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What Is Agricultural Geography Definition

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What Is Density In Ap Human Geography

IGCSE Geography: Agriculture


Density is the number of thingswhich could be people, animals, plants, or objectsin a certain area. To calculate density, you divide the number of objects by the measurement of the area. The population density of a country is the number of people in that country divided by the area in square kilometers or miles.

One may also ask, what is agricultural density in AP Human Geography? The ratio of the number of farmers to the total amount of land suitable for agriculture. Example: The US’ agricultural density is 1 farmer per square mile. The total number of live births in a year for every 1,000 people alive in the society.

Just so, what are the 3 types of density?

1a) Describe the three types of density used in population geography. The three types of density are physiological, arithmetic, and agriculture. Physiological density calculates the amount of people per arable square kilometer of land. Arithmetic density is the amount of people per square kilometer of land.

What is concentration in AP Human Geography?

Dispersion/Concentration– Dispersed/Scattered, Clustered/Agglomerated. Dispersion- The spacing of people within geographic population boundaries. Concentration– The spread of a feature over space. Dispersed/ Scattered- If objects are relatively far apart. Clustered/ Agglomerated- If objects are close/grouped together.

Approaches To Agricultural Geography

A legion of literature has been produced about the nature, methodology and approaches of agricultural geography. If one review the mounting literature on agricultural geography, two major approaches to the subject matter can be detected :

Empirical Approach:

The empirical approach attempts to describe what actually exists in the agricultural landscape. It gives special privilege to empirical observations. According to empiricists, the facts speak for themselves. In this approach explanation of the patterns is sought by inductive methods and generalizations are made on the basis of results from numerous studies.

For example, for the delineation of crop combinations of a given region, crop land use data is gathered from the farms and villages over a period of time. This data is processed and plotted on maps and then an explanation of the combinations is made which ultimately lead to generalization and model building.

Normative Approach:

The normative or deductive approach is more concerned with what the agricultural landscape should be like, given a certain set of assumptions. This approach leads to the derivation and testing of hypotheses and, theoretically, to the development of an ideal model of agricultural location. The model of von Thunen in which several assumptions, like isomorphic surface, economic farmer, isolated state, etc., have been made is based on deductive approach.

Summation On The Meaning And Concept Of Agriculture

The first 3 are scientific and practical definitions while numbered 4 to 8 are legal definitions and meaning of agriculture. These last 5 give more details on what is agriculture by enumerating the activities covered by the enterprise or practice. That contending parties have found the necessity to elevate to the Court controversies in relation to what is agriculture only underscores the uncertainty relating to the term. The following conclusion can be derived from these definitions and statements of scope:

1. Agriculture is an enterprise or business, activity, or practice. It is synonymous with farming.

2. The practice of agriculture is based on a systematized body of knowledge and requires skill .

3. Agriculture often involves the cultivation of the soil to grow plants and the raising of animals for human needs. The words crops and livestock are also used. However, both words are special or technical terms. Crops should clearly mean plants which are useful to man while livestock applies to both domesticated animals and poultry. However, cultivation which essentially involves disturbing the soil does not apply to crop production systems using soil-less media, as in hydroponics.

The above enumerated dissect should provide the conceptual answer to the question What is Agriculture?

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Crop Alteration And Biotechnology

Crop alteration has been practiced by humankind for thousands of years, since the beginning of civilization. Altering crops through breeding practices changes the genetic make-up of a plant to develop crops with more beneficial characteristics for humans, for example, larger fruits or seeds, drought-tolerance, or resistance to pests. Significant advances in plant breeding ensued after the work of geneticist Gregor Mendel. His work on dominant and recessive alleles, although initially largely ignored for almost 50 years, gave plant breeders a better understanding of genetics and breeding techniques. Crop breeding includes techniques such as plant selection with desirable traits, self-pollination and cross-pollination, and molecular techniques that genetically modify the organism.

