Thursday, September 12, 2024

What Psychological Disorder Do I Have

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What Causes Dependent Personality Disorder

Do I Have Borderline Personality Disorder?

Mental health experts havent figured out what causes DPD. They believe it results from a mix of genetics, environment and development. Experts have found DPD is more likely in people with particular life experiences, including:

  • Abusive relationships: People who have a history of abusive relationships have a higher risk of a DPD diagnosis.
  • Childhood trauma: Children who have experienced child abuse or neglect may develop DPD. It may also affect people who experienced a life-threatening illness during childhood.
  • Family history: Someone with a family member who has DPD or another anxiety disorder may be more likely to have a DPD diagnosis.
  • Certain cultural and religious or family behaviors: Some people may develop DPD due to cultural or religious practices that emphasize reliance on authority. But passivity or politeness alone is not a sign of DPD.

What Causes Mental Disorders

There is no single cause for mental illness. A number of factors can contribute to risk for mental illness, such as

  • Your genes and family history
  • Your life experiences, such as stress or a history of abuse, especially if they happen in childhood
  • Biological factors such as chemical imbalances in the brain
  • Use of alcohol or recreational drugs
  • Having a serious medical condition like cancer
  • Having few friends, and feeling lonely or isolated

Mental disorders are not caused by character flaws. They have nothing to do with being lazy or weak.

Symptoms Of Borderline Personality Disorder

The symptoms of BPD can be grouped into 4 main areas:

  • emotional instability the psychological term for this is affective dysregulation
  • disturbed patterns of thinking or perception cognitive distortions or perceptual distortions
  • impulsive behaviour
  • intense but unstable relationships with others

The symptoms of a personality disorder may range from mild to severe and usually emerge in adolescence, persisting into adulthood.

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Definition Of A Psychological Disorder

Perhaps the simplest approach to conceptualizing psychological disorders is to label behaviors, thoughts, and inner experiences that are atypical, distressful, dysfunctional, and sometimes even dangerous, as signs of a disorder. For example, if you ask a classmate for a date and you are rejected, you probably would feel a little dejected. Such feelings would be normal. If you felt extremely depressedso much so that you lost interest in activities, had difficulty eating or sleeping, felt utterly worthless, and contemplated suicideyour feelings would be atypical, would deviate from the norm, and could signify the presence of a psychological disorder. Just because something is atypical, however, does not necessarily mean it is disordered.

For example, only about 4% of people in the United States have red hair, so red hair is considered an atypical characteristic, but it is not considered disordered, its just unusual. And it is less unusual in Scotland, where approximately 13% of the population has red hair . As you will learn, some disorders, although not exactly typical, are far from atypical, and the rates in which they appear in the population are surprisingly high.

How Can I Take Part In Clinical Research

How Do I Know if I Have Multiple Personality Disorder?

Clinical trials are research studies that look at new ways to prevent, detect, or treat diseases and conditions, including borderline personality disorder. During clinical trials, treatments might be new drugs, new types of psychotherapy, new combinations of drugs, or new ways to use existing treatments. The goal of clinical trials is to determine if a new test or treatment works and is safe.

Although individual participants may benefit from being part of a clinical trial, participants should be aware that the primary purpose of a clinical trial is to gain new scientific knowledge so that others may be better helped in the future. Decisions about participating in a clinical trial are best made in collaboration with a licensed health professional.

To learn more about clinical trials, please visit NIH Clinical Trials and You . To find a clinical trial, visit

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What Are Personality Disorders

Personality disorders are characterized as an ongoing, persistent pattern of thoughts and behaviors that differs significantly from someones culture. A personality disorder can cause a person emotional distress and impact their view of themselves and others. It can also cause difficulty with impulse control. The onset of most personality disorders occurs in adolescence or early adulthood.

About 9% of the population is affected by a personality disorder. The most prevalent disorder is obsessive-compulsive personality disorder , which affects 8% of the population. Research has shown that anywhere from 34.8% to 73% of people who seek treatment for addiction have a co-occurring personality disorder. Further, people who live with a personality disorder have a higher chance of suicidal ideations and attempts. Around 75% of people with personality disorders make a suicide attempt, and 10% commit suicide.

Living with an untreated personality disorder can be uncomfortable often, it significantly impacts a persons life and their relationships with others. If you find yourself wondering if you have a personality disorder, it may be worthwhile to consider taking an online personality disorder assessment. The results can give you an idea of what you may be dealing with before you talk to a mental health provider to determine an official diagnosis.

Who Is Most Likely To Get Ocd

OCD can affect children, adolescents, and adults alike. Most people with OCD are diagnosed by the age of 19, but onset after age 35 can occur. OCD typically presents earlier in males than in females. Having another mental health disorder, having parents or other family members with OCD, and experiencing traumatic life events can increase your risk of developing OCD.

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What Mental Illness Do I Have

The label a mental health professional uses to talk about a specific mental illness is called a diagnosis. An example of a diagnosis might be generalized anxiety disorder, or bipolar disorder II. There are a lot of different types of mental illnessthey go way beyond just depression. If youre pretty sure youre experiencing a mental illness but youre not sure which one, where do you start?

