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How To Break Habits Psychology

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Understanding The Psychology Of Habits: What Is A Habit

How to Break Bad Habits | Trading Psychology

If you want to know how to form habits, you need to understand what they are. That means understanding the psychology of habits, knowing how habits are formed.

I know I risk sounding like an annoying teacher on the first day of class , so if you want to skip to the end of this section go right ahead.

I think understanding the psychological definition of a habit is important to the overall psychology of habits , but Ill keep it brief.

One of the most popular studies on the psychology of habits found that it takes an average of 66 days to form a habit . In an interview with UCL News, the researchers of that study defined habits:

Habits are behaviours which are performed automatically because they have been performed frequently in the past. This repetition creates a mental association between the situation and action which means that when the cue is encountered the behaviour is performed automatically. Automaticity has a number of components, one of which is lack of thought.

The researchers agree that habits are actions you do a lot, which is where the idea that a habit is something you do every day comes from.

But notice the other factors that need to be present to form a habit. Repetition creates a connection between the situation and the behavior.

Essentially, there are a few boxes to check before you can call something a habit, according to the psychology of habits. To be a habit, an action needs to:

  • A Cue
  • An Action
  • A Reward
  • How Does The Habit Loop Work

    In a review of how habits work, an animal study done by MIT researchers was noted. This study looked at the brain activity of rats as they developed new habits.

    The rats were placed into a maze with chocolate hidden at one end and were repeatedly released to find the chocolate, which was in the same place each time. The rats appeared to be leisurely sniffing and scratching their way around the maze until they found the chocolate.

    Interestingly, the rats brain activity was very high during the first few times they were released into the maze. One area of the brain, in particular, called the basal ganglia, was frantically processing all the new information.

    Then, as the rats become more and more familiar with the maze, their total brain activity decreased. The basal ganglia, however, had stored information about habits and was still activated even when the rest of the brain switched off.

    Similar findings have been seen in humans. The Power of Habit book explored the research of Professor Squire, on an individual named E.P, who had severe brain damage. E.P seemed able to learn new behaviours and form habits but could not recall how he was doing them or even remember what they were. Squire noted that the basal ganglia region in E.Ps brain was intact, even though other areas suffered damage.

    The research in rats and humans combined suggests that the basal ganglia brain area is responsible for forming new habits and making this behaviour automatic.

    How Does Habit Form

    There have been calls for habit formation, whether focused solely on establishing new actions or displacing unwanted actions, to be adopted as an explicit goal for behavior change interventions . Developing effective habit formation interventions requires an understanding of how habit forms.

    The route to human habit formation is conceptually simple: A behavior must be repeatedly performed in the presence of a cue or set of cues so that cue-behavior associations may develop. For behaviors that are initially purposeful and goal-directed, the habit-formation process represents a period of transition whereby behavioral regulation transfers from a reflective and deliberative processing system to an impulsive system, which generates action rapidly and automatically based solely on activation of associative stores of knowledge . While there has been much lab-based research into the learning of relatively simple habitual responses in humans , only relatively recently have studies focused on formation of real-world health-related habits . This work has largely been facilitated by the development of the Self-Report Habit Index , which affords reflections on the symptoms of habit, such as repetitive performance, mental efficiency, and lack of awareness.

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    Identify The Habit Loop

    Analyzing the habit loop and the cause of your bad habit is the crucial first step to breaking out of it. Be aware the next time you engage in your routine of the habit, focus on the cue that triggered it and the reward it provides.

    Melody Wilding writes Look at the circumstances surrounding the behavior including the time of day, who youre with, and what emotions youre feeling. Make sure to write down your cue, routine, and reward every time to be able to diagnose it better.

    Analyzing your toxic habits in detail will help you become increasingly aware of your bad habits and find helpful alternatives. This awareness will transform your habit from an automatic, subconscious routine to a deliberate, conscious behavior, explains an article on Medium.

    What Is A Habit Loop

    How to Break Bad Habits

    A habit loop is a way of describing several related elements that produce habits. These elements have been called the cue , the routine , and the reward. For example, stress could serve as a cue that one responds to by eating, smoking, or drinking, which produces the reward . The habit loop concept was popularized by Charles Duhigg in The Power of Habit.

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    Which Behavior Change Techniques Should Be Used To Form Habit

    The most comprehensive taxonomy of behavior change techniques currently available defines habit formation as a discrete technique, which it defines as any effort to prompt rehearsal and repetition of the behavior in the same context repeatedly so that the context elicits the behaviour . Yet, this definition incorporates only context-dependent repetition and not any other technique that may promote habit by increasing the likelihood of context-dependent repetition or enhancing the contribution of each repetition to the learning of habit associations . Although context-dependent repetition is necessary for habit to form, it realistically requires supplementation with techniques targeting pre- and post-initiation phases en route to habit formation . While Michie et al. treat habit formation as a unitary technique, habit formation may perhaps be more realistically seen as an intervention approach that comprises a broader suite of techniques, which marry context-dependent repetition with strategies that: reinforce motivation boost action control capacity, opportunity, or skills facilitate post-initiation repetition or quicken the learning of associations arising from repetition.

