Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Make Psychology Notes

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Relate Psych Concepts To Everyday Life

how i take psychology notes ð§; study with me!

The concepts in the AP Psychology course will show up in your daily life when you make decisions, interact socially, get stressed about schoolwork , or really do anything.

As you read the notes, try to think of personal examples that relate to what you’re learning. Besides helping you memorize the material, doing this can give you some interesting insight into why you’ve made certain decisions in your life .

Even outside of your active study time, if you notice a particular behavior, try to relate it to something you’ve learned in AP Psychology. You probably won’t forget a term or concept if you anchor it to a real experience.

Ap Test Changes Due To Covid

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, AP tests will now be held over three different sessions between May and June. Your test dates, and whether or not your tests will be online or on paper, will depend on your school.

One thing to keep in mind is that there are a few differences between the paper and digital versions of the exam. You can find a breakdown of all the differences on the College Board website.

To learn more about how all of this is going to work and get the latest information on test dates, AP online review, and what these changes means for you, be sure to check out our 2021 AP COVID-19 FAQ article.

Write In Point Form And Draw Diagrams

Point form is my favourite way to organise information because its neat and effective. Devise your own hierarchical system! My personal favourites are dot, dash and arrow. Copying out entire paragraphs can make your notes look unnecessarily convoluted and ineffective for revision, while bullet points give them a much cleaner look.

Dont allow your notes to become a boring deluge of words. Break it up with diagrams! Obviously this is more applicable for science subjects, but I would say that a doodle or two wont hurt as well if it gives you a visual cue to aid memory.

Tables are a great way to present summaries and comparisons.

Flowcharts are useful for processes, steps and relationships between different concepts.

Even graphs can aid your understanding.

Do I use mind maps? No. I know mind maps are a popular studying tool, but I personally evade it because I find it a bit too messy and not informative enough . I prefer my notes to be in chronological order, presented in a clear and logical manner. Mind maps, I feel, may only be useful when you are revising and want to test yourself, or try to link different topics.

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Minimize Notes Maximize Creativity

Although I do like to attend lectures and take no notes at all, I still always have a notebook. The discipline of always carrying a memory journal is one of the best accelerated learning techniques you can have.

And in that notebook, I like to doodle. Ive doodled in lecture halls around the world. And its also a great activity while watching or listening to recorded lectures.

The longer the lecture and the more attention they require, the more I find doodling beneficial.


Because long content can make me fidgety. No matter how enthralling it is, I like to be moving.

The best part?

Drawing doesnt exclude note taking. Rather, it shapes and informs it.

As I draw, I write down keywords and notes that seem interesting to me and useful for further exploration.

In a way, doodling while paying attention to information is like mindmapping, but without creating a deliberate mind map. It also helps me focus on the information as it flows in real time without being distracted by writing down things said seconds or minutes ago while new information is accumulating.

The 6 Guiding Principles That Governmagnetic Note Taking

8:26pm~ psychology revisionnnn

But before diving into my Magnetic Note Taking Techniques, lets take a step back and look at a few other factors.

We need to be aware of them for one simple reason:

All the best note taking techniques in the world wont help you for even a second if you havent got the following aspects handed. And if you dont have a minds eye, dont miss these aphantastia image streaming exercises.

After all, your note taking can only ever be as good as the state in which the notes were taken.

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Figuring Out What Works For You

As with any similar decision, there are a lot of variables to consider when it comes to choosing which method is best for you, so its impossible to say that one note-taking method will work better for everyone.

Furthermore, different note-taking methods might work better in different scenarios, and this depends both on the nature of the material that you need to learn, as well as on the way you will utilize your notes later.

Accordingly, when deciding how to take notes, you should try things out for yourself and find out which method works better for you. Nevertheless, the following guidelines can help you figure out which note-taking method will generally be preferable in which case:

Taking notes by hand works best when you want to fully process the material as youre writing it down. Its especially helpful when youre expected to achieve a conceptual understanding of the material, when you need to focus on the;most important aspects of the material, and when the material you need to write down isnt convenient to type up on a computer.

The main issue with writing things by hand is that it generally takes longer, which can be problematic if you cant write fast enough to keep up with the speaker, or if you end up being so concise that you omit critical information.

Is A Zettelkasten A Commonplace Book

You might figure that the Zettelkastenis just a commonplace book, but thats not the case at all. The Zettelkastenis more like an upgraded version of a commonplace book; I like to think of themas the old vs new Twitter.

Using commonplace books is like using thethreadless Twitter we know of in 2016. The sequence of notes doesnt reallymatter as long as they make sense. Kinda like tweeting, really.