What Causes Borderline Personality Disorder

What is Borderline Personality Disorder? Do I have symptoms of BPD?

Scientists arent sure what causes borderline personality disorder, but research suggests that genetic, environmental, and social factors play a role.

  • Family History. People who have a close family member with the disorder may be at a higher risk of developing borderline personality disorder or borderline personality disorder traits .
  • Brain Factors. Studies show that people with borderline personality disorder can have structural and functional changes in the brain especially in the areas that control impulses and emotional regulation. But is it not clear whether these changes were risk factors for the disorder, or caused by the disorder.
  • Environmental, Cultural, and Social Factors. Many people with borderline personality disorder report experiencing traumatic life events, such as abuse, abandonment, or adversity during childhood. Others may have been exposed to unstable, invalidating relationships, and hostile conflicts.

Although these factors may increase a persons risk, it does not mean that the person will develop borderline personality disorder. Likewise, there may be people without these risk factors who will develop borderline personality disorder in their lifetime.

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How Do You Stop Obsessive Thoughts

Cognitive behavioral therapy is one means of treatment by which you can stop obsessive thoughts. Through CBT, therapists focus on helping you to recognize negative thoughts and find new ways of responding to them. CBT helps you stand back from these thoughts, look at the evidence closely, and tell yourself something more realistic or accurate. You cannot simply stop obsessive thoughts, but you can change the way you interpret meaning from them and how you respond.

  • National Institute of Mental Health. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Accessed April 6, 2021.
  • Mayo Clinic. Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Accessed April 6, 2021.
  • What Are The Different Types Of Personality Disorder And How Are They Diagnosed

    Doctors use guidelines for diagnosing mental health problems. The main guidelines used are the:

    • International Classification of Diseases produced by the World Health Organisation , and
    • Diagnostic and Statistical Manual produced by the American Psychiatric Association.

    When making a diagnosis your doctor will:

    • think about your symptoms, and
    • compare them to the guidelines.

    A doctor will ask you questions about your life and what feelings, emotions, and behaviours you have. This is called an assessment. The doctor should be a psychiatrist.

    You shouldnt feel that its your fault, or that youre to blame if youve been diagnosed with a personality disorder. Problems with diagnosis are explored in more detail in further down on this page.

    Personality disorders diagnoses are grouped into three clusters, A, B, and C.

    Cluster A personality disorders

    People with cluster A personality disorders can find it hard to relate to other people. Their behaviour might seem odd or eccentric to other people.

    Paranoid personality disorderIf you have been diagnosed with this, you may feel very suspicious of others without good reason. This can make you feel that other people are being nasty to you. Even though this isnt true . You might feel easily rejected or hold grudges.

    Cluster B personality disorders

    People with cluster B personality disorders can find it hard to control their emotions. Other people might see them as unpredictable.

    Cluster C personality disorders

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    How Is Dependent Personality Disorder Diagnosed

    Your healthcare provider does a physical exam to understand if another condition could be causing symptoms. A mental health provider makes the DPD diagnosis.

    A mental health provider will talk with you about your past mental health history. Questions may include how you feel, any other mental health concerns and any substance use problems. The provider compares your answers to factors listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders .

    For a diagnosis of DPD, a provider will look for five of the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. These factors include:

    • All-consuming, unrealistic fear of being abandoned.
    • Anxious or helpless feelings when alone.
    • Inability to manage life responsibilities without seeking help from others.
    • Problems stating an opinion out of fear of loss of support or approval.
    • Strong drive to get support from others, even choosing to do unenjoyable things to get it.
    • Trouble making everyday decisions without input or reassurance from others.
    • Trouble starting or completing projects because of a lack of self-confidence or ability to make decisions.
    • Urge to seek a new relationship to provide support and approval when a close relationship ends.

    Mental Health First Aid

    Do I Have a Personality Disorder?

    Mental Health First Aid is a national public education course. Its designed to teach people about the warning signs and risk factors of mental health issues. In the training, participants learn about treatments and approaches that can help people with mental health disorders.

    This training program is made for people who regularly interact with patients in a healthcare setting. Through scenarios and role-playing, healthcare providers can learn how to help a person in crisis connect with professional and self-help treatment steps.

    Physical exercise is great for your body. Dancing, swimming, walking, and jogging boost cardio health and strength. Theyre also great for your mind. Research shows they can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

    However, there are also exercises you can do for your brain. These include:

    • Striking a power pose. People who use power poses may see a temporary drop in feelings of social anxiety.
    • Listening to calming music. A 2013 study of 60 women revealed that people who listen to relaxing music recover faster after stress than people who relax but do not listen to music.
    • Practicing progressive muscle relaxation. This process involves tightening and then slowly relaxing various muscle groups. It may be combined with other techniques like listening to calming music or breathing exercises.
    • Finding a yoga pose. One 2017 study showed that just two minutes of performing yoga poses can boost self-esteem and help increase bodily energy.