    Breaking Bad Habits And Making Good Ones

    Everyday PsychBreaking Bad Habits and Making Good Ones

    The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken. Warren Buffett

    Usually, when we talk about habits, were not talking about the good ones: eating junk food, swearing, picking your nose, swearing while eating junk food and picking your nose, etc.

    But habits can also be good things, too! Such as brushing your teeth, getting to sleep on time, saying please and thank you, reading the articles on Everyday Psych, etc.

    Today, were going to discuss what a habit exactly is, how they develop, and how you can use the knowledge from psychological science to enhance your everyday life!

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    How To Break A Bad Habit

    Here are some additional ideas for breaking your bad habits and thinking about the process in a new way.

    Choose a substitute for your bad habit. You need to have a plan ahead of time for how you will respond when you face the stress or boredom that prompts your bad habit. What are you going to do when you get the urge to smoke? What are you going to do when Facebook is calling to you to procrastinate? Whatever it is and whatever you’re dealing with, you need to have a plan for what you will do instead of your bad habit.

    Cut out as many triggers as possible. If you smoke when you drink, then dont go to the bar. If you eat cookies when they are in the house, then throw them all away. If the first thing you do when you sit on the couch is pick up the TV remote, then hide the remote in a closet in a different room. Make it easier on yourself to break bad habits by avoiding the things that cause them.

    Right now, your environment makes your bad habit easier and good habits harder. Change your environment and you can change the outcome.

    Join forces with somebody. How often do you try to diet in private? Or maybe you quit smoking but you kept it to yourself?

    Instead, pair up with someone and quit together. The two of you can hold each other accountable and celebrate your victories together. Knowing that someone else expects you to be better is a powerful motivator.

    Whenever that happens, finish the sentence with but

    Plan for failure. We all slip up every now and then.

    How Can You Break Bad Habits

    How to Break Approval Seeking Habits | Psychology Self Help | Mental Health Counseling Video

    A habit is any action that we have performed so often that it becomes almost an involuntary response. If we consider this habit to be undesirable then we may label it a “bad habit.” People spend countless hours and dollars each year attempting to break these bad habits and often do not have any success. Why? Because there is no magic bullet. Change is hard work and there is no shortcut to achieving it. The steps a person needs to take, however, can be very simply outlined. To effect a change in habits, one needs to bring the action back into the realm of consciousness and regain the ability to make choices.

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    Choosing The Right Rewards With The Psychology Of Habits

    Rewards are one idea from habit psychology that have made it into popular culture. Most fitness experts or personalities will recommend rewarding yourselves for your workouts.

    Most of them do it wrong.

    Rewards have been studied almost to death by behavioral psychologists, and the most common examples of rewards fly in the face of the science.

    Used correctly, rewards are a huge part of how to make something a habit. But you have to use them correctly.

    Giving yourself a reward at the end of a day, week, or month doesnt work. Most of the time, people talking about rewarding themselves are picking rewards that are too large and too infrequent to make a difference.

    Not only are big rewards like new clothes, new games, a vacation, or a big night out not effective, they can be actively harmful to developing habits.

    A reward is not a prize that you set out to win in the end it is a quick boost, received immediately after you do something, that makes you feel good about doing it. Somewhere along the line, the way we understand rewards got warped.

    The habit psychology research agrees:

    Extrinsic rewards are likely to facilitate habit formation only where attainment of the reward does not become the goal of performance .

    If you are doing an action just for the reward, you are much less likely to follow through. What happens when you reach that reward, and there is no next one? What happens when you decide that being miserable on a daily basis is not worth the reward?

    What Are Habits And Habitual Behaviors

    Habit formation has attracted special attention as a potential mechanism for behavior change maintenance because habitual behaviors are thought to be protected against any dips in conscious motivation. Viewing habit as a means to maintenance may seem truistic in everyday discourse, a habit is an action done repetitively and frequently, and so making action habitual will necessarily entail maintenance. Within psychology, however, the term habit denotes a process whereby exposure to a cue automatically triggers a non-conscious impulse to act due to the activation of a learned association between the cue and the action . Habit is learned through context-dependent repetition : Repeated performance following exposure to a reliably co-occurring cue reinforces mental cue-action associations. As these associations develop, the habitual response gradually becomes the default, with alternative actions becoming less cognitively accessible . Habit is formed when exposure to the cue is sufficient to arouse the impulse to enact the associated behavior without conscious oversight . In the absence of stronger influences favoring alternative actions, the habit impulse will translate smoothly and non-consciously into action, and the actor will experience behavior as directly cued by the context .

