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What Is Conjugation In Biology

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Appendix A Details Of Computer Simulations

Conjugation in Bacteria

Nutrient dynamics is simulated using the diffusion equation with sinks:

Here is the position of i-th cell, is the nutrient concentration at position and time t, D is the diffusion coefficient of the nutrient, and ui is the nutrient uptake rate. Nutrients are initially distributed uniformly and their concentration is . Bacteria take up nutrients at rate u = Af , where A = Ïα2/4 + la is the assumed nutrient-absorbing surface area of the cell and f = c/ is the Monod function with a half-saturation constant c1/2 taken to be 1 for simplicity. We also assume f = 0 for c< ccrit where ccrit = 0.2 is the minimum nutrient concentration below which growth ceases.

The elongation rate of the bacterial cell is dl/dt = gAf and the proportionality coefficient g is such that if nutrient is abundant , cells divide every 25min. Upon reaching the maximum length lmax drawn from the normal distribution with mean 4μm and standard deviation 0.6μm a cell divides into two daughter cells each cell is rotated by a small random angle ÎÏ â to prevent perfect alignment. The length and the growth rate are based on typical values for rod-shaped bacteria such as E. coli growing on rich media .

The position of the centre of mass and the angular coordinate Ïi of the major axis of cell i evolve according to Newtonâs overdamped equations of motion:

Regulation Of Pc And Pr By The Tetrameric Rcopls20 Involves Dna Looping

The binding regions of RcopLS20 were initially determined by analyzing the response of Pr and Pc promoters to ectopically expressed rcopLS20, using strains containing lacZ fused to promoter-containing fragments of different lengths . This approach revealed that proper regulation required the presence of two DNA regions. These two regions contain 10 octamer boxes whose sequences are identical to CAGTGAAA . In the first region a cluster of six of these boxes, all in the same orientation, are located near, and overlapping with the Pr and Pc promoters. The second region contains four clustered boxes whose orientation is opposite to those present in the first region. The two clusters of boxes are separated by 75 bp. Binding of RcopLS20 to these boxes was demonstrated by DNase I footprinting assays, and also by gel retardation experiments using fragments with/out mutation in the octamers . The regions containing the four and six octamers are named operator OI and OII, respectively .

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What Is Conjugation In Biology

Thrissur, India

Bacterial conjugation is the transfer of genetic material between bacterial cells by direct cell-to-cell contact or by a bridge-like connection between two cells. Conjugation is the process by which one bacterium transfers genetic material to another through direct contact. Bacterial conjugation is the transfer of genetic material between bacterial cells by direct. Broad-host-range conjugative plasmids have been used in molecular biology to introduce recombinant genes into bacterial species that are. Bacterial conjugation is one of the three major known modes of genetic exchange between bacteria, the other two being transduction and bacterial transformation. Conjugation, in biology, sexual process in which two lower organisms of the same species, such as bacteria, protozoans, and some algae and fungi, exchange.

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Bacterial Conjugation: Steps And Mechanism Of Transfer Of Plasmid From Donor To Recipient Cell

Conjugation, transformation &  transduction
  • Conjugation in bacteria is a process in which plasmids are transferred by themselves alone or along with other DNA element from one cell to another cell through conjugation tube. Conjugation occur by physical contact between cells.
  • The cell which transfer plasmid is called donor and the cell which receive the plasmid is called recipient.
  • The cell which has received the plasmid from the donor cell is called trans-conjugant.
  • The phenomenon of conjugation in bacteria was discovered by laderburg and Tatum in 1946.

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Conjugation Is A Type Of Bacterial Mating In Which Dna Is Transferred From One Bacterium To Another

Conjugation is dependent upon thetra genes found in conjugative plasmids, which, among other things, encode instructions for the bacterial cell to produce a sex pilus a tube-like appendage which allows cell-to-cell contact to ensure the protected transfer of a plasmid DNA copy from a donor cell to a recipient . Since thetra genes take up genetic space, conjugative plasmids are generally larger than non-conjugative ones.