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    Questions To Ask Your Doctor

    Asking questions and providing information to your doctorealth care provider can improve your care. Talking with your doctor builds trust and leads to better results, quality, safety, and satisfaction. Visit the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality website for tips at

    More information about finding a health care provider or treatment for mental disorders is available on our Help for Mental Illness webpage, available at .

    What Research Is Being Done To Improve The Diagnosis And Treatment Of Borderline Personality Disorder

    Research on borderline personality disorder is focusing on biological and environmental risk factors, with special attention on symptoms that may emerge at a young age. Researchers are conducting studies focused on adolescents at risk for borderline personality disorder to develop methods that help identify the disorder early. Borderline personality disorder research is also focused on the development and evaluation of psychotherapy and pharmacological interventions to prevent self-harming and suicidal behaviors, which occur at a high rate among people with borderline personality disorder.

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    Can Anxiety Turn Into Bipolar

    There is no research evidence that suggests that anxiety can turn into bipolar disorder, says Simon A. Rego, PsyD, Chief Psychologist at Montefiore Medical Center and Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City. People with bipolar disorder may experience feelings of anxiety, however, and may also confuse some of the symptoms of bipolar disorder for symptoms of anxiety.

    In addition, some of the symptoms of bipolar disorder can also be associated with some of the anxiety disorders, Rego says. And some people may have both an anxiety disorder and bipolar disorder.

    So it’s not always so easy to sort these things out, Rego says. It is much more important to seek professional help if youre experiencing symptoms that are causing you distress or interference in your ability to function in life.

    Can Bpd Go Away

    How to tell if you have Borderline Personality Disorder

    While BPD has historically been seen as a lifelong, very disabling mental health condition, recent research is challenging this assumption. Now it appears that there may be a positive trajectory over time, with many of the most troubling symptoms remitting during the first few years. Unfortunately, other symptoms may remain for longer periods.

    Even though many psychotherapies have been developed to help people with BPD, long-term recovery in social functioning is still difficult for them, says Simon A. Rego, PsyD, chief psychologist at Montefiore Medical Center and Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, both in New York City.

  • National Institute of Mental Health. Borderline Personality Disorder. Page Last Revised December 2017. Accessed June 7, 2021.
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness. Borderline Personality Disorder. Page Last Reviewed December 2017. Accessed June 7, 2021.
  • Myerson D et al. Is Borderline Personality Disorder Underdiagnosed? Abstract No. 51 of Scientific and Clinical Reports, American Psychiatric Association 162nd Clinical Meeting, May 2009, San Francisco, California.
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    What Are The Criteria For Borderline Personality Disorder

    The American Psychiatric Associations Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition outlines the criteria for a diagnosis. BPD is diagnosed on the basis of a pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affect and marked impulsivity beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by at least five of the following nine criteria:

    1.Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment this does not include suicidal or self-mutilating behavior covered in criterion 52.A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation3.Markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self4.Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging . This does not include suicidal or self-mutilating behavior covered in criterion 5.5.Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior6.Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood 7.Chronic feelings of emptiness8.Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger9.Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms

    Who Can Diagnose Borderline Personality Disorder

    BPD is most often diagnosed by a mental health professional, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or social worker, says Simon A. Rego, PsyD, chief psychologist at Montefiore Medical Center and Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, both in New York City.

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    How Do You Suspect Mental Illness In A Person

    Signs and symptoms of mental illness can vary, depending on the mental disorder and severity of the condition.

    Some signs and symptoms that are seen in mental disorders include:

    • Feeling sad and unhappy
    • The tendency to react with violence
    • Withdrawal from friends and activities
    • Inability to maintain relationships
    • Inability to work or study
    • Disorganized speech
    • Feeling tired and lethargic
    • Insomnia or sleeping too long
    • Detachment from reality
    • Delusions
    • Paranoia
    • Hallucinations
    • Inability to cope with daily problems or stress

    How Are Personality Disorders Treated

    Do I Have Borderline Personality Disorder?

    Personality disorders are usually treated with group psychological treatments or talking therapies. Below we explain more about the different types of therapies.

    The options for treating personality disorders are continuously developing.

    You and your doctor or healthcare team should agree on a treatment plan that works best for you.

    If your GP feels you have a complex personality disorder, they may refer you to a:

    • community mental health team, or
    • specialist personality disorder service or unit, if there is one locally.

    These services are made up of professionals such as psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists. They will have experience in helping people with personality disorders. Sometimes you can contact these services yourself to get help.

    Its always worth asking why a certain treatment is being offered. And if there are other things that could help you to get better.

    When thinking about what treatment to offer you professionals should consult guidelines NICE guidelines, if relevant. NICE stands for The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. The NICE guidelines recommend treatment for conditions.

    For personality disorders NICE only have guidelines for:

    • Borderline personality disorder , and
    • Anti-social personality disorder.

    The following treatments can help if you have a personality disorder:

    Cognitive behavioural therapy

    CBT can help you to change how you think and what you do. These are both linked to how you feel.


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