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    How Long Does It Take For Habits To Form

    Google that question and youll come up with one of two answers: 21 days or 66 days. Neither answer is correct.

    To be honest, I have no idea where the number 21 comes from exactly three weeks makes it seem like someone pulled it out of thin air. It doesnt seem to be based on the psychology of habits.

    But 66 days come from the study I cited previously . All signs point to this being a fine study, but theres a problem it doesnt actually say it takes 66 days to form a habit.

    It says that in this study with this habit with these participants it took an average of 66 days to form a habit. The psychology of habits is more nuanced than that.

    The real answer, as usual, is that it depends.

    How long does it take to form a habit?

    It depends on the habit you are creating. It depends on your ability to control your immediate environment. And even then, participants in that study took anywhere from 18 to 254 days to establish their habits.

    It may be possible for you to build a habit in just 18 days, or it may not.

    If you focus on choosing the right small actions, building the right environment, and using the right small rewards, the habit you build will be stronger and develop faster.

    If you want help putting together your habit-building game plan, I put together a free guide to give you a hand. Just let me know where to send it.


    Locke, E. A. . Motivation through conscious goal setting. Applied and Preventive Psychology, 5, 117-124.

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    Putting Them Behind You Can Have A Major Impact On Your Health And Social Life

    Posted August 23, 2011

    Everyone has at least one bad habit. Whether it’s being chronically late, tapping your feet, chewing gum too loudly, eating sloppily, , or eating junk food, a bad habit can impede your happiness, health, and social relationships.

    The key to overcoming bad habits is, first, to develop some insight into their origins. On a recent Today Show appearance, New York TimesSocial Q’s” editor Philip Galanes and lifestyle coach Harriette Cole provided several suggestions for overcoming some of the most common habits that can hurt your relationships with other people.

    They started with chronic lateness: When you consistently fail to show up on time for social engagements or meetings, are you actually trying to exert control over those you keep waiting? They now are living on your time, not theirs. Your lateness is not only rudeit can lead you to lose friends and, if you do this at work, possibly your job.

    Other bad habits have life-shortening consequences:

    • Smoking and abuse of drugs or alcohol are two other serious, life-threatening bad habits.
    • Compulsive shopping can jeopardize your financial stability and ultimately erode your mental health.
    • Even being a fashion victim by wearing the wrong shoes can increase your risk of chronic disability.

    To change some bad habits may require professional help, but understanding the basic principles of behavior change can give you a head start on the process:

    2. Gain insight on what’s causing the habit.

    What Causes Bad Habits

    Most of your bad habits are caused by two things

    Stress and boredom.

    Most of the time, bad habits are simply a way of dealing with stress and boredom. Everything from biting your nails to overspending on a shopping spree to drinking every weekend to wasting time on the internet can be a simple response to stress and boredom.1

    But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can teach yourself new and healthy ways to deal with stress and boredom, which you can then substitute in place of your bad habits.

    Of course, sometimes the stress or boredom that is on the surface is actually caused by deeper issues. These issues can be tough to think about, but if you’re serious about making changes then you have to be honest with yourself.

    Are there certain beliefs or reasons that are behind the bad habits? Is there something deeper a fear, an event, or a limiting belief that is causing you to hold on to something that is bad for you?

    Recognizing the causes of your bad habits is crucial to overcoming them.

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    Breaking Bad: Habits Should Be Your Focus Not Goals

    We dont know which habits brought you here, but weve all got them. Everyone has at least 1 bad habit .

    That person that says like like 500 times every sentence.

    Staying up late watching Tiger King and falling asleep 3 hours before a big test.

    Hitting snooze 8 times before getting out of bed.

    Snacking on Oreos at 8pm. Then snacking on the rest of the Oreos at 9.

    Your habits are everything. Who you are is a direct result of your habits.

    Overweight? You dont have a weight problem you have poor eating and exercise habits .

    No money in the bank? Chances are poor money management is your issue. NOT the amount of money youre bringing in.

    And it doesnt help that everything you learn about achieving goals is 100% WRONG.

    Get this: Goals should NOT be your goal. Does that make sense? Instead of focusing on the goal itself, you should focus on THE HABITS that help you achieve that goal.

    You dont want to run a marathon you want to become a runner. You dont want to lose 20lbs you want to eat well and exercise regularly.

    Say your room is a mess because youve been working from home since corona sent us all running to our dens for safety. Now, say you spend an hour cleaning up. Great! Your room is clean. But how long will that last if you have poor organization and cleaning habits?

    Not long.

    What we mean to say is that you cant break a bad habit without first understanding the value of habits.

    Theyre everything.

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