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How Did Geography And The Environment Affect Greek Development

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Polis In Ancient Greek Life

What is Human Geography? Crash Course Geography #28

in the more advanced areas of Greece, economically and socially speaking . The polis was a way of the Greeks finding a way to organize themselves into a society, becoming more civilized. According to Greek Administration, In its fundamental essence it was never conceived as an extent of territory, although its boundaries could be drawn on a map, but rather as a group of citizens feeling themselves bound together under the rule of law . In terms that are more familiar to the way we teach history today in our society, the polis is what we would call a city-state, each individual polis being its own city-state, acting almost like a small country. According to Nardo, Although all Greeks, the residents of the various poleis developed differing local governments and customs as well as different forms of currency .

What Are Some Of The Major Influences By The Romans To Western Civilization

Some of their contributions include the aqueducts, public baths, markets, and juries. The Romans were also the greatest builders of the ancient western world. They created a legacy that proved to be as dominant as it was long lasting and many roman principles are embodied in their modern instructions.

How Did Geography Influence The Development Of The British Colonies

Tyler Cabell AP United States History Essay Geography was the primary factor in shaping the development of the British colonies in North America. I agree with this statement because geographydid play an important role in the making of the British colonies. In all areas the geography influenced the way people lived what they ate the types of homes they lived in the jobs they held and the farming conditions for the better and in some areas for the worse. The New England colonies

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How Did The Greek Mountains Affect Communication

Why Was Communication Difficult In Greece? Due to the steep mountains of the Greek geography, which separated the Greek people from each other and made communication difficult, the Greeks became independent city-states. The steep mountains also affected the crops and animals that farmers raised in the area.

Geography Of Ancient Greece


The geography of ancient Greece played a huge role in the development of city-states.

Ancient Greece was never a united country except for under the reign of Alexander the Great.

Natural barriers like mountains, the sea, and hundreds of islands aided in the formation of the city-states and these natural barriers led the ancient Greek people to occupy lands closer to the coastline.

Overall, the geography of ancient Greece is divided up into three geographical formations which include the lowlands, the mountains, and the coastline.

Each of these regions provided something needed for a civilization to thrive.

The mountains supplied fresh water, the seas fish to eat, and the lowlands allowed for farming.

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How Did The Geography Of Ancient Greece Impact Its Development

Geographical formations including mountains, seas, and islands formed natural barriers between the Greek city-states and forced the Greeks to settle along the coast. Also, how did the geography of Greece affect its development?

What are the 13 administrative regions of Greece?

Thessaly became one of the 13 administrative regions of Greece in 1987, and it is split into five regional units. Thessaly is situated in northern Greece, and it is surrounded by the Aegean Sea, Central Greece, Epirus, and Macedonia. Western Greece is based at Patras and split into three regional units .

How did the ancient Greeks get their resources?

The Ancient Greeks came to dominate sea trade in the region. They traded wood, olive oil olive trees happen to love rocky soil and other products in order to get the resources they needed. They also established colonies throughout the Mediterranean, wherever they could find a piece of available fertile land.

The Impact Of Geography On Ancient Greece

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Greece was known as the Birthplace of Western Civilization because its culture became the epitome for the succeeding western civilizations. The geography of ancient Greece had many positive and negative effects on Greece. Just the location of Greece itself was unique. Tall mountains, the length of those mountains, its hot climate, and the fact that it is located in the middle of an active volcanic area made Greece stand out from the other civilization. These features of Greece make it one of the most interesting civilizations, which would later thrive and conquer most of the Mediterranean and influence other civilizations.

One positive effect that was caused by Greeces geography was the mountains. It is signified that, The Acropolis is a precipitous hill about 200 feet high. In 300 B.C., the hill was used as a large fort. This means that they had high ground and they used it to their advantage to keep them safe, which allowed them to win many wars and become one of the most populous civilizations around 300 B.C. In effect of this many civilizations around the world looked up to Greece and wanted to follow in their footsteps.

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The Geography Of Ancient Greece For Kids

Geography had an enormous impact on the ancient Greek civilization. It led to the development of individual communities, rather than one country. In fact, Greece did not become a country until in modern times Thousands of years ago, the geography of ancient Greece was divided into three regions – the coastline, the lowlands, and the mountains.

The Coastline: Saltwater and Harbors:Ancient Greece was made up of hundreds of city-states, grouped together at the southern end of a very large peninsula that jutted out into the Mediterranean Sea. Smaller peninsulas stuck out from the main Greek peninsula, forming a great deal of natural coastline and many natural harbors. There were hundreds of small islands nearby in the Ionian and Aegean Seas. The people of ancient Greece took advantage of all this saltwater and coastline and became outstanding fishermen and sailors. There was some farmland for crops, but the Greeks could always count on seafood and waterfowl to eat. Rivers could not be counted on for transportation because the rivers dried up in the summer and overflowed in the winter. Transportation and food relied very heavily on the sea.

