Friday, July 26, 2024

What Is Spatial Science In Geography

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Is Geography Related To Earth Science

Week 1a: What is spatial analysis? (Introduction to Spatial Data Science)

Physical geography focuses on geography as an Earth science. Physical geography is the study of Earths seasons, climate, atmosphere, soil, streams, landforms, and oceans. Geochemists use the tools and principles of chemistry to study the composition, structure, processes, and other physical aspects of the Earth.

What is complementarity in spatial interaction?

Why Become A Geospatial Scientist

There are plenty of reasons to work towards becoming a geospatial scientist.

Its an area that offers variety. After all, geospatial scientists get the chance to drive innovation. Youll be able to access the latest technology and wield it to uncover rich intelligence that can drive future decision making

Graduates are also lucky to have excellent job prospects and the pays good too. To find out more about the benefits of stepping into the geospatial science field, head through to our Study page.

What Is Spatial Distribution In Geography

Whats your current location? Youre somewhere. So is the person next to you. While this might seem like an apparent observation, its an important one. Human lives exist within a physical space. This allows us to study the correlation of situations in our lives and the spaces in which they occur. Where do you live? How far can an average person run? Which areas have the most children? Human lives can be studied in terms of geography, and for this, we turn to spatial distribution.

Concept of Spatial Distribution

Spatial distribution refers to the set of geographic observations depicting the importance of the behavior of an extraordinary phenomenon or characteristic across different locations on the earths surface. Examples of such analysis include the distribution of the human population across the globe and the investigation of the movements of societies and their influential factors. Such factors include dispersal, migration, dispersion and habitat fragmentation.

Uniform Pattern

A uniform pattern happens when the data points are spaced evenly. An example of such a pattern is a parade marching band where the musicians are evenly spaced out. Humans are known to form uniform patterns through planning. If there is an equal distribution of houses represented by green dots on that map, wed assume that somebody planned for the entire location to be filled with houses costing more than $200,000.

Random Distribution

Clumped or Clustered Dispersion

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What Is Geography What Is Geography Spatial Science

What is Geography?

What is Geography? Spatial Science: examines how, why, and where interaction between humans and the environment occurs.

What is Geography? Geography: means the study of the earth. Studies natural or human phenomena through space, scale, and time. Natural Phenomenon Hurricanes Earthquakes Tornados

Space Geography is the science of place and space. Place- For place the central issue is the difference relative to other places . -Relative location: the location of a place relative to other places. -Absolute location: the exact location of a place on the surface of the earth. Space- When we discuss space we are often concerned with What kinds of questions can Geographers ask about space and place? movement through space . -Where are things located and why are they there? -How are people and their activities distributed in space? -How do people perceive space? -How do people create spaces?

Scale Geographic scale is the dimension of how we examine a physical or human phenomena. Different social and physical processes operate at different scales. -Global -Regional -Nation or State -Community, county, city, etc. Many processes interact across various scales.

Tools Remote sensing Cairo San Francisco

Washington D. C. Washington Monument

Tools Geographic Information System

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Five Reasons Every Data Science Team Needs A Geographer

Pin by MapScaping on Geography and Science videos

The authors, Lauren Bennett and Trisalyn Nelson, are both trained geographers. Bennett is the program manager for spatial analysis and data science at Esri. Nelson holds the Jack and Laura Dangermond Endowed Chair of Geography at the University of California, Santa Barbara. The authors combine their perspectives from industry and academia to consider the role of geography and GIS in data science. They hope that data scientists and geographers alike will gain perspectives about the unique contributions a geographic approach brings to the field of data science.

There is little doubt we are in the age of data science. While there was a time when saying we studied spatial statistics made us unpopular party guests, today being a spatial data scientist carries cachet. People are interested. There is an intuitive understanding that society is generating massive amounts of data thatin the right handshas power.

Recently, we were panelists for a spatial data science webinar. An audience member asked us to comment if GIS was still relevant in the age of data science. Another asked if data science should be taught in geography programs or left to computer science and statistics programs. We found these questions both surprising and not surprising.

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Which Four Choices Are Part Of The Six Categories Of Spatial Analysis

In this course, spatial analysis will be divided into six categories: queries and reasoning, measurements, transformations, descriptive summaries, optimization, and hypothesis testing. Queries and reasoning are the most basic of analysis operations, in which the GIS is used to answer simple questions posed by the user.

Geography The Spatial Science


The initial impetus for developing a specialty in ocean geography resulted from the need to resolve applied problems in coastal resources, as opposed to development of oceanographic research methods and concepts. However, the development in the last 10 to 20 years of sophisticated technologies for ocean data collection and management holds tremendous potential for mapping and interpreting the ocean environment in unprecedented detail. With the understanding that ocean research is often very costly, yet deemed extremely important by large funding agencies, geographers now have the opportunity to perform coastal and marine studies that are more quantitative in nature, to formulate and test basic hypotheses about the marine environment, and to collaborate with geographers working in corollary subdisciplines , as well as with classically-trained oceanographers. This article reviews, for the non-specialist, the newest advances in mapping and management technologies for undersea geographic research and discusses the contributions that geographers stand to make to a greater understanding of the oceans.