Domestication of plants has, over the centuries increased yield, improved disease resistance and drought tolerance, eased harvest and improved the taste and nutritional value of crop plants. Careful selection and breeding have had enormous effects on the characteristics of crop plants. Plant selection and breeding in the 1920s and 1930s improved pasture in New Zealand. Extensive X-ray and ultraviolet induced mutagenesis efforts during the 1950s produced the modern commercial varieties of grains such as wheat, corn and barley.

What Is The Meaning Of Topography In Agriculture

An Overview of Agricultural Geography


Consequently, why is topography important in agriculture?

Topography: ADVERTISEMENTS: Topography affects agriculture as it relates to soil erosion, difficulty of tillage and poor transportation facilities. In areas where the pressure on soil is great, even the slopes of mountains are terraced into small farms to provide agricultural land.

Beside above, what does topography mean? Topography is a detailed map of the surface features of land. It includes the mountains, hills, creeks, and other bumps and lumps on a particular hunk of earth. Topography represents a particular area in detail, including everything natural and man-made hills, valleys, roads, or lakes.

Correspondingly, what is the role of topography?

An objective of topography is to determine the position of any feature or more generally any point in terms of both a horizontal coordinate system such as latitude, longitude, and altitude. Identifying features, and recognizing typical landform patterns are also part of the field.

What are the three main types of topography?

Topographic maps depict four main types of features: Landforms: hills, valleys, gullies, ridges Water courses: rivers, swamps, coastalThe three types of contour lines used on a standard topographic map are index, intermediate, and supplementary.

  • Index.

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Cbse Notes Class 8 Geography Chapter 4

The word agriculture is derived from the Latin words ager or agri meaning soil and culture meaning, cultivation. Agriculture is a primary activity that includes growing crops, fruits, vegetables, flowers and rearing of livestock. In the world, 50% of persons are engaged in agricultural activity. Two-thirds of Indias population is still dependent on agriculture. Further details about this concept can be drawn from Chapter 4 of CBSE Class 8 Geography. We have also provided CBSE Notes Class 8 Geography Chapter 4-Agriculture for the students to prepare most competently for the exam.

Big Revamp On What Is Agriculture

This page may be one, if not the most, important content of this site. After all, this site is about agriculture or farming. This page is the very foundation of this site. It has to stand erect, robust, and strong to be able to carry the heavy load of content that it carries. It has to withstand the ravages of time and remain unblemished for eternity. It ought to remain alive and proud even with the lapse of its maker.

Ive thought of this page, therefore, since the making of this site. Ive thought in particular of that question What is agriculture? Its the same as asking What is And also, Who and What is its maker?

And so Ive thought what indeed should be the right definition of agriculture? For I confess, that definition I gave above bothers me. Yes, it bothers me no end. Theres something there that does not appeal exacting to my senses.

It bothers me too that changing it may injure the reputation I worked so hard to achieve. But no, my practice of self-criticism even convinced me to be more honest, more revealing. For educators should be more humble and always try to correct what has been done wrong if there be any. Or seek betterment.

Ive thought of this modified definition for months. And now, at this very moment before the day changes, I finally decide that it is so much better, more concise, more inclusive of scope, easier to comprehend, and more properly syntaxed without making any conceptual change.

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What Is Meant By Topography

The detailed study of different types of landforms and their attributes is known as topography. The term is also present in biology and it falls under the chapter of microscopy. However, the topography biology definition has similarities with the geographic one as it means the study of the physical properties of an object.

Here, we will discuss geographical topography. The ways of handling the topographic maps are discussed here. Moreover, you can define topography easily as you know the process of using it to solve different problems related to it. As a school student of any education board, you would have to study topography along with geography in the secondary and higher-secondary standards.

What Does Ecumene Mean In Geography

Geography Lesson – Economic geography (Introduction with focus on agriculture in South Africa)

4.8/5Ecumenemeanmore about it

ecumene: Portion of earth’s surface occupied by permanent human settlement. non- ecumene: land not inhabited. Example: Dry Lands: too dry. Wet Lands: high levels of rain.