Occasionally, conjugative plasmids such as the fertility plasmid ofE. coli integrate into the bacterial genome , and such integrated plasmids are called episomes. When an integrated F episome attempts conjugative transfer, the duplication-transfer process eventually moves into regions of adjacent genomic DNA, which are carried along from the donor cell into the recipient. Such strains, in contrast to cells containing the unintegrated F plasmid, mediate high-frequency transfer and recombination of genomic DNA . However, conjugation with Hfr donor cells does not result in complete transfer of the integrated plasmid. Thus, the recipient cell does not become Hfr and is incapable of serving as a conjugation donor. The circular nature of the bacterial genome and the relative map positions of different genes were established using interrupted mating of Hfr strains.

E.A. Raleigh, K.B. Low, in, 2013

What Is Present Tense Conjugation

The present tense means that the action is occurring now. … To conjugate a verb in the present indicative, remove the infinitive ending of the regular verb, in this case -ar, -er or -ir, and replace it with an ending that gives an indication as to “the person” that is performing the action of the verb.

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Appendix B Conjugation In Linearly Expanding Colonies

We can show that, for sufficiently large N, the plasmid is always expected to invade the whole population so that only one sector remains, even if the plasmid does not convey any growth advantage. Assume the colony is well in the linear phase of growth . The angular size Ï of a transconjugant sector obeys the following equation

The equation has two terms. The term v/R corresponds to the expansion of the sector due to conjugation occurring at its boundaries the parameter v is proportional to the conjugation rate μ. The term ηDsector / R corresponds to Brownian diffusion of the sector boundaries Dsector is the effective wall diffusion constant. If the sector does not collapse due to a random fluctuation, the average Ï calculated from Eq. is given bywhere R0 is the initial radius of the colony. Although probability that a sector collapses is non-zero, the initial number of sectors is large enough to ensure that at least one donor sector survives and continues to grow. Thus for R â â only one sector encompassing the entire active layer remains. However, since ãÏã grows only logarithmically with the radius of the colony, a finite colony will typically have a finite number of sectors unless μ is very large.

Meaning Of Bacterial Conjugation

Conjugation in Bacteria – Biology

Bacterial conjugation refers to a process in which a donor cell associates with a recipient cell by forming a protuberance called a conjugation tube. The genetic material passes from one cell to another through the conjugation tube.

A donor or F+ cell tends to form a conjugation tube through the self-transmissible F-plasmid in a conjugation process. The F-plasmid stands for fertility plasmid that commonly exists in gram-positive and negative bacterial cells.

A recipient or F cell takes one strand of the F-plasmid from the donor cell and becomes Transconjugant. The transfer mechanism in bacterial conjugation occurs between the known or intraspecific species. Some bacteria possess promiscuous plasmid that allows genetic exchange within the unrelated species.


It also refers to the fertility factor, which is the combination of three elements:

  • Loci gene: A fertility plasmid comprises mainly two loci, namely tra and trb genes. A transacting or tra gene contains the genome DNA, which encodes the proteins forming a channel for transferring DNA. Trb gene encodes the proteins associated with the processes like:
    • Cell to cell contact: Encodes protein that helps in forming pili around the cell.
    • Cell attachment: Encodes protein that helps in the binding of donor bacterium to the recipient bacterium.
    • Transfer: Encodes protein that initiates the exchange of chromosomal DNA.
  • OriV: It is a site for the replication of chromosomal DNA, which occurs independently.
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    Multiple Layered Control Of The Conjugation Process Of The Bacillus Subtilis Plasmid Pls20

    • 1Laboratory 402, Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa , Universidad Autónoma, Canto Blanco, Madrid, Spain
    • 2ALBA Synchrotron Light Source, Barcelona, Spain
    • 3Laboratory 35, C. Grupo Interdisciplinar de Sistemas Complejos and Departamento de Biología de Sistemas, Centro Nacional de Biotecnología, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
    • 4Laboratory B08, Systems Biochemistry of Bacterial Division Lab, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas Margarita Salas , Madrid, Spain
    • 5Laboratory 216, Department of Microbial Biotechnology, Centro Nacional de Biotecnología, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
    • 6Laboratory S07, Molecular Interactions Facility, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas Margarita Salas , Madrid, Spain
    • 7Centre for Bacterial Cell Biology, Biosciences Institute, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom