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When Can You Find Out If Geospatial Science Is The Field For You

You can learn how to achieve a geospatial science qualification right now. If youre interested in geography, science, technology, visual arts and IT plus you like to find solutions to challenging projects geospatial science could be for you.

Across this site youll find videos and articles. Youll learn about the kind of life a geospatial scientist leads, and the impact you could have on our future environment.

Youll uncover the study paths into the profession which would give you intelligence to shape your world!

Who Is A Spatial Scientist

Geography as a Science of Spatial Analysis

As a spatial scientist you have a wide range of skills so that you can create maps and images of the landscape. This may involve using information from technologies such as satellite images, aerial photos and GPS devices to provide a range of industries with geographical information.

What are the spatial concepts?

Spatial concepts define the relationship between us and objects, as well as the relationships of objects to each other.

What does a spatial scientist do?

Surveyors and Spatial Scientists plan, direct and conduct survey work to determine and delineate boundaries and features of tracts of land, marine floors and underground works, prepare and revise maps, charts and other geographic products, and analyse, present and maintain geographical information about locations in

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Why Is Geospatial Science Important

  • Document criminal activity giving authorities the intelligence needed to fight crime
  • Track flooding patterns in populated areas helping predict future flooding hotspots
  • Map sea floor topography proving invaluable when searching for missing aircraft

Military intelligence, urban sprawl, environmental sustainability the applications go on and on. Geospatial scientists work underpins decisions that have a direct effect on societal development. It can be applied to track coastal erosion, or help design towns and communities. Pokemon Go owes a heavy debt to the geospatial scientist, and their work is even at the heart of technology like Google Earth.

Basically, geospatial science solves problems. It offers the intelligence to shape our world.

Where Can You Find Geospatial Science In Your Life

We use spatial information to understand everything about the world around us.

Have you ever considered just how often you use maps every day? Google Maps, the SatNav in your car, SnapMaps, Pokemon Go, Google Street View, Uber, finding a pizza, Twitter, catching a train, tracking a flight, Find My Phone even your photos tag where you are.

All of this is spatial information. Its the connection of people to location and location to data.

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What Causes Spatial Distribution

Spatial distribution of individuals belonging to one population or of populations belonging to one metapopulation are affected by resource availability and habitat fragmentation, and are created by natural factors such as dispersal, migration, dispersion, and human-caused factors such as habitat fragmentation.

What Is Spatial Distribution Of Electrons

GIS (Geographic Information System)

Spatial distribution in general means, process of arrangement of anything. And every arrangement has certain rules. likewise electrons are also arranged around nucleus such that Atom will be most stable and will have least energy . therefore it is called spatial distribution of electrons around nucleus.

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Bachelor Of Geographical And Spatial Science

Students should ensure they review the Course Structure information provided on the Course Details page for their Bachelors Degree. It is essential that students complete any Foundation units identified in that information at the earliest available opportunity in their studies. For those degrees which do not identify any Foundation Units, the necessary fundamental knowledge is incorporated within each degree specific major in your course. Where Foundation units are identified, they are essential and are chosen to provide fundamental knowledge which will assist you throughout the remainder of your studies. In some cases these foundation units are also essential prerequisites to enable you to undertake required units within your chosen majors, so these units should always be completed as early as possible in your course.

Students can access specific major pages through the handbook search function.

What Is Spatial Distribution Patterns In Geography

The spatial pattern of a distribution is defined by the arrangement of individual entities in space and the geographic relationships among them. The capability of evaluating spatial patterns is a prerequisite to understanding the complicated spatial processes underlying the distribution of a phenomenon.

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What Do Spatial Scientists Do And What Does It Take To Become One

The hard work of spatial scientists is incredibly important to a range of different industries. Its not just about messing around with cool pieces of equipment and creating pretty maps and digital images.

The application of spatial research and data collection has a major influence on transport planning, construction, town planning, agriculture, aquaculture, property management, land management, the distribution of utilities and the extraction, processing and production of energy and raw materials.

If you pursue a career in this area, you will be using high-tech equipment to measure the Earth, collecting and analysing data, before presenting it in an accessible format.

Scientists from all kinds of academic backgrounds can get involved with this line of work. However, the complexity and technical nature of the work means that obtaining a degree in a subject, such as geography, environmental geoscience, maths, physics, engineering, geology, surveying, archaeology, marine science or urban planning, is pretty much essential for entry into these careers.

Many people who work in this industry work for private cartographic, hydrographic and land surveying companies. However, some people work for national mapping agencies or government departments, such as Ordnance Survey, the Ministry of Defence , and the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office .

Others work in academic positions, and some spatial scientists even work on a freelance basis, providing services for a range of clients.

How Do You Become A Geospatial Scientist

Spatial Data Science Overview

How you pursue the study of geospatial science is up to you.

There are a number of different study pathways that lead to a variety of roles in the sector. Vocational training can see you become a geospatial operator, a cartographic technician or a GIS officer. To become a professional geospatial analyst, youll need to complete an undergraduate degree.

