Thursday, July 25, 2024

Why Is The Study Of Geography Important

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It Helps With Navigation

Why Study Geography?

The study of geography includes understanding the locations of various territories and countries. It includes studying the organization of landmasses and water bodies across the globe. Maps, an important part of the study of geography, help us locate places on the globe. Their study helps us form a mental image of the distances and locations of various regions on the planet. It allows us to know the expanse of landforms and water bodies in terms of their size, height, or depth. As geography helps us gauge distances and locate places on Earth, it helps improve our navigation skills.

Geographers Make A Difference In The World

Those who study geography have a unique perspective one that comes with the knowledge of many cultures and spatial awareness that is not replicated in other disciplines. This mix of knowledge can help geographers come up with significant and unique solutions that others may not be able to see.

Another way geography can have a positive influence in the world is by creating awareness of the effect of climate change. Geographers have intimate knowledge of weather patterns and climate changes throughout the course of history on areas of land. They also have studied how those changes have affected humans in those areas. That knowledge is shared with others to hopefully bring an understanding and global awareness of the effects of climate change on human society.

University of the People is committed to making a change towards sustainability as well. As a fully online university that also uses only free, open-source textbooks, University of the People cuts the need for printed and shipped materials, the need for fuel usage for transport of people and materials to campuses, and promotes quality education for people all over the world, no matter their physical location.

What Do You Call A Person That Studies Geography

A geographer is a physical scientist, social scientist or humanist whose area of study is geography, the study of Earths natural environment and human society. The Greek prefix geo means earth and the Greek suffix, graphy, meaning description, so a geographer is someone who studies the earth.

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Why Is Geography Important To The Study Of World History

History is the broadest field that encompasses all human experiences. The field of geography is more specific, with a focus on human interactions with the physical environment. As a result, geography, along with other human-centered studies like political science, sociology, anthropology, and economics, is a fundamental part of world history.

The relationship between history and geography is particularly close because they represent two basic dimensions of the same phenomenon.From the view of space, history examines the human experience in terms of time and location. These space and time dimensions are locked into an interactive feedback loop in which one dimension continually influences the other.

Why Is Economic Geography Important

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  • The main study area of human geography is economic activity.
  • Sunlight provides India with larger benefits than it does for the majority of other Asian countries.
  • The areas transformed by humans through the primary sector activities are the main focus of geography of agriculture.

Economic geography is one of the subfields of human geography. Its main area of study is economic activity. Many people often consider it to be a subfield in economics. Some even consider it a method in economics, so it is easy to see how it can be considered extremely important.

It takes a wide array of approaches to handle different topics concerning geography and economics. Some of those topics are the locations of various industries, the economies of agglomeration, international trade, real estate, and gentrification.

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Broad Choice Of Future Careers

Thanks to the transferable skills and academic knowledge you gain from studying geography at university, you will have an abundance of career paths to choose from. If you want to pursue a career directly related to your degree you could go on to become a cartographer, environmental manager, town planner or a secondary school teacher to name a few. Other careers you could look at pursuing include astronomer, landscape architect, international aid worker or meteorologist. You could look at working in the private or public sector, or for a charity or non-governmental organisation and work in industries such as property, environmental, international development, military, business and engineering as a few examples.

Geography is a highly employable degree, with 89% of Durham University geography graduates securing employment or going on to further study within six months of graduating .

Geographers Can Truly Make A Difference To The World

Geography is enormously important because it teaches a spatial perspective that is not available in any other discipline. It is also uniquely synthetic, bringing together the physical dimensions of the environment with the human side of things and, in this exercise, can offer unique and vital solutions to many of the local and more global problems of uneven development, socio-spatial inequality, building sustainable environments, and so on. There are also tools that are unique to the discipline, such as Geographic Information Systems and cartography, as well as others around reading landscapes and data presentation, which make it uniquely placed to assist in analysing and addressing local, regional and global problems.

If youre interested in learning more about geography, consider studying it at Deakin. Geography is offered as a major or minor within a number of courses.


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The Essay On Brazil: Human Geography

Over the years, culture has been defined as a set of learned behaviors and beliefs in a form of human activity. This also includes values, traditions, or lifestyle shared by a particular society at a particular place. According to Houl, there are four key components of culture . These are values, norms, institutions, and artifacts. By definition, values are set of ideas about life …

If we stay in tune with the rest of the world by using this then we can become more advanced as a country & as a world. Its also very important because human beings have such a major impact on todays society and we are in constant interaction with each other. So being notified about what is going on through human geography will help us stay in touch with the rest of the world and also allow us to help the rest of society to the rest of our abilities. These are all reasons as to why I believe that it is very important for anybody to have even a minor amount of knowledge about human geography.

