Saturday, July 27, 2024

How Has Gis Changed Geography And Cartography

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Cartography And The Rise Of Geospatial Technology Services

Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Software: An Open Source Lecture #GIS #Maps

For centuries, cartography has helped map our ever-changing world. Cartography is the method through which maps are studied, created, and designed. It helps us to understand our place in the world, analyze positional relationships, and reflect on geographys effect on our daily lives. As technology has evolved over the years, so have our cartographic capabilities, which in return, have to lead to modern-day geospatial technology services. Todays cartography tools have taken mapmaking to new heights, mostly in terms of detail and accuracy. Mapmaking can employ a huge variety of methods and tools through the use of aerial photography, sensors, GPS, satellites, and GIS. Geo Owls uniquely qualified experts provide the appropriate experience and qualifications ensuring the highest quality in map production using these modern cartography tools:

How Has Gis Revolutionized Cartography

Geographic Information Systems began in the 1960s with the popularity of computers. Though very simplistic in its beginning, new technology and inventions have expanded and enhanced the functions of GIS. GIS has revolutionized cartography by using computers to store, analyze, and retrieve geographic data, thus allowing infinite numbers of comparisons to be made quickly. The program formulates information into various layers, such as the location of utility lines, sewers, property boundaries, and streets. These layers can be placed together in a multitude of combinations to create a plethora of maps, unique and suitable to each individual query. The versatility of GIS makes it indispensable to local governments and public agencies.

Improvement In Tracking Capabilities

With GIS coming hot on the heels of the information age, tracking migrations of people, animals and weather changes has become easier than before. Mapping, data analysis, and reporting are the mainstay activities in this approach. These are areas one can focus when placing Geography paper orders at

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How Can Gps Keep Me From Getting Lost

A GPS unit provides precise latitude and longitude for the location of the device. By using a hand-held GPS unit along with a map that provides latitude and longitude , you can determine your precise location on the Earth’s surface. This is a valuable tool for those who hike or travel in remote regions and for ships at sea. GPS is now widely available in cars as stand-alone, portable, pocket-sized devices on cell phones and even on the boxes that ship products that you buy. In short, GPS is used in all aspects of our lives.

Modern Trends In Cartography

GIS Cartography

Electronic cartography has been rapidly growing in the current marketplace as GPS technology becomes more intuitive. specifically has taken off as GIS technology is used to map marine ecosystems and travel patterns.

The goal of marine electronic cartography is to make transportation via bodies of water more efficient than it was in the past with only paper charts Because this area of GIS technology is still growing, there is an increasing need for professionals in the field with an expertise in cartography.

GIS professionals also have the opportunity to go into the commercial or defense markets to put their skills to use. According to Persistence Market Research, demand for marine electronic cartography is expected to increase worldwide meaning international positions will be readily available. The firm expects growth in the following areas through 2026:

  • Increasing ocean trade activity
  • Worldwide economic expansion

Modern cartography is also a great tool in understanding elections. This map collection vividly shows the political contrasts in the United States and breaks down the information in a number of ways. For example, local and federal governments use GIS technology for mapping elections and reaching targeted voter demographics.

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Why Digital Cartography Is Important

Digital cartography is important because it helps to:

Speed up work: Digitizing data can be accomplished much more quickly than hand drawing a map.

Save time and money: Digitizing maps reduces the need for printing paper.

Reproduce copies more easily e.g., it is possible to make multiple copies of a digitized map, which would be difficult with a drawn map.

Provide multiple ways of viewing the same data and manipulating data using computer software.

What Skills Does A Cartographer Need

The skills that a cartographer needs include but are not limited to:

The ability to create and use maps for communication purposes. This will enable you to create and read maps using different mapping conventions and symbols.

Reading skills: This is important because it will help you to read maps, books, magazines, etc., at an advanced level.

Finding sources of information that can be used in your work. This will help you to find the information that you need more easily and quickly.

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Gis Past Present And Future

The history of GIS consists of 3 historic stages:

  • Pioneering and development
  • GIS software commercialization
  • User adoption
  • As time went on, GIS became a computer-based tool for storing and manipulating map-based land data. Its now a multi-billion dollar industry responsible for some of the most important decisions our Earth is facing.

    What does the future hold for GIS? Real-time GIS? Virtual reality?

    Every day, we are carrying the torch from the pioneers of GIS. We stand on the shoulders of giants. We are shaping the future of GIS. Companies, organizations, and governments adopt GIS because its a tool to help make knowledgeable decisions.

    Today, we barely scratched the surface of the history of GIS. Read more on its remarkable history.

    Where Did Gis Begin


    Mapping has revolutionized how we think about location. Maps are important decision-making tools. They help us get to places. And they are becoming more immersed in our everyday lives.

    But where did it all begin?

    Advancements in GIS were the result of several technologies. Databases, computer mapping, remote sensing, programming, geography, mathematics, computer-aided design, and computer science all played a key role in the development of GIS.