Harness a new type of intelligence today.

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What Is Complementarity In Geography

Complementarity refers to a demand for or deficit in a product in a place and a supply or surplus of the same product in another place intervening opportunity explains the absence or insufficiency of interactions between two complementary locations and transferability is the possibility of interactions between

What Makes Geography Different From Other Science Disciplines

What makes the scientific discipline of geography different from other science disciplines is its emphasis on space, place, and connection. The technology geographers and other scientists use to study the physical and cultural environments spatially and over time is with geospatial technology.

What are the technological developments in spatial science?

The most significant technological developments have been in geographical information systems , combined hardware and software for the organization, integration, analysis, and display of spatially-referenced data, with the powerful display media underpinning the growth of visualization strategies.

What kind of Science is concerned with space?

Drawing on phenomenology, existentialism, and hermeneutics as well as traditional forms of cultural geography and landscape analysis, these geographical humanists were less concerned with space and political economy than with place, naturesociety relations, and the interpretation of cultural landscapes.

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Data Science Is Spatial Science

The current era of big data is an era of big spatial data. Eighty percent of big data is spatial. It contains geographic coordinates that can be mapped, according to Big spatial data for urban and environmental sustainability, a 2020 paper by Bo Huang and Jionghua Wang.

The importance of spatial data is evidenced by the growing prevalence of maps in every form of communication, from media outlets to public health briefings to social media. The spatial dimension of data provides additional information on how phenomena vary across space and relate to location.

This means that if youre analyzing data, you could already be doing spatial data science. If youre not already taking advantage of the spatial characteristics of your data, you may be missing key information. But to take advantage of spatial information, you need to treat your data right.

If you are not a geographer, you should call one before you dig into the time-consuming, persnickety task of data formatting to make sure you are handling the spatial aspects of the data correctly. Geographers can make informed decisions about whether to use raster or vector representations and which resolution, extents, and spatial units to employ.

Which Of The Following Are Features Of Spatial Analytics

Spatial sciences

Visual, no-code tools to transform, geocode, process, and analyze spatial and hundreds of other data sources. Tight integration of spatial reference data, including regular updates to geospatial datasets such as geocoding and drivetime analysis thanks to partnerships with TomTom, MapBox, and other vendors.

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What Do Geospatial Scientists Do

The geospatial scientist explores the connections between the community and the environment to help predict patterns and trends. Or to put it another way, they tell you WHAT you need to know about a WHERE, and WHEN.

The intelligence they provide can be used to shape the world.

There are a number of tools designed to gather geographic information that are at the disposal of a geospatial scientist. Remote sensing, geographic information systems and global positioning systems are key in measuring and observing data. However, without geospatial scientists, thered be no-one to sort through that data, analyse it and present it so that it can be applied in a meaningful way.

Geography As A Spatial Science

The key question facing most sciences is “how” and thus focus on the process whereby something comes about regardless of time or place. Geography is described as a spatial science because it focuses is on “where” things are and why they occur there. Geographers seek to answer all or more than one of four basic questions when studying our environment. These relate to location, place, spatial pattern, and spatial interaction. Let’s look at how a physical geographer answers these questions about a desert.

Figure 1.3 Location of the Sonoran Desert Courtesy USGS

Location: Location is defined as “the position in space” of something. Latitude and longitude is a convenient way to locate something’s position. The Sonoran Desert is located at a latitude and longitude of 33°40’N, 114°15’W. This defines the Sonoran Desert’s absolute location. It actually covers an area of 311,000 square kilometers between 25° to 33° North and longitude 105° to 118° West. We can also define the Sonoran Desert in relation to a known location, called its relative location. “The Sonoran Desert wraps around the northern end of the Gulf of California, from northeastern Baja California through southeastern California and southwestern Arizona to western Sonora.”

Figure 1.4 Distribution of Non-Polar Deserts Courtesy USGS

Figure 1.5 The Sonoran Desert near Maricopa, Arizona. Courtesy Wikipedia

Courtesy Penn State Public Broadcasting

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What Options Do I Have Within Spatial Science

Land surveying is all about measuring the distance between different points on the Earth in order to establish the topography of a land area, or to determine property boundaries for private ownership or political reasons.

Essentially, youll be working out in the field, utilising a series of high-tech instruments to take accurate readings and measurements. You might be conducting geodetic surveys or cadastral surveys .

Youll then be processing the data that youve accumulated and presenting it to your clients. The information that is amassed is vital to construction projects, the planning of transport routes and the delineation of political boundaries.

Hydrographic surveyors use modern technologies, such as Geographical Information Systems and sonar, to quantify the depth and composition of the Earths marine environments. The data they collect can then be manifested in the form of 2D charts and 3D digital maps.

This vital information can be used by energy companies looking for oil and gas deposits, government agencies that wish to monitor and develop the UKs waterways, and marine transport organisations that utilise navigational charts.

For the most part, youll be working out in the field either offshore, charting the worlds vast oceans, or inland, surveying canals, lakes and rivers.

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