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What Is Stimulus Discrimination In Psychology

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What Is The Difference Between A Stimulus And A Discriminative Stimulus

Stimulus Discrimination Examples

What is the difference between a stimulus and a discriminative stimulus? A stimulus is a person, place or thing in someones sense receptors while a discriminative stimulus is a stimulus in the presence of which a response will be reinforced. A stimulus does not necessary mean a response will be reinforced.

Why Is Begging For Money Called Panhandling

Panhandling, a common term in the United States, is more often referred to as begging elsewhere, or occasionally, as cadging.Panhandlers are variously referred to as beggars,vagrants,vagabonds,mendicants, or cadgers. The term panhandling derives either from the impression created by someone

What Is An Example Of Discrimination In Classical Conditioning

For example, if a bell tone were the conditioned stimulus, discrimination would involve being able to tell the difference between the bell tone and other similar sounds. Because the subject is able to distinguish between these stimuli, they will only respond when the conditioned stimulus is presented.

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What Is A Discriminative Stimulus

A discriminative stimulus is a stimulus that when it is present, it generates a particular response and the response is usually faster, more frequent, and more resistant to extinction. The responding behavior is then subjected to discriminative stimulus control. A discriminative stimulus is created when the response is reinforced in its presence, but not when it is absent1.

For example, a child requests to watch TV and historically, he is granted more screen time when his Mom has to get on a conference call for work, but never when she doesnt have to take a call. So having a work related phone call is a Sd that controls the childs requesting behavior.

Discrimination In Operant Conditioning

Classical Conditioning

In operant conditioning, discrimination refers to responding only to the discriminative stimulus and not to similar stimuli. For example, imagine that you have trained your dog to jump in the air whenever you say the command, “Jump!” In this instance, discrimination refers to your dog’s ability to distinguish between the command for jumping and similar commands such as sit, stay, or speak.

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Pavlov Demonstrates Conditioning In Dogs

In the early part of the 20th century, Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov , shown in Figure 8.2, was studying the digestive system of dogs when he noticed an interesting behavioural phenomenon: the dogs began to salivate when the lab technicians who normally fed them entered the room, even though the dogs had not yet received any food. Pavlov realized that the dogs were salivating because they knew that they were about to be fed the dogs had begun to associate the arrival of the technicians with the food that soon followed their appearance in the room.

With his team of researchers, Pavlov began studying this process in more detail. He conducted a series of experiments in which, over a number of trials, dogs were exposed to a sound immediately before receiving food. He systematically controlled the onset of the sound and the timing of the delivery of the food, and recorded the amount of the dogs salivation. Initially the dogs salivated only when they saw or smelled the food, but after several pairings of the sound and the food, the dogs began to salivate as soon as they heard the sound. The animals had learned to associate the sound with the food that followed.

What Is Stimulus Discrimination In Psychology

Stimulus discrimination occurs in psychology when there are different consequences for the same behavior depending on the situation. An example of a stimulus discrimination is a joke that could be told with the result of laughter among a group of friends, but the same joke may have repatriation if it is told in a church hall setting.

A discrimination is formed only when the response of similar behaviors is different in changing situations or environments. This discrimination could be the result of peer attitudes toward the behavior or it could be the result of a intuition that says the behavior is not appropriate in certain situations.

The stimulus discrimination is what will eventually lead to stimulus generalization. The generalization is that a person will respond in the same way to two different stimuli that may have small differences within them. A child will not know the difference between breeds of dogs, but will often know that different breeds are all considered to be dogs. They will not have the discrimination between a German shepherd and a Chihuahua, but will know that both of them are dogs. They will often point out the fact that dogs are dogs, but they may also use discrimination to label them small or large dogs.

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Aba Uses Many Concepts Of Behavior Therapy To Help Autistic Children

It is important to avoid harsh punishments while using ABCs during ABA therapy, as children with autism may have different behavioral responses to a sharp tone of voice, removing a favored object, or something else intended to redirect their attention. Instead, failing to reward a maladaptive behavioral response to a discriminative stimulus, while rewarding positive change, makes that a conditioned stimulus. The child then learns that their behavior can elicit a consequence that is in their favor.

There are other concepts with operant conditioning and other behavioral therapy techniques used in ABA therapy. If your child does not respond to changes in consequences for their behaviors or new discriminative stimuli, their ABA therapist can find other ways to encourage learning and skill-building.

What Is Stimulus Discrimination

10 Introduction – Classical Conditioning Stimulus Discrimination

Stimulus discrimination is about being able to differentiate between the original stimulus and other different but related stimuli. Its contrary to the concept of stimulus generalization, in which a subject is unable to discern an original stimulus from a host of other similar stimuli.

Lets start with an example. A kid who patiently waits for their father every evening may start dancing on hearing the doorbell sound. They may start getting excited every time the doorbell rings. Its referred to as stimulus generalization. However, they may be disappointed to discover that other family members also ring the same doorbell. Its only after repeated disappointments that they recognize the particular pattern of the doorbell call made by their father. After that, they may not dance at every doorbell, but only if it rings a certain way. Thats when their father comes in. This is because now the child has developed stimulus discrimination.