    Today, well uncover some of the key moments in the history of GIS that has shaped it into what it has become today.

  • Further Reading on the History of GIS
  • Recommended Reading: What Are The Themes Of Geography

    What Are The Benefits Of Cartography

    Cartography has various benefits including:

    Through the creation of maps, cartographers are able to describe and represent their understanding of the world. This will enable others to share their knowledge in a very effective way.

    Cartographers are able to communicate information clearly and effectively through maps, which will help them fulfill their purpose in society.

    Cartographers can make use of many different kinds of data that have been collected by different organizations around the world. This will help them to produce maps that are accurate and easy to interpret.

    Over time, cartographers will be able to collect more and more data which will help them refine their knowledge of the world and its environment.

    Cartography can be used in a variety of creative ways, which will help people to communicate information in different ways.

    What Is Modern Cartography

    Modern cartography might seem like a contradiction when considering the historical origins of cartography and traditional map-making. However, cartography remains as relevant as it was centuries ago thanks to the advent of GPS, data globalization, and location analytics.

    Modern cartography allows GIS professionals to understand everything from climate change to where companies should open businesses. And, the possible applications extend far beyond our own planet. For example, this interactive map shows how new star charts and celestial coordinates can be discovered all through modern cartography techniques.

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    Changing The Face Of Geography: Gis And The Igu

    The process of prepositioning ambulances for better service is one way in which GIS is used to examine spatial situations.

    There is, for example, broad agreement in the scientific community that the earth’s climate is changing and that it is partly human induced. Very little is known, however, about the societal impacts of climate change, and there are very important geographic questions that need to be answered about changes in biogeochemical cycles, ecosystems, water resources, and resource utilization continued atmospheric pollution and the overall economic, political, and social implications. Geographers can contribute to the body of knowledge about climate change by synthesizing, analyzing, and modeling possible impacts.

    Similarly, with respect to human health and well-being, understanding of a population’s health, the distribution of disease in an area, and the environment’s effect on health and disease is central to human existence and a quintessentially geographic problem. There are also significant issues about the accessibility of health care and spatial distribution of health care providers.

    Societal security is an essential goal of all governments and one that has become increasingly difficult to fulfill in recent years. In an area of asymmetric warfare, sociopolitical solutions have become ever more complex, and their impacts affect different communities and socioeconomic groups in different ways.

    Illustration by Elizabeth Davies, Esri

    The Age Of Exploration

    8 Stunning Maps That Changed Cartography

    The Age of Exploration began in the 15th century, triggered in part by incredible inventions like the telescope, compass, and the sextant.

    This drive to explore ignited demand for increasingly detailed and accurate world maps.

    This era is summarized perfectly by Time magazine:

    âBy the mid sixteenth century, what everyone needed was a flat map allowing seaborne navigators to plot long distances using a straight line that took into account the curvature of the earthâs surface.â

    This demand prompted European cartographers to conduct extensive land surveys, explore uncharted areas, and create the most detailed maps seen to date. It was during this era that the now famous Mercator projection was created.

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    What Are The Modern Problems Of Cartography

    Cartography has various problems including:

    No standard glossary of terms and symbols in common use.

    The need for cartographers to use computers to create and represent cartographic data and communicate their findings.

    The need for cartographers to design maps that are attractive, clear, and easy to read and interpret.

    The need for the cartographer to be familiar with the different mapping conventions used around the world. This will enable them to fulfill their communication objectives effectively.

    Gis Cartography And Transformation

    Tenure-track Position in GIS, Cartography and Transformation

    The Department of Geography at the University of British Columbia invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in GIS, Cartography and Transformation.

    The successful candidate will use and advance theories, methods, and technologies in cartography, GIS, spatial analysis, or geographical computing to address theoretical and empirical insights from other areas of geography. We are particularly interested in applicants whose work in GIS and cartography intersect with one or more of emerging and long-term strengths in our department, including the study of climate change, climate justice, political ecology, urban geography, migration, feminist and Black geographies, political economy, Indigenous geographies, socio-spatial inequality, physical geography, health geography, and environmental sustainability.

    Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, and/or status as a First Nation, Métis, Inuit, or Indigenous person. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

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    Paper Mapping Analysis With Cholera Clusters

    Dr. John Snow used mapping to illustrate how cases of cholera were centered around a water pump. Many people thought the disease was propagating through the air. However, this map helped show that cholera was being spread through the water.

    The history of GIS all started in 1854. Cholera hit the city of London, England. British physician John Snow began mapping outbreak locations, roads, property boundaries, and water lines.

    When he added these features to a map, something interesting happened:

    He saw that Cholera cases were commonly found along the water line.

    John Snows Cholera map was a major event connecting geography and public health safety. Not only was this the beginning of spatial analysis, but it also marked the start of a whole field of study: Epidemiology the study of the spread of disease.