Secondly, what does Nonecumene mean? As a group, the list of uninhabited places are called the “nonecumene“. This is a special geography term which means the uninhabited area of the world.

Likewise, what is the ecumene of the world?

Ecumene refers to the world’s inhabited land. The term is derived from an ancient Greek word “oecumene” which referred to the known world or the habitable world. During the era of the Roman Empire, it was used to refer to civilization.

How do you use ecumene in a sentence?

Sentences MobileA highlight of the ecumene is the annual ecumene service, which is every Pentecost in one of the both parishes. A highlight of the ecumene is the annual ecumene service, which is every Pentecost in one of the both parishes.

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Intensive Subsistence Farming With/without Rice As A Dominant Crops

Farming with Rice as a Dominant Crop

Tropical regions with dense populations and high rainfall are the areas where intensive subsistence farming is practiced. Rice is the major crop grown because it can fee and employ many people in every unit area. It is mainly adopted in south-east Asia and farmers make use of animal and manual power to carry out farming activities. Most farmers use manures to improve the productivity of their farms per unit area.

Farming without Rice as a Dominant Crop

Just like subsistence farming with rice as the main crop, this activity is practiced in areas with low rainfall. Apart from rice, farmers grow other grain crops such as millet and wheat. The agricultural activity is practiced in Central America and southern Africa and areas in northern Africa, Asia and the Middle East without much rainfall throughout the year.

Definitions Of Agriculture From Book Authors

1. Agriculture is the systematic raising of useful plants and livestock under the management of man .

2. Agriculture is the growth of both plants and animals for human needs .

3. Agriculture is the deliberate effort to modify a portion of Earths surface through the cultivation of crops and the raising of livestock for sustenance or economic gain. .

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Compatible With The Following Exam Boards

  • Agriculture involves rearing of animals and crop cultivation
  • Agriculture aims at providing enough, healthy food to feed the population worldwide
  • Different types of agricultural activities are practiced in different regions across the world
  • Factors such as climate affect the type of agricultural activity a farmer can practice
  • Types of agricultural activities include subsistence farming, nomadic herding, commercial plantation, livestock rearing, etc.

Agriculture involves plants and animals breeding and land cultivation to offer fiber, food and medicine. It also provides other products necessary for life enhancement and sustenance. During the sedentary human civilization, agriculture was a critical aspect of development. Domesticated plant and animal species were farmed for food surpluses to sustain people living in cities.

Agricultural science is the study of agriculture, a field whose history dates back thousands of years. People began planting grains about 11,500 years ago prior to their domestication. On the other hand, wild grains were gathered over 105,000 years ago. However, sheep, pigs and cattle were first domesticated more than 10,000 years ago.

Crops have their origin in about 11 regions across the world. Within the previous century, large-scale monoculture has driven the growth of industrial agriculture and thus its domination of agricultural output. However, more than 2 billion people worldwide rely on subsistence agriculture for sustenance.

Top 13 Types Of Agriculture

Geography Glossary cont.

Although agriculture is not uniform across the world, it is the most widespread activity. It is classified based on the type of crop being grown, scale of cultivation, intensity, mechanization level, combinations of livestock and how farm produce is distributed. The following are the different types of agricultural activities worldwide:

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Review Of Other Definitions Of Agriculture

It is admitted that no definition can be exacting for everybody and for all purposes. Nevertheless, I find this elucidation on what is agriculture especially convenient is where its coverage is limited to crop production and livestock production even knowing that some definitions include fisheries, forestry, and other activities. Further, the science of agriculture is dynamic.