    Evidence That Pls20 Conjugation Is Strictly Controlled And Not Activated By Pheromones

    Determination of conjugation efficiencies as a function of growth revealed that maximum conjugation efficiencies, in the range of 1 × 103, could be obtained only during a short window of time near the end of the exponential growth phase. Conjugation efficiency decreases sharply when donor cells enter the stationary phase, and eventually declines below the detection level . These results indicate that the conjugation process is strictly regulated. Conjugation efficiencies, which are also low at early time points, increase during the exponential growth phase. However, this increase in efficiency was not due to recipient-produced pheromones though as occurs for the enterococcal pheromone-responsive conjugative plasmids , because similar results were obtained when the growth medium was replaced by fresh medium before mating . This demonstrated that regulation of pLS20 conjugation is fundamentally different from the enterococcal pheromone-responsive plasmids. The narrow time window of efficient conjugation does not depend on the growth phase of the recipient cells. Thus, pLS20 conjugation is strictly repressed except for a small window of time near the end of the exponential growth phase.

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    The Activation State Of The Conjugation Genes Is Ultimately Determined By The Signaling Peptide Phr*pls20

    The structure of the peptide-bound form of RappLS20 showed that Phr*pLS20 binds in a cavity of the CTD. Binding of the Phr*pLS20 peptide causes the N-terminal domains to swing outwards thereby favoring RappLS20 to form tetramers . Interestingly, the dimer-dimer interface is principally formed between the NTDs of each dimer, resulting in a so-called foot-2-foot interaction . The small NTDs of RRNPP proteins form the effector domain and this is most likely also the case for RappLS20, implying that the NTD of RappLS20 interacts with RcopLS20. Due to the particular foot-2-foot configuration induced upon peptide binding, the N-terminal effector domain is no longer capable of interacting with RcopLS20 to relieve repression, providing the molecular mechanism by which Phr*pLS20 inactivates the antirepressor activity of RappLS20. Phr*pLS20 can also bind to RappLS20 complexed with RcopLS20. This conclusion is based on the results of size exclusion chromatography and SAXS experiments, which showed that the addition of Phr*pLS20 peptide to preformed RappLS20/RcopLS20 complexes resulted in disruption of these complexes and the appearance of elution and SAXS patterns that were similar to those of RcopLS20 alone and RappLS20-Phr*pLS20 complexes .

    Rappls20 Activates Conjugation By Detaching Rcopls20 From Its Operators And Forming Heterocomplexes With Rcopls20

    Transduction: generalized and specialized transduction ...

    FIGURE 4. Overview of the current understanding of how the pLS20 conjugation genes are regulated by RcopLS20, RappLS20 and Phr*pLS20. Stage I, as default, the two RcopLS20 tetramers bound to operators OI and OII interact with each other resulting in DNA-looping. This configuration causes a steady state in which the strong conjugation promoter Pc is repressed and the weak Pr promoter driving expression of rcopLS20 is simultaneously stimulated. Stage II, the conjugation genes are activated when two apo-form of RappLS20 dimers detach two RcopLS20 tetramers from the DNA through direct interaction and generating RappLS20:RcopLS20 heterocomplexes in a stoichiometry of 1:2. Stage III, binding of the Phr*pLS20 signaling peptide provokes a conformational change of RappLS20 that stimulates tetramerization of RappLS20 via the so-called foot-2-foot configuration in which the N-terminal effector domains interact with each other and are, presumably, no longer available to interact with RcopLS20. The liberated RcopLS20 tetramers are then free to bind its operators thereby returning the system to the default conjugation repressed OFF state .

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    How Is Bacterial Conjugation Used In Genetic Analysis

    Bacterial conjugation An Introduction to Genetic Analysis NCBI Bookshelf This section and subsequent sections describe the discovery of gene transfer in bacteria and explain several types of gene transfer and their use in bacterial genetics. First, we shall consider conjugation, which requires cell-to-cell contact.