Athens Vs Sparta Compare And Contrast

Impacts of Geography on Politics and Economy of Ancient Greece

Although the two city-states of Greece carried different motives they were both thought of as thinkers who loved beauty and multiple forms of art. Culture is one thing the two city states seemed to differ in greatly. Athens was thought to be a more progressive city-state. Its known for art, architecture, drama, science advancements, philosophy, as well as literature. Though they were advanced in all of these fields they were behind on the rights of women.

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How Classroom Environments Affect Child Development

When it comes to education so many different factors can affect a childs learning and development in a classroom. First of all the temperature of the main class of which the child is learning in so such as the heating/air conditioning if the classroom is too hot eg. On a hot day a child may feel sick/dizzy this will affect the childs concentration and well being similar to a highly air conditioned classroom where it may be extremely cold the child may get ill because of it. Another important


How Did Ancient Athens Influence Today’s Society

Today, we take living for granted. It is a given that we live past age of ten and an extremely common thing, living past the age of 50. However, back in the times of ancient Greece and Rome, life was not guaranteed. The chances of extended life were able to go up during the time, and after the studies done by respected philosophers like Hippocrates regarding health and medicine. Some of his work is still seen today including the Hippocratic Oath. The innovation of medicine took place in ancient Greece and Rome from 500-300 BC. The innovations took place largely due to the fact that Athens was in the middle of a golden age which improved education resulting in many studying medicine. During the golden age Athens, like many other city-states, functioned as independent countries but were close because of the similarities in language, culture and religion. Athens really became the first successful democratic society because of their cutting-edge practices like trade. However, success was limited because of the issue of death at a young age from disease and other health complications. Greeces discoveries and advancements surrounding medicine helped cure

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The Geography Of Greece

Located in southern Europe, Greece is made up of the mainland and hundreds of small islands spread throughout the Ioanian, Aegean, and Mediterranean Seas. As a peninsula, the people of Greece took advantage of living by the sea.

  • They were fishermen
  • They were traders
  • They were sailors

The mountains in Greece did not have fertile soil good for growing crops, like in Mesopotamia, but the mild climate allowed for some farming.

  • They grew barley, wheat, olives, and grapes
  • They raised sheep

The Greeks, like many other ancient civilizations, felt deeply connected to the land they lived on. While living on the land helped to develop a strong sense of pride in their country, the distance between the islands and the mountains did not help to support unity in Greece. The Minoans and Mycenaeans of ancient Greece used their geography to their advantage.

  • How did the geography of Greece lead to strongly independent Greek communities?
  • How did Greek communities communicate with each other?

How Did The Geography Of Greece Affect Greek History In Terms Of Politics Military Developments And The Economy

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Greeces geography impacted social political and economic patterns in a variety of ways such as that its mountains prevented complete unification led to the establishment of the city states near the sea led to a reliance on naval powers hindered overland trade and encouraged maritime trade around the

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Essay On Athens Vs Sparta

During the recovery of Greek civilization, Greek began developing city states. Basically, small places that consisted no more than a town and had a few miles of country side. Athens and Sparta were the biggest of city states, resembling the size of a couple U.S. countries. Athens and Sparta constantly fought one another however they both had a similar important activity of worshipping a god or goddess. The Greek language is the first known language to have a word specifying a member of a community as citizen.

Facts About Geography Of Greece

  • The Pindus Mountain Range is referred to as the spine of Greece.
  • With a lack of farmable land, ancient Greeks formed colonies around the Mediterranean Region to supply grains and food.
  • Alexander the Great was born in Macedonia in northern Greece.
  • Summers were hot and dry. People wore little clothing during this time of year. Winters were windy, wet, and mild forcing people to wear cloaks ad wraps around the necks.
  • The Aegean Sea has nearly 1,000 islands.
  • Crete is the largest island in ancient Greece.
  • The geography of ancient Greece played an important role in the development of independent city-states.
  • Ancient Greeks worshipped the twelve Olympian gods who lived atop Mount Olympus in northern Greece. The ancient Greeks built numerous temples on hills and mountain tops such as the Acropolis in Athens.

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How Did Geography Affect How The Greek City

Greek city-states likely developed because of the physical geography of the Mediterranean region. The landscape features rocky mountainous land and many islands. These physical barriers caused population centers to be relatively isolated from each other. The sea was often the easiest way to move from place to place.

