Thursday, July 25, 2024

Which University Housed The World’s First Psychology Laboratory

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Where Did It Reside

What Can You Do With Your Psychology Degree? | College and Careers | The Princeton Review

The Psychology Laboratory had grown from one to 14 rooms by the spring of 1914 when College Hall was completely destroyed by fire. For the next 20 years, the Psychology Laboratory was housed in “temporary quarters” until 1935 when the Psychology Department moved into newly constructed Pendleton Hall along with Chemistry and Physics. Between June 1976 and June 1977 the laboratory, library, and faculty and staff of the Psychology Department were phased into quarters in the new Science Center which they continue to occupy today.

How Did It Evolve

Psychology offerings were at first included as part of the Philosophy Department curriculum, later Psychology and Philosophy existed as a “double department”, and in 1940, they were separated into two independent departments. From its inception, the psychology curriculum emphasized research courses. These were solely devoted to topics in traditional experimental psychology up until the mid-1960s at which time the department began introducing research courses in other areas such as social and personality psychology. Overall, the pattern of change that emerges in the curriculum is from general to more specific course offerings, and in the major, from the time it first appeared in the mid-1920s, from fewer to more requirements. After a period of declining enrollments and majors in the late 1950s, the department rebounded and subsequently experienced an era of unprecedented growth from the mid-1960s through the mid-1970s, during which time the number of faculty doubled from six to 12. Over the past quarter century, the department has continued to enjoy high enrollments and to rank as one of the most popular majors in the college.

Special Programs For Psychology Majors

Psychology Honors Program:;Qualified psychology majors are encouraged to consider the department’s honors program, which leads to a BA with honors in psychology. The program’s purpose is to provide intensive, supervised research experience. Completion of the honors program also satisfies the SAGES capstone graduation requirement.

The program consists of PSCL;375 Research Design and Analysis, which students take in their junior year, and;PSCL;395 Capstone and Honors Program, which they take as seniors. By the end of the senior year, students design and execute a research project, write it up in scholarly form, and present it in a public setting. Psychology majors who successfully complete PSCL 395, and who attain at least a 3.25 GPA in psychology course work and an overall GPA of at least 3.0, will graduate with honors in psychology.

The selection of a faculty advisor is an important part of the honors program. The first step is to identify a faculty member whose interests are as close as possible to the research area the student wishes to pursue. Students should contact a potential advisor as early as possible and ask about the possibility of registering for PSCL 395. Each section of PSCL 395 is assigned to a specific faculty member, and registration is by permit only.

Because the honors program requires significant time and commitment, only psychology majors with a serious interest in the behavioral sciences should consider completing it.

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Media Studies: Keeping Up With The Kardashians

As a media studies scholar, I have had to make clear to puzzled fellow academics that I dont analyse the news, measure media effects or write television reviews. And Ive watched eyebrows furrow as I explain that my opinions on the quality of various films and television programmes are not relevant to my scholarship.

Media studies is a subject area rather than a discipline, encompassing a wide range of topics and a variety of methodologies. The thesis of my MA in communications was on the advertising industry of the 1950s and 60s, and my PhD in radio-television-film focused on the role of the advertising industry in early broadcasting. I took courses in many departments, including art history, sociology, American studies and history. My training encompassed social scientific, literary and historiographical theories and methodologies, and I have published in journals specialising in cinema, radio, history and American studies. My colleagues can be found in a bewildering number of programmes, including English, speech, film, communication, theatre, journalism, advertising, rhetoric and a variety of social science departments. ;

Indeed, I would argue that analysing such commercial media forms, practices and institutions is crucial to understanding our world. Therefore, it is central to the academic project.

Cynthia B. Meyers is professor of communication at the College of Mount Saint Vincent.

A Pioneer In Education

First Psychology Lab

Herman B Wells , Indiana Universitys long-standing president and chancellor , is credited with elevating the universitys stature in research, the arts, and international studies. One of the great leaders in higher education, Wells devoted his life to IU. Advancing the rights of African American students, supporting groundbreaking research from the Kinsey Institute, protecting our campus green spaces, and establishing the Lilly Library are among his lasting achievements.

1820: A legislative act is adopted establishing a state seminary. Indiana University Founders Day.

1822: Construction begins on Seminary Building.

1823: Baynard Rush Hall is hired as the first professor.

1825: Classes begin with an enrollment of 10 male students.

1828:State Seminary becomes Indiana College.

1829: Andrew Wylie becomes the first IU president.

1830: The first class graduates.

1838:Indiana College becomes Indiana University.

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An Oscar For Breaking Away

IU alumnus Steve Tesich won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay in 1979 for the movie Breaking Away, the story of four Bloomington towniescalled cutters after the local limestone cutting tradewho enter the famous IU Little 500 bicycle race. To this day, IU student teams race under the name Cutters to honor the films legacy.