Considering that the simplest way to answer the question What is Agriculture? is to provide a definition, here are some from various authorities:

Table : Types Of Rainfed Production Systems And Regions

System Characteristics and Examples
Rain-fed agriculture: highlands Low productivity, small-scale subsistence agriculture a variety of crops on small plots plus few animals.
Rain-fed agriculture: dry tropics Drought-resistant cereals such as maize, sorghum, and millet. Livestock often consists of goats and sheep, especially in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Africa, and in India. Cattle are more widespread in southern Africa and Latin America.
Rain-fed agriculture: humid tropics Mainly root crops, bananas, sugar cane, and notably soybean in Latin America and Asia. Maize is the most important cereal. Sheep and goats are often raised by more impoverished farmers while cattle are held by wealthier ones.
Rain-fed agriculture: subtropics Wheat , fruits , and oil crops . Cattle are the most dominant livestock. Goats are also essential in the southern Mediterranean, while pigs are dominant in China and sheep in Australia.
Rain-fed agriculture: temperate Principal crops include wheat, maize, barley, rapeseed, sugar beet, and potatoes. In the industrialized countries of Western Europe, the United States and Canada, this agricultural system is highly productive and often combined with intensive, penned livestock .

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Procedures Of Topographic Survey

There are two ways by which you can carry out topographic surveys on a toposheet. They are direct and indirect surveys. These are the techniques to gather information about a particular place. All the information is later used to create an area-wise toposheet for documentation. The details of the survey techniques are as follows:

What Is Topography Meaning In Geography

AP Human Geography Unit 5: Agriculture!

Topography in geography deals with the study of the surface of the earth or other celestial bodies. The main tool necessary for the study of topography is a toposheet. Toposheets are mainly available in parts divided concerning the area.

Every minute detail of the land is present on the toposheet. While observing a topographic map you can observe the natural features along with the roads, drainage, buildings, and water bodies. It also shows the altitude of the place. However, these are the topography examples that are denoted in multiple toposheets.

To theoretically denote a particular location you need to write the coordinates of the place. All toposheets contain the coordinates. You can find the gridlines forming the squares. These are topographic latitudes and longitudes.

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Main Objectives Of Agricultural Geography

Six main objectives of agricultural geography are as follows:

To examine the spatial distribution of crops, livestock and other agricultural activities. The cropping patterns and crop and livestock combinations vary in space and time. For example, the crop associations of Punjab and Haryana are different from those of Rajasthan, Bihar and West Bengal. The causes of such variations and their systematic explanation are one of the primary objectives of agricultural geographers.

To ascertain the spatial concentration of agricultural phenomena. There are certain crops which have very high concentration in one area and low or insignificant concentration in other areas. The reasons for such spatial densities are examined by agricultural geographers.

Crop associations and crop-livestock combinations change in space and time. What was the crop combination in Punjab in the, pre-Green Revolution period has changed in the post- Green Revolution period. In fact, the wheat and rice combination in Punjab and Haryana is a recent development in the crop land use history of these states.

This association is not going to last as many of the farmers and scientists are rightly challenging its sustainability. There is a strong possibility of the farmers to adopt a new combination in the coming decades. The farmers always try to optimize their agricultural returns and adopt new innovations. The temporal change in cropping patterns deserves investigation and explanation.

Legal Meanings And Scope

4. Agriculture includes farming in all branches and, among other things, includes the cultivation and tillage of soil, dairying, the production, cultivation, growing, and harvesting of any agricultural and horticultural commodities, the raising of livestock or poultry, and any practices performed by a farmer on a farm as an incident to or in conjunction with such farming operations, but does not include the manufacturing or processing of sugar, coconuts, abaca, tobacco, pineapple or other farm products. , Chapter I, Title II, Labor Code of the Philippines).

5. Agriculture, Agricultural Enterprise or Agricultural Activity means the cultivation of the soil, planting of crops, growing of fruit trees, including the harvesting of such farm products, and other farm activities and practices performed by a farmer in conjunction with such farming operations done by persons whether natural or juridical. , Philippines. Retrieved September 2, 2010, from

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