Using the Zettelkasten, on the otherhand, is much like creating Twitter threads. You can add to each threadindefinitely except therewards arent Likes, but higher-level ideas; tweets from different threadscan be combined into a separate thread.

That said, why would anyone use theZettelkasten to organize their notes? To explain, Ill get even moreinspiration from Tim Berners-Lee.

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Using Index Cards For The Cornell Method

Some students like to use index cards to take notes. They actually lend themselves quite well to the Cornell method. Use the back or lined side of the card to write your notes in class. Use one card per key concept. The front unlined side of the card replaces the left hand cue column. Use it after class to write keywords, comments, or questions. When you study, the cards become flash cards with questions on one side and answers on the other. Write a summary of the class on a separate card and place it on the top of the deck as an introduction to what was covered in the class.

You will have noticed that all methods end with the same step: reviewing your notes as soon as possible after class. Any review of your notes is helpful . But THINK! Make your review of notes a thoughtful activity, not a mindless process. When you review your notes, think about questions you still have and determine how you will get the answers. Examine how the material applies to the course; make connections with notes from other class sessions, with the material in your text, and with concepts covered in class discussions. Finally, its fun to think about how the material in your notes applies to real life. Consider this both at the very strategic level as well as at a very mundane level .

Highlight And Colour Code Your Notes

PSYCHOLOGY NOTE TAKING | Simple, easy digital note taking for lazy students

Which set of notes do you prefer?

My personal preference is the one on the left. It looks cleaner, clearer and less cluttered. Over time, I have endorsed the practice of using only one or two closely related colours for each topic. There are a few advantages of this approach:

  • Using a single colour scheme improves coherence and readability. It is neater and less messy compared to a multi-coloured version.
  • The look of it is more elegant.
  • Using one colour for each topic actually helps me with memory and recall. As mentioned earlier, I am a visual learner. . In the exam, when I encounter a question, I can usually identify immediately which topic it is testing me on. Then, my brain starts to sieve through all the huge collection of information I have stuffed into it for the exam. It already associates this topic with a particular colour, so it can find it very quickly.
  • Admittedly, this method may not work for everyone. Still, aesthetic notes do require some colour coordination. More than a year ago, I bought a set of Zebra Mildliners with ten different colours. I then paired them up, so I got five colour schemes to work with. This was an expansion from my previous habit of three different colours, as the number of topics increased. In each colour pair, I usually use the bolder or more vivid colour for the most important points and terminology and the lighter one for other points.

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    Each Page Holds Only One Concept

    Try to imagine your course like LEGO bricks. I recommend each note page registers only one particular notion. Merging conflict is effortless when the edits are made on several devices. But more importantly, chunking pages creates an outline on the navigation bar. Title of each note forms a table of content. The sidebar operates as akin as tab dividers in a binder or workbook tabs in an Excel spreadsheet. Each page is one index card that places a single idea.

    Such organization serves a better hierarchy to literally scroll through the course. It is a feature I can only found on OneNote. Some app has such similar navigation bar design but they fail to make it intuitive/many time-consuming taps to access. The navigation bar is the most helpful but missing feature among most of the note-taking app.

    Inside each page, I favor the two-column layout though I am not a strict follower of the Cornell System. The left column holds the raw materials from professors while the right attaches some reference plus my hand-drawn diagrams.

    Some personal graffiti to illustrate ligand-receptor interaction in Psychopharmacology . Do make every title succinct and short.

    Organizing notes after the class

    How To Take Psychology Notes

    Good note-taking skills are important if you want to do well in your psychology courses. While your professor may assign a variety of required and supplementary readings, you should assume that at least half of all exam questions will be pulled directly from content covered in class lectures and discussions. As one of my own psychology professors once declared, “If I talk about it in class, just assume that it will be on the exam.”

    The following are just a few tips for taking great psychology notes. It may take some time, but you can make these strategies part of your regular academic habits with just a little effort.

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    How To Make Aesthetic Notes: A Beginners Guide With Pictures

    Have you always admired those aesthetic Instagram- and Tumblr-worthy notes? Do you wish you could make notes like thatimpeccably neat with a bit of artistic flair? Youve come to the right place!

    Out of boredom of the long days spent at home with no school, I decided to start a studygram account about a week ago. In case youre new to this, it basically means an Instagram account where I post my study notes and study tipsall things studying, which is my greatest passion . Initially, I hoped that sharing my notes and tips can inspire and motivate fellow students, especially juniors who are taking major exams like the A-Levels.