Shape The Direction Of Your Degree

Why study geography?

Geography degrees, such as those at Durham University, typically offer a variety of optional modules for you to choose from, both at undergraduate and postgraduate level. From the first year of your undergraduate geography degree, you will be able to start personalising your degree and what areas you want to specialise in, whether you want to learn more about the pressures on the planet or earths principles, the choice is yours.

Postgraduate degrees also offer optional modules, but you will typically already be following a specialism from the course you choose to study.

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Is Geography Part Of The Factors That Affects Tourism

1 What are some typical global forces that impact on the tourism industry worldwide? In summary, they include a destinations geographical, climatic and environmental characteristics. They also include the social profile demographics and culture, as well as political, economic and technological factors.

Become A Global Citizen

Being an educated global citizen starts with the study of geography. Global citizens are conscious-minded of the world around them, understand others, and work towards making the entire globe a better place. That all starts with the study of geography!

So, once again, why is geography important? Its more important than you think learning geography will help you better understand news, help fight climate change, be a part of a global community, understand cultures, and learn history. At the end of the day, geography will help you become a better overall global citizen.

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What Is The Difference Between Physical And Human Geography

Whereas physical geography concentrates on spatial and environmental processes that shape the natural world and tends to draw on the natural and physical sciences for its scientific underpinnings and methods of investigation, human geography concentrates on the spatial organization and processes shaping the lives and

Reasons Why Learning Geography Is Important

How to study History

American schools are notorious for not educating students properly on geography. Some seem to think this is because of ethnocentric tendencies that come from being a world power. Below are some interesting ideas for why geography is so important, and how teachers can help educate their students on the world:

Increasing Worldviews: This is what opens doors for students to realize that there are unlimited options for the right ways to live your life. Learning about other cultures is a huge step in increasing tolerance of all different lifestyles. It shows the differences, which we all expect to see, but can also shed light on unchanging factions of human nature that we all share.

Creating Contributing Citizens: Knowing about geography, the resources located in each country, and the effect those have on the economy can educate students on the reasons for certain current events. Learning about the governments in each country can also contribute to growth in other areas involving world events.

Its Impressive: Not that we should learn solely to impress others, but there is something to be said for a person who can talk about Azerbaijan and Andorra. Plus, if you ever want to work for the CIA or be the next Lara Croft or James Bond, knowing your geography is a must! Havent you ever noticed how all the really awesome adventure stars in movies randomly know all sorts of things about the most random places? Geography.

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Geography Is Experiencing Somewhat Of A Boom

For a while geography was seen as somewhat daggy, to be overtaken by studies of the environment and sustainability however, these studies are now regarded as somewhat narrow. For example, you cannot understand or ameliorate climate change unless you have a strong understanding of the human dimensions of where and how people live. It is not enough to, for example, put in a third pipe for recycled water or install solar panels if the residents of the same area proceed to use far more energy and water resources than elsewhere, leading to extra runoff and greater drain on the grid to make up the shortfall. It is not just a physical set of problems but social ones that need broadly conceived solutions. It is this broader perspective that a geographer offers to those who care about, for example, climate change and how to address its challenges. So, across Australia, geography departments are increasingly being renamed with the G word in the title again and both elements of the discipline are being taught.

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‘Geography is more than a study of people in their environments, but engages with contemporary problems and issues using an array of skills and a unique spatial perspective.’

Professor Louise Johnson,School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Deakin University

Geography’s Contributions To Scientific Understanding

Geography contributes to science as a part of the broad, creative, multidisciplinary effort to advance the frontiers of knowledge. In so doing it offers significant insights into some of the major questions facing the sciences, related to the pursuit of knowledge both for its own sake and for the sake of improving society’s well-being.

In this chapter, geography’s contributions to scientific understanding, both actual and potential, are illustrated by way of example. The chapter itself is organized around the three “lenses” through which geographers view the worldintegration in place, interdependencies between places, and interdependencies among scales. These constitute the major sections in this chapter, along with spatial representation. For each of these sections the chapter uses examples from geography’s subject matter to illustrate how geographic thinking and approaches contribute to scientific understanding generally. The chapter then provides examples of how such thinking can be used to address important scientific and societal issues. These illustrations are followed by a similarly brief and selective discussion of spatial representation.