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Types Of Anomic Suicides

According to Durkheim, there are at least four types of anomic suicides:

Acute economic anomie: sporadic anomie resulting from a decreased capacity of traditional social structures of the pre-industrial era to cater to the social needs of an individual.

Chronic economic anomie: slow, persistent, and long-term disruption of social regulation, such as caused by the industrial revolution. According to Durkheim, the industrial revolution destabilized and finally devastated traditional regulators, such as religion, guilds, and other pre-industrial structures without sustainably replacing them.

Acute domestic anomie: abrupt social changes at the microlevel, such as widowhood, as a result of which an individual fails to adapt to a societal setting and commits suicide.

Chronic domestic anomie: this type of anomie is caused by marriage as an institution. For example, bachelors have higher suicide rates due to a lack of regulation and established means and goals. On the other hand, married women suffer more from anomie than their unmarried counterparts. Thats because marriage can further limit their already restricted lives and they fail to find a purpose in society.

An Example Of A Discriminative Stimulus Applied During Aba Therapy

ABA therapy uses operant conditioning to reward good behavior and to occasionally reprimand bad behavior.

As ABA therapy became one of the more popular approaches to treating autism, programs were criticized for how they punished clients, especially children. Modern ABA therapy does not punish, but instead simply fails to reward maladaptive responses to antecedents and uses rewards to enhance positive behavioral change. Children with autism respond well to operant conditioning used in this way, as repeated sessions encourage adaptive behaviors.

A case study offers a good example of how a discriminative stimulus might be used during ABA therapy. A child with autism had a stereotypic behavior and was taught to manage their stereotypy using a green card and a red card as antecedents. The childs stereotypic behavior involved shaping objects, most often string, in front of their face.

When the green card was on the childs desk, they were free to engage in this self-stimulating behavior. When the red card was on their desk, they had to stop and pay attention to their therapist.

At first, if the stereotypic behavior occurred when the red card was out, the child would be verbally or physically redirected to do something else. For example, they would be told to stop, or the string would be taken away from them. Then, their attention was focused on a different project. The green card could then be placed down as a reward for avoiding the stereotypic behavior.

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Classical Conditioning And Behaviorism

John B. Watson, shown in Figure 2, is considered the founder of behaviorism. Behaviorism is a school of thought that arose during the first part of the 20th century, which incorporates elements of Pavlovs classical conditioning . In stark contrast with Freud, who considered the reasons for behavior to be hidden in the unconscious, Watson championed the idea that all behavior can be studied as a simple stimulus-response reaction, without regard for internal processes. Watson argued that in order for psychology to become a legitimate science, it must shift its concern away from internal mental processes because mental processes cannot be seen or measured. Instead, he asserted that psychology must focus on outward observable behavior that can be measured.

Figure 2. John B. Watson used the principles of classical conditioning in the study of human emotion.

Watsons ideas were influenced by Pavlovs work. According to Watson, human behavior, just like animal behavior, is primarily the result of conditioned responses. Whereas Pavlovs work with dogs involved the conditioning of reflexes, Watson believed the same principles could be extended to the conditioning of human emotions . Thus began Watsons work with his graduate student Rosalie Rayner and a baby called Little Albert. Through their experiments with Little Albert, Watson and Rayner demonstrated how fears can be conditioned.

Sequencing Of Training Sessions

Stimulus Discrimination Example Classical Conditioning

In order to establish valid measures of the discriminative stimulus effects of drugs, subjects must be conditioned to cue exclusively to drugs and not at all to other stimuli present in the environment. The temporal sequence of training sessions with drugs and vehicles is an important tool in striving for this ideal situation. The order of sessions must be such that subjects cannot obtain reinforcers by learning the sequence of training sessions. Simple alternation of drug and vehicle sessions is precluded because the sequence can be learned too easily. It is also important that subjects cannot detect which response is correct from cues left by previously trained subjects olfactory cues can control the behaviour of different rats trained later in the same chambers .

Jennifer L. Martelle, Michael A. Nader, in, 2013

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Which Of The Following Is Stimulus Discrimination

Stimulus Discrimination is when we learn to respond only to the original stimulus, and not to other similar stimuli. … That is Stimulus Discrimination, because he learns to distinguish only the specific sound that means food is coming, and learns to ignore all other car sounds as not relevant to his getting fed.

How Does A Discriminative Stimulus Work

Operant conditioning is a psychological approach to changing behaviors through training by using rewards. In the original model that used animals, punishments were also used to change behavior.

The discriminative stimulus describes something that is the trigger for a specific behavior. The discriminative stimulus comes first then, the behavior follows as a direct result of this stimulus. The conditioned stimulus produces the response, while the discriminative stimulus signals the opportunity to respond.

The discriminative stimulus sets up the occasion for a specific behavior to occur because the resulting behavior has been reinforced in the past. The stimuli are discriminatory because they are specific and elicit a specific response.

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Stimulus Discrimination And Stimulus Generalization

Stimulus discrimination can be contrasted with a similar phenomenon called stimulus generalization.

