Thursday, September 12, 2024

How To Learn Psychology Fast

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Find Youtube Videos And Podcasts On The Subject

Fastest way to learn psychology in college

This is another free and valuable resource that is commonly overlooked. You can find a lot of information pertaining to psychology through Youtube videos and a large array of science-based podcasts that are available.

Social psychologist Andy Luttrell has a youtube channel where he discusses multiple subfields within the world of psychology. While most of his videos center around social psychology, you can find numerous playlists on his channel relating to other topics as well that will be just as helpful to those learning psychology for the first time.

In the video below, you can watch one of Luttrells most popular uploads, where he explains one of the most well known social psychology topics, known as the spotlight effect. If youre interested in learning more about this topic, as well as watching Luttrells psychology videos, watch the video below:

Another Youtube channel you can check out is The Psych Show with Dr. Ali Mattu. Dr. Mattu is a clinical psychologist that creates content on Youtube that covers just about every aspect of psychology you can think of.

From dealing with coronavirus related anxiety, debunking mental health myths, and recommending psychology books, Dr. Mattu covers everything in this psychology-based channel.

In the video below, Dr. Mattu goes in depth into some of the top psychology books he recommends for those looking to understand the basics:

Psychological Tricks To Help You Learn Better

Have you ever considered letting your students listen to hardcore punk while they take their mid-term exam? Decided to do away with Power Point presentations during your lectures? Urged your students to memorize more in order to remember more? If the answer is no, you may want to rethink your notions of psychology and its place in the learning environment.

What To Do Before Class

Your instructor has assigned you certain readings from your textbook and possibly other sources as well. How will you learn all of this information?

Secret #1: Use the 3R technique: Read. Recite. Review.

Lets say youre supposed to read a chapter by your next class. Use these three basic steps:

  • Read a section of the chapter. Then close the book and hide your notes.
  • Recite everything you can remember about what you’ve just read. You dont need fancy equipment. You can recite to yourself, to a friend, to your cat or even to your coffee mug or a plant in your room.
  • Review the section by reading it again to correct anything you got wrong, or to revisit important information that you overlooked when you recited.

In one study comparing the effectiveness of various study techniques, students in three groups read long, technical encyclopedia entries . One group used the 3R technique a second read the articles twice and did nothing else a third read the articles once but took notes while reading. A week later, everyone took the same test. The students who had used the 3R technique did much better on the test than students who used the other techniques. Whats more, it took students less time to use the 3R technique than reading and taking notes.

One reason this method works so well is that when you practice the second R, you see immediately what you had trouble understanding, learning and remembering, so you know what to concentrate on when you do the third R: review.

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How To Study Psychology In College: Dont Neglect Sleep

As strange as it may sound, much of your success in studying psychology lies in your ability to get adequate sleep.

Research shows that the various stages of sleep experienced throughout the night help consolidate memories of things we learn throughout the day.

Likewise, its well known that being deprived of sleep inhibits cognitive functioning, thereby reducing your ability to learn and retain new information.

This being the case, getting enough rest at least six hours a night, and ideally around eight hours a night will enable you to process and retain the information you study much more effectively.

And since all that learning is processed during sleep, waiting until the day of the test to cram wont do you any favors. Instead, be sure you schedule plenty of studying time in the days leading up to the test, that way you maximize the value of memory consolidation.

The Most Effective Learning Techniques

Accelerated Learning: The Most Effective Techniques: How ...

If you have only limited time to read this page, at least check out the following two points. Forfurther details, click on the links to learn more.

Based on decades of learning science research, the two most effective methods known to date are:

  • Spaced practice / distributed practice learning that occurs over multiple sessions at different points in time . This technique refers to when you should be preparing for course exams .

Further information: Spaced Practice

  • Retrieval practice / practice testing instead of simply restudying information, attempting to recall that information from memory . This technique refers to what you should be doing to prepare for course exams .

Further information: Retrieval Practice

Spaced practice involves when you should study and retrieval practice involves how you should study. When you use both , they make a powerful combination.

Additionally, if you perform retrieval practice across multiple days and, each time, practice recalling information until you attain 100% accuracy then recent research shows that your ability to retain that information over long periods of time is maximized.6

Finally, besides spaced and retrieval practice, there are some additional learning techniques that you may wish to try. These included interleaved practice, self-explanation, and others.

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Psychology Give You A Strong Grasp Of Research Methods

Psychology teaches you to understand basic scientific principles. Psychology as a social science relies on the scientific method. Having a basic understanding of psychological research methods can help you rate some of the many claims that youll encounter in books, magazines, television shows, and movies. Becoming a better-informed consumer of psychology means that you will be equipped to sort out the truth from the fiction surrounding many pop psychology myths. Psychology graduates say that research methods and ability to interpret statistical results are the biggest contributors to their career success, regardless of whether they pursued a career in psychology or elsewhere.