    To this date, John Snow is known as the father of epidemiology. The work of John Snow demonstrated that GIS is a problem-solving tool. He put geographic layers on a paper map and made a life-saving discovery.

    From Paper To Digital

    Cartography and Geographic Information Systems (GIS): A Technical Video Lecture

    Snows research demonstrated that maps could be used to solve complex problems, but such projects were difficult to undertake with pen and paper. By the 1960s, computers began to change everything, making it possible to record and analyze geographic data on an unprecedented scale.

    Canada was one of the first nations to explore the possibilities of GIS. While employed by an aerial survey company, geographer Roger Tomlinson developed a computerized approach to land use mapping. He went on to lead the creation of the Canadian Geographic Information System, which managed, modeled and analyzed large amounts of geospatial data.

    This early GIS proved essential to the Canada Land Inventory, a multidisciplinary effort at generating maps to show the sustainability of resources in rural areas. The CLI relied on accurate information about soil, drainage patterns and climate to determine whether each plot of land was suitable for certain crops.

    In 1965, the U.S. Census Bureau also took an interest in GIS, experimenting with a system to plot block-by-block demographic data. The agency used a GIS-based file format known as Geographic Base FileDual Independent Map Encoding to digitize information on roads, urban areas and boundaries. The Census Bureau continued to use the DIME format until it was replaced by Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing in 1990.

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    What Is Gis And Its Advantages And Disadvantages

    GIS technology might be considered as expensive software. It as well requires enormous data inputs amount that are needed to be practical for some other tasks and so the more data that is to put in. Since the earth is round and so there would be geographic error that will increase as you get in a larger scale.

    How does GIS differ from a typical database system?

    A GIS is the actual representation of an area while a CAD represents non-existent or existing structures. GIS is can manage databases more effectively but its not as strong as CAD. Multiple files are used to store data in GIS while a single file is sufficient to store CAD data.

    Children As Map Users In The Information Technology Era

    Cartography at the beginning of twenty-first century is facing a technological revolution due to the widespread use of electronic media and especially of computers and information technology. In many countries, individuals have access to a computer usually connected to a worldwide network everyday. Such a technological advance not only affects the technical frame of cartography, but it also changes decisively the relation between cartography and society. During the long history of cartography, the latter faced significant technological revolutions that changed the methods of map construction dramatically. But in every case, the cartographic processes needed specially trained staff in order to be performed. As a result, the knowledge of how to construct a map was related to a very small section of the society, that is, the cartographers. The existence of such advanced technological tools is transforming any member of the society, and especially children, into a cartographer by offering electronic systems able to construct any kind of map.

    M. Pavlovskaya, in, 2009

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    Summarizing The Spatial Situations

    GIS combines the ability to manage stores of geographic data and perform spatial analysis and modeling to visualize output and disseminate results and methods.

    It is not surprising that GIS and geographic analysis are being widely used. But the diffusion of geographic analysis methodology throughout the real world is quite remarkable. Based on licensing records, there are few countries or government departments in the world that are not using GIS. At least 5 million people in more than 300,000 institutions in more than 150 countries are using geographic methods in their work daily. And the largest campuses investigating geographic analysis are not in academia but in the private sector .

    Avian flu and bird migration routes illustrate the correlation between known outbreaks of avian flu and bird migration corridors to assist in the process of identifying the source and the diffusion of the disease.

    Using the assumption that every $1 million of investment in data and GIS requires at least one trained person for the investment to be used effectively, there is a shortfall of at least 3,000 trained people per year in North America alone, compared to the output from all universities and technical colleges in North America. Students are realizing that geography offers career opportunities and interesting jobs throughout the working world.

    What Is The Difference Between Automated Cartography Cad And Gis

    Maps &  Cartography Archives

    Another way to view the difference is that GIS uses a spatial database where CAD is a drawing of a model. CAD models things that are going to be created, so it uses coordinates relative to the object. They dont exist until the designer creates them. With GIS, the world is mapped as it appears.

    Why digital mapping is necessary in GIS?

    The primary function of this technology is to produce maps that give accurate representations of a particular area, detailing major road arteries and other points of interest. The technology also allows the calculation of distances from one place to another.

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    Which Are Features Of Modern Cartography

    Cartography has various features including but not limited to:

    Multiple scales can be used in maps. This is often useful when cartographers want to display two different types of information, for example, a large-scale map viewed from a birds eye view and a more detailed map that is viewed from ground level.

    Maps can show combinations of different kinds of information in different shapes and colors. This will help the viewer to differentiate between different kinds of data such as street names and land ownership on a map.

    When maps are played on a computer, they use the virtual worlds-built environment and routes of travel to determine the players position. This is important for players who want to create their own maps.

    The map can illustrate a real object such as a building or geographical feature that is not currently present in the game world. Cartographers can use this to make maps that exist in the game that shows what an item looks like before it is added to the world.

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