Suggested Citation:Rediscovering Geography: New Relevance for Science and Society

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What Are The Basic Concept Of Gis

Geographic information system is software that converts data into productive information by getting data from GPS and RS, and then analyzes the data and displays it as productive information. It gives an inexpensive way of map production, displaying the information on the map and makes the analysis easier. ,

The Employment Prospects For Geography Graduates Are Vast

GeoBee: Geography | National Geographic

Geography graduates can go into a range of occupations and areas of further study. In particular, human geography leads directly into urban and regional planning, which can occur within governments but also in the private sector. Skills acquired in geography can also be marketed on their own such as cartographic , Geographic Information Systems and data presentation skills into these same organisations. Many geographers are employed in major consulting firms, conducting innovative social research. They are also training further in urban and regional planning. There is also of course teaching, as the discipline is taught once more in primary and secondary schools. Physical geographers, who are also often involved in environmental management/consulting, can and do go into parks and other forms of nature management, as well as advise on climate change adaption in the public and private sectors.

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Put The News In Context

How are you supposed to understand the news if you dont know geography? Knowing geography helps put current events in context.

For example, knowing that Hong Kong is a city in southern China can begin to help a person understand why it is politically different from the rest of China and why there were recent protests there: its geographically isolated.

Major Reasons For Why Study Geography

  • Create Awareness of Place

Geography education fosters a sense of location. Understanding geography instills an identity in the American position, much as our founding fathers recognized. Shouldn’t anyone be aware of which states border their own? What are the locations of the 9/11 Memorials and how can I locate them? What are the locations of major cities such as Miami, Dallas, Chicago, New York, Boston, and Seattle? What are the names of the countries on our borders? What is the significance of Washington, DC? More specifically, knowing geography assists us in making sense of recent and historical developments, whether they be economic, political, or social in nature. Knowing this information helps them become more critical thinkers. Any part of our lives is influenced by geography!

  • Develop Non-Fiction Reading Skills

  • Develop Spatial Awareness

Geography classes help students improve spatial understanding. While it is critical to developing map reading and map sense, these skills are almost non-existent in today’s school. If you asked your pupils, should they point north? Will they, without the help of computers, look at a map and locate our continents and oceans? Will your students be able to navigate without a GPS to get home or to the next state? We promote the growth of spatial knowledge and establish a connection to understanding the efficacy of key spatial geographic structures such as GPS through learning geography and mapping skills.

  • Create a Global Community

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Prepare For An International Career

Students that study geography tend to be more open-minded and show a clear interest in the world. You will typically have international opportunities throughout your degree. At Durham University, you have the option to conduct fieldwork abroad, which will help you experience other cultures and environments to help expand your global perspective. Alongside this and your academic knowledge, transferable skills and world view, you will be highly prepared for an international career and will stand out in the global employment market.

It Includes The Study Of Natural Resources

Geography Introduction

If you find it boring to learn about the natural resources and climatic conditions across the globe, you must understand that it is these resources in nature that let us live and the climatic conditions have a bearing on our living conditions. The climate of a region dictates the life forms that inhabit it. The animals and plants that thrive in a region, and the resources available there, are highly influenced by its geographical location and the geographical conditions that prevail there. The climatic conditions and the availability of natural resources in a particular region shapes the life of its inhabitants. Geography influences the distribution of natural and man-made resources across the globe.

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Reasons To Study Geography

Here at Jacaranda we love Geography! Our passion for this subject is reflected in our popular Senior Geography, Geoactive and Geography Alive series, as well as our iconic and digital atlases. But aside from our passion for Geography, we know that if man-kind hadnt explored or inquired into the why of the world it would be a much different place than it is today.

To celebrate these pioneers and encourage the next generation of Geographers, here are our top seven reasons to study Geography. Share them with your students to spark curiosity and get them interested in delving more into this fascinating yet equally practical subject!

1. Geography helps us understand basic physical systems that affect everyday life: How water cycles and ocean currents work are all explained with Geography. These are important systems to monitor and predict in order to help lessen the impact of disasters. At the same time, these systems can be monitored for important resources to tap in to.

2. To learn the location of places and the physical and cultural characteristics of those places in order to function more effectively in our increasingly interdependent world: Given how global our modern marketplace is, its important to have an understanding of where countries and cultures are located relative to one another.

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