The Separation Of The Greek City

Unit 4 Part 1-Ancient Greece’s Geography

City-states are cities that are their own states. They were divided up by the high plateaus which separated the different city-states. Most Greeks were proud of their city-states and each city-state had their own form of government, army, laws, and money. It was very hard to cross these mountains and nobody usually ever tried crossing the mountains because they were very hard to get over and it would take a long time. Even though Greeks were separated into these different city-states, Greeks still had many things in

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What Are The Main Geographical Features Of Greece

Greece has the longest coastline in Europe and is the southernmost country in Europe. The mainland has rugged mountains, forests, and lakes, but the country is well known for the thousands of islands dotting the blue Aegean Sea to the east, the Mediterranean Sea to the south, and the Ionian Sea to the west.

Similarities And Differences Between Ancient Greece And Rome

Ancient Greek and ancient Rome are often confused with one another even though there are great differences between the two. Both countries are Mediterranean but have social class differences, different mythology, different life values and different architectural concepts. It is said that much of what Rome used in everyday life was taken from the ancient Greek civilization as the ancient Greek civilization started 5th century BC. And it was not till hundreds of years later that the roman civilization started. Cities in Ancient Greece were differentiated by hills. All cities were close to water bodies while Rome was an inland nation and arranged on the banks of River Tiber. Talking about art of Greece and Rome, Greeks were thought to be better than that of Romans. One of the sculptures that Greece is known with is Venus de Milo. Romans were great at mosaic, wall painting and they were also known for creating realistic portraits. Regarding economy, the bases old Greece and old Rome was agriculture. Greeks lived on little wheat creating ranches however had poor days due to shameful agribusiness rehearses while Romans had turned towards estates, delivering olive oil and wine.

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Why Did The Mediterranean Sea Promote Trade

The Mediterranean Sea caused the Romans to spread out the army and guard more than one territory. They had to spread the army out evenly because of the range. If one territory got attacked, even though roads were built for the traveling ease of the men, they still could not be at the attack very quickly. Because of the location, a variety of cultures would have promoted trade. The Mediterranean Sea was the main sea to navigate for trade.

Why Is Sparta Better Than Athens


Ancient Greece is a land consisting of many city-states, called poleis. Each polis had its own government, set of laws, rulers, and customs. Two of the most famous and influential city-states were Sparta and Athens. Sparta is better than Athens because their army was powerful and protective, girls received some education and women had more freedom than in other poleis. There are many reasons why Sparta is more superior to Athens.

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Sparta And Athens Compare And Contrast

There are numerous civilizations that came across the different lands in the world and each played a distinctive role and had its own rules and laws. Geography played a critical role in shaping civilizations, and this is particularly true of ancient Greek. The two rivals of ancient Greece were close together on a map but far apart in what they valued and how they lived their lives. Sparta and Athens had similar forms of government both city states were in part governed by elected assemblies. However, the top rulers of Athens were elected, while Sparta ‘s were not.

How Did Geography And Climate Shape And Influence The Lives Of People In Greece And Mesopotamia

As a peninsula, the people of Greece took advantage of living by the sea. The mountains in Greece did not have fertile soil good for growing crops, like in Mesopotamia, but the mild climate allowed for some farming. The Greeks, like many other ancient civilizations, felt deeply connected to the land they lived on.

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How Did The Geography Of Greece Impact Culture And Economy

Because of its hilly terrain, parts of Greece especially Athens came to depend on trade. Many Greeks became merchants and traders who sailed the seas. The Greeks traded wine, olive oil, and pottery with other people of the Mediterranean. They sailed out to other islands, making contact with the outside world.

How Did The Financial Crisis Affect The Greek Economy

How Populations Grow and Change: Crash Course Geography #33

The financial crisis that has impacted Greece has taken a heavy affect on the country and the whole of Europe. This Greek crisis also known as the Greek depression started in 2001 when Greece adopted the Euro and became part of the euro zone which then give Greece easy access to millions of loans at a low interest rate. The Greek government then used the back loans to finance projects such as infrastructures pensioners and technologies to modernize their country and compete with their new competitors

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What Is Greeces Most Important Contribution To Western Culture

Ancient Greeks made many influential contributions to western civilization such as in the areas of philosophy, art and architecture, math and science. These contributions, which are also the achievements of ancient Greece, include certain things in the areas of philosophy, art, architecture, math and science.

What were some advancements in Greece?

Inventions that are credited to the ancient Greeks include the gear, screw, rotary mills, bronze casting techniques, water clock, water organ, torsion catapult, the use of steam to operate some experimental machines and toys, and a chart to find prime numbers.

What was Greeces architectural achievement?

Three architectural achievements that the Greeks had were the Columns, the Archimedean Screw, and the Pulleys. Each of these aspects still affects our world today. These developments in Greek architecture, have a lasting impact on our world.

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