For example, in classical conditioning, stimulus generalization will involve the inability to distinguish between conditioned stimuli and other similar stimuli. In the famous Little Albert experiment, a little boy was used to being afraid of a white mouse, but he showed a fear response when a similar white furry object appeared.

What Is Hasty Generalization Example

Extinction, Generalization, & Discrimination (Intro Psych Tutorial #60)

When one makes a hasty generalization, he applies a belief to a larger population than he should based on the information that he has. For example, if my brother likes to eat a lot of pizza and French fries, and he is healthy, I can say that pizza and French fries are healthy and dont really make a person fat.

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Generalization And Discrimination: Psychology Applications And Definitions

Discrimination. It’s a word that gets thrown around a lot. It can mean many different things.

At its most basic level, to discriminate means to notice and respond to the most minute differences among various objects or ideas. On the other end of the spectrum, there is a generalization, which means lumping things together without regard to their differences.

In the realm of psychology, discrimination and generalization play a huge role. They can determine our reactions to particular events and situations. They are the embodiment of life lessons that we carry with us into the future.

Discrimination Psychology Definition

Psychology’s definition of discrimination is when the same organism responds differently to different stimuli.

For example, let’s say you were bitten by a dog when you were a young child. As a result, you tense up and feel nervous every time you see a dog. The dog is a stimulus which triggers a specific reaction. However, you do not have the same reaction to cats. This means that you discriminate in your reactions to the two different animals.

In generalization, on the other hand, the organism has the same reaction to different stimuli. To apply this to our previous example, let’s say you were too young to understand the differences between cats and dogs at the time you were bitten. Now you get anxious around any kind of animal, even though it was a dog that bit you .

Early Experiments

Discrimination Learning

Here are a few examples.



What Is Generalization In Psychology

Generalization, in psychology

. Also, what is an example of a generalization?

The definition of a generalization is a broad statement or idea that applies to a lot of people or situations. When you make a general statement without details about what you see or hear, this is an example of a generalization.

Furthermore, what is generalization and discrimination in psychology? It can mean many different things. At its most basic level, to discriminate means to notice and respond to the most minute differences among various objects or ideas. On the other end of the spectrum, there is a generalization, which means lumping things together without regard to their differences.

Beside this, what is stimulus generalization in psychology?

In the conditioning process, stimulus generalization is the tendency for the conditioned stimulus to evoke similar responses after the response has been conditioned. One famous psychology experiment perfectly illustrated how stimulus generalization works.

What is generalization theory?

Generalization is the concept that humans and animals use past learning in present situations of learning if the conditions in the situations are regarded as similar. This idea rivals the theory of situated cognition, instead stating that one can apply past knowledge to learning in new situations and environments.

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Pitfalls Of Stimulus Discrimination Training

A discriminative stimulus is a stimulus that predicts reinforcement whereas other stimuli do not predict reinforcement. Such stimuli are said to control behavior because organisms behave differently in the presence of such SD stimuli compared to their absence. For example, we stop at red lights and go when the light turns green. We obey traffic lights because they promote our safety.

Differential reinforcement is a procedure that brings about stimulus control. For example, parents that provide positive consequences for compliance with their directives and withhold access to positive reinforcers or administer aversive consequences for non-compliance with their directives will find that their children listen to them which is how parents talk about children obeying them.

Brian K. Martens, … Scott P. Ardoin, in, 2015

Stimulus Discrimination Vs Generalization

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Stimulus generalization is defined as the extension of conditioning so that similar stimuli that have not been reinforced can act as conditioned stimulus to generate a specific response2. Now an individual responds to not only the one stimulus that has been reinforced, but also others that share similar characteristics. Generalization can occur in classical conditioning as well as operant conditioning.

For example, a bee stings you. You will begin to fear it resulting in fear conditioning. But you will also begin to fear other insects that look similar. The more similar another insect is to a bee, the more you will fear it.

Your conditioned response has generalize from the training stimulus to another stimulus .

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Dd In Combination With Brain Imaging

As mentioned above, it is believed that the discriminative stimulus effects of drugs are centrally mediated. Studies have been conducted that combine DD techniques with in vivo microdialysis to study how drugs that share discriminative stimulus effects influence neurotransmitter concentrations . In one study, Czoty et al. trained monkeys to discriminate 0.32 mg/kg methamphetamine from saline under an FR 10 schedule of stimulusshock termination. Monkeys were also implanted with guide cannulae above the caudate nucleus and microdialysis experiments were conducted in the same operant chambers as the DD procedures. The investigators found that methamphetamine, as well as cocaine and methylphenidate, resulted in dose-dependent increases in methamphetamine-appropriate responding when studied in the DD protocol. Doses that occasioned 100% methamphetamine responding produced similar increases in extracellular DA concentrations. Interestingly, the time course for elevations in DA and substitution in DD was not identical, indicating the involvement of other neurotransmitter systems in mediating the discriminative stimulus effects of methamphetamine.

Peter Sturmey, … Erica Doran, in, 2020

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