Washington And Jefferson College

Washington, Pennsylvania

Enrollment: 3,729Net Price: $26,367

Brandeis University offers a unique bachelors degree in psychology with strong foundations in research. Students have three different ways to gain experience in formal research, including volunteering in a laboratory setting, registering to work alongside a professor as a course credit, or completing an independent research project. The schools clinical practicum program enables students work in a mental health facility one day per week to build authentic experiences within the field. Brandeis also offers a Masters degree program and a Doctoral program in psychology for students who wish to further their education in this area.

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What Is An Example Of Functionalist Theory

According to the functionalist perspective of sociology, each aspect of society is interdependent and contributes to societys stability and functioning as a whole. For example, the government provides education for the children of the family, which in turn pays taxes on which the state depends to keep itself running.

Rating And Ranking Methodology

Intro to Psychology: Crash Course Psychology #1

Graduate Degree Opportunities in Psychology

Presence of Masters Degree Program 1 pointPresence of Doctoral Degree Program 1 pointPsychology Research Opportunities 1 pointDistance Learning Opportunities in Psychology 1 pointStudy Abroad Opportunities in Psychology 1 pointPsychology Internship Opportunities 1 pointPsychology Scholarship Opportunities 1 pointAffiliated Centers and Institutes on Campus 1 pointRelated Student Organizations and Societies 1 point

Wow Factor

1 point awarded for each unique feature or program that wowed us

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Requirements For A Psychology Minor

Students who wish to minor in psychology must take General Psychology I , plus a minimum of;four other PSCL courses, for a total of 15 hours. Students choose these courses in collaboration with their advisor. Practica and independent study are available, but may not be used to satisfy the minor requirement. Students must take at least 50% of their PSCL courses at CWRU.

Students who wish to major in psychology must complete a Major Declaration Form, available from the Office of Undergraduate Studies, and then meet with Dr. Jennifer Butler, who will assign them an advisor and review the degree requirements;

Laws And Theories As Organizing Principles

One goal of research is to organize information into meaningful statements that can be applied in many situations. Principles that are so general as to apply to all situations in a given domain of inquiry are known as laws. There are well-known laws in the physical sciences, such as the law of gravity and the laws of thermodynamics, and there are some universally accepted laws in psychology, such as the law of effect and Webers law. But because laws are very general principles and their validity has already been well established, they are themselves rarely directly subjected to scientific test.

The next step down from laws in the hierarchy of organizing principles is theory. A theory;is an integrated set of principles that explains and predicts many, but not all, observed relationships within a given domain of inquiry. One example of an important theory in psychology is the stage theory of cognitive development proposed by the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget. The theory states that children pass through a series of cognitive stages as they grow, each of which must be mastered in succession before movement to the next cognitive stage can occur. This is an extremely useful theory in human development because it can be applied to many different content areas and can be tested in many different ways.

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Advances In The History Of Psychology

On this day in 1890, the first experimental psychology laboratory in the British Empire opened, at the University of Toronto in Canada. It was the brainchild of James Mark Baldwin, who had been hired just a few months earlier in the face of immense public opposition by those who believed the school should hire Canadians only. The controversy was settled when the Premier of Ontario agreed to hire a Canadian at the same time, James Gibson Hume .

The opening of the laboratory was a major success for Baldwin but, unfortunately, the building in which it was housed, University College, burned almost to the ground on February 14 of the same year. Baldwin took advantage of the disaster, however, arranging for a larger laboratory to be included in the rebuilt structure.

Also, happy birthday to William James and Edward Bradford Titchener !

Tip o the hat to Warren Streets Today in the History of Psychology website for alerting me to these events.

Overview Of Wundt’s Work


Wundt was initially a physician and a well-known neurophysiologist before turning to sensory physiology and psychophysics. He was convinced that, for example, the process of spatial perception could not solely be explained on a physiological level, but also involved psychological principles. Wundt founded experimental psychology as a discipline and became a pioneer of cultural psychology. He created a broad research programme in empirical psychology and developed a system of philosophy and ethics from the basic concepts of his psychology bringing together several disciplines in one person.

Wundt’s epistemological position against John Locke and English empiricism was made clear in his book Beiträge zur Theorie der Sinneswahrnehmung published in 1862, by his use of a quotation from Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz on the title page:

“Nihil est in intellectu quod non fuerit in sensu, nisi intellectu ipse.” . Nothing is in the intellect that was not first in the senses, except the intellect itself.

Principles that are not present in sensory impressions can be recognised in human perception and consciousness: logical inferences, categories of thought, the principle of causality, the principle of purpose , the principle of emergence and other epistemological principles.

Wundt’s most important books are:

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Research On Reception Of His Work

Leipzig was a world-famous centre for the new psychology after 1874. There are various interpretations regarding why Wundt’s influence after the turn of the century, i.e. during his lifetime, rapidly waned and from his position as founding father Wundt became almost an outsider. A survey was conducted on the basis of more than 200 contemporary and later sources: reviews and critiques of his publications , references to Wundt’s work in textbooks on psychology and the history of psychology , biographies, congress reports, praise on his decadal birthdays, obituaries and other texts. A range of scientific controversies were presented in detail. Reasons for the distancing of Wundt and why some of his concepts have fallen into oblivion can be seen in his scientific work, in his philosophical orientation, in his didactics or in the person of Wundt himself:

What Is Functionalism In History

The History Learning Site, 25 May 2015. 9 Jun 2021. As a structural theory, Functionalism sees social structure or the organisation of society as more important than the individual. Functionalism is a top down theory. Functionalism sees society as a system; a set of interconnected parts which together form a whole.