Lecture 1: Why Are People Different

Why are people different from one another? This lecture addresses this question by reviewing the latest theories and research in psychology on two traits in particular: personality and intelligence. Students will hear about how these traits are measured, why they may differ across individuals and groups, and whether they are influenced at all by one’s genes, parents or environment. Personality psychology studies the differences in people’s behavior by attempting to accurately measure traits and characteristics based on past behavior.”

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How To Learn More Effectively

Knowing the most effective strategies for how to learn can help you get the most out of your time when you are trying to learn new things. If you are like many people, your time is limited so it is important to get the most educational value out of the time you have available.

Speed of learning is not the only important factor, however. It is important to be able to accurately remember the information that you learn, recall it at a later time, and utilize it effectively in a wide variety of situations.

Becoming an efficient learner is not something that happens overnight, but putting a few of these learning techniques into daily practice can help you get more out of your study time.

Lecture 1: Self And Other Part 2

How to learn anything fast? (The Feynman’s technique)

This lecture begins with the second half of the discussion on social psychology. Students will learn about several important factors influencing how we form impressions of others, including our ability to form rapid impressions about people. This discussion focuses heavily upon stereotypes, including a discussion of their utility, reliability, and the negative effects that even implicit stereotypes can incur.

The second half of the lecture introduces students to two prominent mysteries in the field of psychology. First, students will learn what is known and unknown about sleep, including why we sleep, the different types of sleep, disorders, and of course, dreams, what they are about and why we have them. Second, this half reviews how laughter remains a mysterious and interesting psychological phenomenon. Students will hear theories that attempt to explain what causes us to laugh and why, with a particular emphasis on current evolutionary theory

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Lecture : Love And Attraction

Guest lecturer Peter Salovey, Professor of Psychology and Dean of Yale College, introduces students to the dominant psychological theories of love and attraction. Specific topics include the different types of love, the circumstances that predict attraction, and the situations where people mistakenly attribute arousal for love.

What Students Need To Do To Succeed

Psychology courses, as well as those in many other departments and at other universities, revolve around high-stakes tests . In fact, on average, 80% of the course grade in PSYC classes at UCSD is determined by exam performance.3 In order to perform well on such exams, it is crucial for students to master a wide range of course content.

How can that objective be accomplished? Through the use of evidence-based learning methods. Note that these are not described as study methods. Although it is common to describe preparing for an exam as studying, which is why this page is titled as such, simply studying information multiple times is by itself often not very effective.4,5 Instead, as described below, other methods are far more powerful at improving the learning of course content.

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Dont Just Read Your Textbook Use It

Psychology textbooks have many different study tools built right in that can help you in your studies.

When reading psychology texts, start by reading the introduction to the chapter. The introduction offers a broad, yet structured overview of the chapters contents and helps you build a roadmap of understanding the topics discussed in the chapter.

Next, read each headline and subheadline in the chapter. This is another way to help form those informational pathways in your brain and prepare yourself for taking in and remembering important details as you read.

Then at the conclusion of the chapter, read the chapter summary very carefully. Doing so will help reinforce the main ideas presented in the chapter while also giving you a chance to clarify any details that mightve been confusing as you progress through your reading.

Many textbooks also have activities, examples, charts, graphs, pictures with captions, and accompanying activities online. Dont just skip over these things. Instead, make use of these added tools to help reinforce your learning even more.

How Do I Study Psychology Tips For The First

Education Discover How to learn faster and remember ...

Psychology is an incredibly broad field, and even entry-level courses like Psychology 101 or Introduction to Psychology ask students to explore a wide range of topics.

With so much to learn in a single class let alone throughout a major in psychology its no wonder that many psychology students wonder how to study psychology effectively.

Fortunately, learning how to study psychology in college is all about implementing some tried-and-true strategies. Let these best tips for studying psychology outlined below help you make the most of your study time.

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Lecture 1: Mental Illness Part 2

In this lecture, Professor Bloom continues to explore psychopathology/clinical psychology. Following a discussion of the different ways of defining mental illness, Professor Bloom reviews several classes of clinical diagnoses including schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, dissociative disorders, and personality disorders. The lecture concludes with a brief introduction to therapy.

Psychology Theories And Thinkers

Some of the most famous thinkers in psychology including Freud, Erikson, and Piaget have proposed theories to explain various aspects of development, behavior, and other topics. While some theories are no longer popular, it is still important to study the effect that these ideas had on psychology.

Some of the basic theories that you should study include:

  • The Big 5 Theory of Personality
  • Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development
  • Freud’s Theory of Psychosexual Development
  • Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development
  • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

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How To Learn The Basics Of Psychology

Psychology is one of the most popular majors on college and university campuses all over the world, but that does not mean that you have to earn a degree in psychology to learn more about the human mind and behavior.