    Promoters Driving Expression Of Rcopls20 And The Conjugation Operon

    Several analyses, including RNAseq, deletion analyses and primer extension experiments revealed that the promoters driving expression of the divergently oriented genes rcopLS20 and gene 28, the first gene in the conjugation operon, are located in the 595 bps intergenic region . The promoter upstream of rcopLS20 is named Pr, and the one upstream of the conjugation operon Pc. The Pc promoter is located 462 bp upstream of gene 28 and, interestingly, overlaps with the divergently oriented Pr promoter. The strength of the two promoters has been determined using transcriptional lacZ fusions . These analyses showed that the conjugation promoter Pc is a strong promoter, and promoter Pr, driving expression of rcopLS20, is a very weak promoter whose activity was barely detectable. Surprisingly, analyses of additional strains containing, besides a transcriptional lacZ fusion, either pLS20 or a copy of rcopLS20 under the control of an inducible promoter, revealed that RcopLS20 does not just repress the strong promoter Pc, but also regulates its own promoter, Pr. At low expression levels RcopLS20 stimulates the activity of Pr but at high expression level it represses its own promoter . It is important to mention that the maximum strength of the Pr promoter is about 5075-fold lower than that of the Pc promoter . In summary, RcopLS20 represses the strong promoter Pc and simultaneously regulates the activity of its own promoter Pr .

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    How To Identify Transformed Cells

    The bacteria are grown on an agar medium with antibiotics to check for transformed cells. Only the bacteria containing the antibiotic resistance gene will grow in the presence of antibiotic. The cells that survive and grow are transformed cells. The others are non-transformed.

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    For more information on bacterial genetics, bacterial conjugation, bacterial transduction, and bacterial transformation, keep visiting BYJUS website or download BYJUS app for further reference.

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    Are Italian Verb Endings

    Bacterial Conjugation – Hfr, f prime and f plasmid

    In Italian, verb endings are very important, as generally they show who is doing something and when it is done. … In a dictionary, verbs end in -are, -ere or -ire this form is called the infinitive. When -are, -ere or -ire are removed, you are left with a stem to which other endings can be added.

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    Disorders Of Hepatic Uptake And Conjugation

    Uptake into hepatocytes may be affected by polymorphisms of theSLCO gene. Liu etal. reported that SLCO1B1 388G> A was associated with an increased risk of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in Chinese but not in Caucasian, Thai, Malaysian, or Latin-American populations.155

    As described earlier, UGT1A1 catalyzes the conjugation of bilirubin in the liver. Disorders of conjugation include both those in which there is a primary alteration in UGT1A1 and those in which UGT1A1 function is secondarily altered.

    Crigler-Najjar Syndrome Type I

    Crigler-Najjar syndrome type I is a rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by an almost complete absence of hepatic UGT1A1 activity. Because the coding area of theUGT1A1 gene is mutated, the enzyme produced is structurally abnormal, with no bilirubin conjugating capacity. In the homozygous form, severe unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia develops during the first 3 days of life and progresses in an unremitting fashion, with TB concentrations reaching 25-35mg/dL during the first month of life. Kernicterus often occurs in the neonatal period, especially when the etiology of the disease is unsuspected and aggressive treatment is not initiated. Stools are pale yellow, and bile bilirubin concentrations are less than 10mg/dL , with total absence of bilirubin glucuronide in bile. Bilirubin glucuronide formation measured in vitro with liver obtained by biopsy is absent. Formation of most nonbilirubin glucuronides is either severely reduced or absent.

    What Is The Difference Between Transformation Conjugation Transduction Transduction And Transposability

    1 In transformation, a bacterium takes up a piece of DNA floating in its environment. 2 In transduction, DNA is accidentally moved from one bacterium to another by a virus. 3 In conjugation, DNA is transferred between bacteria through a tube between cells. 4 Transposable elements are chunks of DNA that jump from one place to another.

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