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Psychology: Neither Doctor Nor Freud

We both hold PhDs in psychology, one obtained in England in 1991 and one obtained in Australia in 2019. One of us has worked around the globe in various top research positions, the other has never worked outside Melbourne. Yet we have each heard remarkably similar misconceptions about our discipline not merely from the public but also from university colleagues.

Sometimes were mistaken for psychotherapists , even though neither of us has ever seen a client in our lives. And while professional psychologists certainly deliver some forms of evidence-based psychotherapy, there are many other forms that professional psychologists do not administer.

Other times, weve been confused with psychiatrists , even though we dont administer medication, treat patients or hold medical degrees. We do work in mental health and occasionally publish in psychiatrically focused journals, but psychiatry and psychology are distinct professions.

Admittedly, were not sure how widespread these misconceptions are, as we know of no relevant data. In any case, these are not the misconceptions that irk us the most. Far more infuriating is the belief among some academics that psychology is a soft science the poor, wishy-washy cousin of biology, chemistry and physics.

Logic Epistemology And The Scientific Theory Of Psychology

Dr Peter Lovatt Dance Psychology Lab 2010

Wundt divided up his three-volume Logik into General logic and epistemology, Logic of the exact sciences, and Logic of the humanities. While logic, the doctrine of categories, and other principles were discussed by Wundt in a traditional manner, they were also considered from the point of view of development theory of the human intellect, i.e. in accordance with the psychology of thought. The subsequent equitable description of the special principles of the natural sciences and the humanities enabled Wundt to create a new epistemology. The ideas that remain current include epistemology and the methodology of psychology: the tasks and directions of psychology, the methods of interpretation and comparison, as well as psychological experimentation.

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The First Experimental Psychology Lab

While the study of the mind and behavior may be a subject as old as time, psychology has not always existed as it does today. Most experts actually consider psychology itself a relatively young discipline. So when did psychology really start to emerge as a science?

Psychology originally had its earliest roots in philosophy and physiology. According to most psychology historians, it was the establishment of the very first experimental psychology lab that officially marked psychology’s beginnings as a separate and distinct discipline.

When exactly was the first psychology lab formed and who was responsible for this important event in psychology history? The question of which lab was first really depends on whether we look at experimental labs or teaching labs. It might seem like a minor distinction, but it was the formation of the first lab devoted to the experimental study of the mind that truly set psychology off on its own path as an academic and scientific discipline.

Career In Zurich And Leipzig

In 1875, Wundt was promoted to professor of “Inductive Philosophy” in Zurich, and in 1875, Wundt was made professor of philosophy at the University of Leipzig where Ernst Heinrich Weber and Gustav Theodor Fechner had initiated research on sensory psychology and psychophysics and where two centuries earlier Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz had developed his philosophy and theoretical psychology, which strongly influenced Wundt’s intellectual path. Wundt’s admiration for Ernst Heinrich Weber was clear from his memoirs, where he proclaimed that Weber should be regarded as the father of experimental psychology: I would rather call Weber the father of experimental psychologyIt was Weber’s great contribution to think of measuring psychic quantities and of showing the exact relationships between them, to be the first to understand this and carry it out.

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University Of Mount Olive

Mount Olive, North Carolina

Enrollment: 3,406Net Price: $12,245

University of Mount Olive offers both a bachelor of arts in psychology and a bachelor of science in psychology. The department has recently constructed a new, state-of-the-art research laboratory complete with a testing room, and observation room, a conference area, and a student computer lab. As part of the program requirement for both degree options, students must complete an off-campus internship, either in research or in clinical counseling. Students may opt to participate in either the schools Psychology Club or its chapter of Psi Chi, organizations that actively engage in community projects and service learning.

Major In Communication Sciences

History of Newnham

The major in communication sciences leads to the Bachelor of Arts degree. For many students, a BA in communication sciences is a pre-professional degree in preparation for graduate study in speech-language pathology or audiology. The undergraduate course work emphasizes the basic processes and acquisition of normal communication in children and adults. Graduate study then focuses on the study of disordered communication.

Students pursuing the BA are required to take 45 credit hours of course work which includes study in communication sciences and disorders, psychology, and English/linguistics, as well as in statistics and research design. A recommended course sequence is shown below. Please note, however, that an individual student’s sequence may differ from this one. For example, undergraduate students may elect to take 400- or 500-level graduate courses with departmental/instructor permission.

Suggested Sequence of Required Courses for the Bachelor of Arts Degree

First Year

COSI;109 Introduction to Communication Disorders is offered in the fall and spring semesters. All other COSI courses are offered only one semester per year, as indicated above.

Departmental Honors

The following are prerequisites to COSI;395 Capstone and Honors Program:

Additional information is available from each student’s academic advisor.

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