    Ive gotten comments like omg your notes are so pretty, and I began reflecting on why I even bother to make my notes look nice and neat in the first place. I have come up with the following list of reasons:

  • I am a perfectionist and I always try to make my notes as neat as possible. There is a sense of satisfaction in doing this.
  • Having aesthetic-looking notes actually motivates me to study because these notes then become much more fun to create and pleasing to look at during revision.
  • Neatness and highlighting with colours help me to remember and retain information better as I am a visual learner, which means that I memorise by the position and appearance of words and diagrams on a page.
  • I love studying .
  • General Tips On Note Taking

    I always find it useful when people share their note ...

    Regardless of what note-taking method you choose, there are some note-taking habits you should get into for all circumstances and all courses:

    • Be prepared. Make sure you have the tools you need to do the job.
    • If you are using a notebook, be sure you have it with you and that you have enough paper.
    • Have a separate notebook or designated section for each class, so your notes from math arent mixed in with your Art History notes.
    • Have a pen and perhaps a pen with different colored ink to use for emphasis.
    • If you are taking notes on your laptop, make sure the battery is charged! Select the application that lends itself best to your style of note taking. Microsoft Word works very well for outline notes, but you might find taking notes in Excel to work best if you are working within the Cornell method. You can often find good note-taking templates online.
  • Write on only one side of the paper. This will allow you to integrate your reading notes with your class notes. It will also keep your notes much cleaner.
  • Label, number, and date all notes at the top of each page. This will help you keep organized.
  • Leave space between topics.; This will allow you to go back to a topic if the instructor re-visits it.
  • Leaving space between topics keeps your notes much cleaner.
  • Avoid writing cramped writing in the margins by turning to a blank page when your instructor switches topics.
  • This makes it much easier to locate specific topics when you are reviewing.
  • This process is a great aid to recall.
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    How To Memorize Notes: 5 Proven Note Taking Techniques

    Tired of ineffective note taking techniques?

    You know the kind:

    The ideas behind them seem good, but theyre not exactly techniques you would ever actually use.

    And every time you try some new note taking technique

    No matter what, all of them seem to lead to one place:

    You writing down loooooong strings of notes verbatim.

    Its usually boring, and

    Yours Free: A Private Course With Cheat Sheets For Becoming A Memory Master, Starting From Scratch. >>> .

    Effective Note Taking Is A Process That Develops Over Time

    Effective note taking skills are everywhere. There are scientific studies well worth your attention too, such as this Scientific American article about not taking notes with a laptop.

    Whatever you do, I suggest that you approach note taking as an art and a science. Make sure that you experiment with multiple styles and track your results.

    As you pay attention to whats happening more consciously, youll learn more about what works for you and lean towards your preferences with greater understanding.

    But at all times, choose flexibility. Make sure you have on hand what you need whenever you attend a lecture or recording of one so that all your bases are covered.

    And above all, remove all stress. So many learners bring so much worry about the game of education that they forget to play it.

    But learning really is a game. Its one you can win too, provided you put your memory first. And provided you have the mental strength strategies we all need to succeed.

    And to help with that, Im confident these note taking techniques if you give them a try in combination with the bigger picture of your rest, relaxation, health and a Magnetic Memory Palace Network will force you to remember more without so much as breaking a sweat.


    Matthew Clark was one of my favorite profs in grad school. Through the magic of the Internet, I now have the chance to take some notes from one of his lectures.

    Wanna trade?

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    Better Grades Start With Better Notes

    Taking organized and thoughtful notes can help improve your understanding and recall of what you have learned in class. Try these methods of note taking in your next classes and see which one works best for you!

    Check out our video for more tips on how to boost note-taking confidence.

    To learn other ways to make school a breeze, visit the resource section or learn how Oxford Learnings tutoring programs can help you build skills to become a better learner.

    Bring The Tools And Supplies You Need

    HOW I MAKE MY PSYCHOLOGY NOTES? |Note-making Techniques for psychology students|Note making tips|WLB

    Part of being prepared to take notes involves assembling the tools you need before you arrive in class each day. Basic supplies such as pens, pencils, and paper are essential. Decide how you want to organize your notes. Use a basic three-ring binder with loose-leaf paper or get a separate notebook for each of your classes.

    Some students prefer to take notes using a laptop or tablet, while others prefer to record lectures and transcribe their notes after class. While technology can be a valuable tool, don’t let your notes fall victim to data loss. Back up your data every day so that you always have a saved record of all your psychology notes. If you decide to record a lecture, remember to always get permission from your instructor first.

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