Today, there are plenty of great ways to learn more about the human mind and behavior such as taking a college course, signing up for a free online class, or self-studying using online resources. Explore the links below to find the tools, resources, quizzes, and information you need to learn more about the wide world of psychology.

How To Study Psychology Effectively: Study Regularly

6 Brain Hacks to Learn Anything Fast! (UPDATED 2021)

We learn best when we absorb information over time. This requires that you study regularly throughout each class you take.

While each students study needs and schedules vary, having a dedicated study time each day for your psychology courses is ideal. This doesnt mean you need to set aside three hours of study time for each class every day, but budget 2-3 hours of study time per week per credit hour. That means if your Psychology 101 class is three credits, you need 4-6 hours of study time for that course each week.

Even when things get really busy and youre pressed for time, finding just a few minutes 10 minutes here or 15 minutes there to review your study materials will go a long way in helping you develop a better understanding of the material and retain more information for a longer period.

Whatever you do, dont overdo it. If youre having a marathon study session, take a 10-15 minute break each hour. Your brain, your eyes, and your body need that time to recover a little bit, so take a break, go for a walk, get something to eat and drink, and recharge for the next hour of studying.

As noted in the introduction, psychology is a vast field of study, and no one can possibly remember everything about this field. But with these tips on how to study psychology in college, you can certainly improve your ability to retain information and set yourself up for better comprehension of psychology topics.

Sean Jackson

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Online Psychology Courses And Programs

Get an introduction to psychology with online courses from major universities and institutions worldwide. Edx offers both individual courses and advanced programs designed to help you learn about psychology in an engaging and effective online learning environment complete with video tutorials, quizzes and more.

Additionally, edX offers the option to pursue verified certificates in psychology courses. The certificate lists edX and the name of the university or institution offering the course and can be uploaded to your LinkedIn profile. It is proof for employers and others that you have successfully completed the course. Get started in with one the following courses.

The University of Queensland offers three self-paced courses that will introduce you to clinical, developmental and social psychology. In Introduction to Clinical Psychology, you will learn about the causes of mental illness as well as the treatments designed to alleviate suffering. Learn about common psychological disorders such as anxiety and schizophrenia and gain a better understanding of how clinical psychologists treat patients.

Developmental psychology studies human social, emotional and cognitive development and this introductory course will give you a good overview of the field. Learn how babies and children develop social attachments and the ability to communicate and function in the world. Observe and better understand various stages of language, cognitive and moral development throughout life.

Practical Study Tips From A Memory Expert Explained By Our Psychologists

When it comes to an approach to study, one size does not fit all.

Many students will find and develop their own approach over time.

But there are some principles that have shown to be particularly effective for many studiers, and can be a good starting point for a new study plan or a change of approach.

A recent article on Buzzfeed identifies some of the best approaches to study by a Professor of cognitive science, and our staff psychologist Christina has weighed in on how and why these tactics work!

  • Engage with the material in an active and meaningful way.
  • Passive reading and highlighting simply wont cut it, says Macquarie University Professor Amanda Barnier.

    Christina explains that this is because simply reading and regurgitating information only transfers that information into your short-term memory, where we can only hold 5 to 9 pieces of information at a time.

    In order for our study to be effective, we need to encode it into our long-term memory.

    We do this by adding meaning to the content we are reading by actively interpreting it rather than passively consuming it.

  • Write your notes in your own words.
  • This is one way of engaging with the material on a deeper, more active level.

    Paraphrasing the content in your own words enables a more in-depth understanding of the work, and therefore adds meaning to it, encoding it into our long-term memory.

  • Take your notes by hand, rather than typing them.
  • Christina sees both sides of the argument:

    Quality over quantity!

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    How To Slow Your Speaking Rate To Sound More Composed

    Do you talk too fast? In our fast-paced, hectic, and often stressful society, many people tend to have this communication problem. While speaking quickly is not necessarily an issue in and of itself, some people do so at the expense of clarity, diction, and coherency, which may seriously inhibit effective communication.

    Below are four common reasons why a person may speak too fast:

    1. Some people talk fast because theyre thinking a mile a minute and are trying to keep up with their own thoughts. This is particularly true with many extroverts, who tend to think as they speak rather than think before they speak.

    2. Some individuals speak quickly out of nervousness and anxietythey increase their rate in order to get their communication over with, but at the expense of clarity and diction, resulting in mumbling or jumbled speech. This particular phenomenon may apply to introverts as well as extroverts.

    3. Certain people naturally speak fast because they were socially conditioned to do so from a young age. For example, a child with rambunctious and highly vocal siblings may feel constant pressure to speak quickly and speak right away in order to get a word in and receive attention.

    4. For those who speak English as a second or third language, if the rate of their native tongue is inherently faster than English, they may inadvertently speak English at the rate of their birth language, resulting in fast English articulation.


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