct impact in the fight against climate change. Also, the skills learned during a geography degree, such as cartography, data representation, and research writing, transfer well into the workforce and can make you a standout applicant!

    Geography In The Educational System Of The Republic Of Ireland

    14Geography at primary school level during the nineteenth and much of the twentieth centuries was characterised by what is generally termed the Capes and Bays approach. Children were expected to memorise vast quantities of such material often without understanding what they were learning. Fahy states that when in 1872 a Payment by Results System was introduced in national schools it resulted in even greater emphasis on memorisation in geography teaching. It was so badly taught that in 1900 it was abandoned as a separate and compulsory subject and reached its lowest ebb in the period 1900-1921. It was re-instated as a subject in 1921 and from 1926 it was taught as a separate subject, independent of history. The programme introduced in 1926 remained virtually unchanged until 1971. It was almost entirely physical geography and human geography was largely ignored .

    15In 1971 a new curriculum was introduced into primary schools. Just in advance of this a survey by Dillon in 1969 examined geography teaching and found that :

    • A concentric approach that was firmly anchored in the childs immediate environment

    • An approach that was integrated with the other areas of the curriculum

    • Discovery methods that included first-hand investigative and project work

    • An emphasis on the teachers being highly selective when devising their schemes of work

    • The introduction of a greater air of reality and variety into primary school geography.

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    How Do Geographical Factors Influence The Human History

    Geographical features like mountains and plains have had equally profound impact on human history. Geographical attributes such as river, mountains barriers, landforms, climate phenomena are natural foundations upon which the edifices of human history at any time or in any geographical regions are erected.

    How Did Geographic Features Influence Life In The Colonies

    How Does the Earth Create Different Landforms? Crash Course Geography #20

    How did GEOGRAPHIC FEATURES influence life in the colonies? * Soil,climate, and natural resources affected all three economic regions. *Althought most people in the Southern Colonies were small farmers,the owners of the large plantations that developed in the warm climate and rich soil had wealth and power.

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    How Does Culture And Geography Relate To Each Other

    Cultural geography is simply how the physical geography is going to impact the humans that live there. Cultural geography also compares various cultures and how their lifestyles and customs are affected by their geographical locations, climate, etc., as well as how they interact with their environment.

    Geography In Civil Society In Northern Ireland

    54To Evans, geography was of the people and for the people and he anchored it within civic life. Geographers today make their contributions in many spheres : education at every level, social and physical planning, housing, economic development, transport, tourism and the development of heritage and environmental centres. They are also called upon to advise on, for example, social and environmental problems. It is worth noting, too, that Belfast City Council has recently funded the Royal Irish Academys forthcoming book on twentieth century Belfast, Enduring City : Belfast 1901-2001, which is both edited by and the work of geographers . It will be distributed to all schools and libraries in the city.

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    Geography In Civil Society In The Republic Of Ireland

    3Ireland has changed much over the last few decades. Peripherality and marginality, as well as a lack of capital and entrepreneurship, were long seen as reasons why economic development was very concentrated on the agricultural sector with a resulting lack of industrialisation. Rural-urban migration followed the patterns evident throughout much of Europe during the twentieth century but in the case of Ireland most of the towns and cities to which migrants went were not in Ireland. They were, instead, in other countries. The loss of so many young vibrant emigrants resulted in Irish society being very conservative, inward looking and resistant to change. It is only over the last few decades that this pattern has been reversed and the process of movement from underemployment on unprofitable agricultural landholdings to cleaner and more attractive employment in industry and services has been achieved. Accompanying inward-migration, especially from other European and African countries, has triggered a rapid transition from a mono-cultural society to a poly-cultural milieu. With such developments should come a questioning of traditional values and the growth of inter-cultural understanding and adaptation that should become the norm.

    9Mary Cawley argues that the concept of a rural idyll is enjoying a renaissance in contemporary Ireland, following a trend that is present more widely at an international level . She identifies four ways in which the idyll finds expression :

    Geographic Variations In Development

    How Did Geography Affect Culture In The Fertile Crescent ...

    There is a considerable spatial variation in development rates.

    Global wealth also increased in material terms, and during the period 1947 to 2000, average per capita incomes tripled as global GDP increased almost tenfold … Over 25% of the 4.5 billion people in LEDCs still have life expectancies below 40 years. More than 80 countries have a lower annual per capita income in 2000 than they did in 1990. The average income in the world’s five richest countries is 74 times the level in the world’s poorest five, the widest it has ever been. Nearly 1.3 billion people have no access to clean water. About 840 million people are malnourished.

    Stephen Codrington

    The most famous pattern in development is the North-South divide. The North-South divide separates the rich North or the developed world, from the poor South. This line of division is not as straightforward as it sounds and splits the globe into two main parts. It is also known as the Brandt Line.

    Within countries the pattern is that wealth is more concentrated around urban areas than rural areas. Wealth also tends towards areas with natural resources or in areas that are involved in tertiary industries and trade. This leads to a gathering of wealth around mines and monetary centres such as New York, London and Tokyo.

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