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What Is The Concept Of Learning In Psychology

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How Blooms Can Aid In Course Design

Theories of Learning – Psychology Lecture # 07

Thanks to Bloomâs Taxonomy, teachers across the nation have a tool to guide the development of assignments, assessments, and overall curricula.

This model helps teachers identify the key learning objectives they want a student to achieve for each unit because it succinctly details the process of learning.

The taxonomy explains that 1) before you can understand a concept, you need to remember it 2) to apply a concept, you need to first understand it 3) to evaluate a process, you need to first analyze it 4) to create something new, you need to have completed a thorough evaluation .

This hierarchy takes students through a process of synthesizing information that allows them to think critically. Students start with a piece of information and are motivated to ask questions and seek out answers.

Not only does Bloomâs Taxonomy help teachers understand the process of learning, but it also provides more concrete guidance on how to create effective learning objectives.

The revised version reminds teachers that learning is an active process, stressing the importance of including measurable verbs in the objectives. And the clear structure of the taxonomy itself emphasizes the importance of keeping learning objectives clear and concise as opposed to vague and abstract .

Specifically, lower level introductory courses, that are typically geared towards freshmen, will target Bloomâs lower order skills as students build foundational knowledge.

Blooms Taxonomy Of Learning

By Charlotte Ruhl, published May 24, 2021

Take-home Messages
  • Bloomâs Taxonomy is a hierarchical model that categorizes learning objectives into varying levels of complexity, from basic knowledge and comprehension to advanced evaluation and creation.
  • Bloomâs Taxonomy was originally published in 1956, and the Taxonomy was modified each year for 16 years after it was first published.
  • Bloom’s Taxonomy comprises three learning domains: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Within each domain, learning can take place at a number of levels ranging from simple to complex.
  • After the initial cognitive domain was created, which is primarily used in the classroom setting, psychologists have devised additional taxonomies to explain affective and psychomotor learning.
  • In 2001, Bloomâs initial taxonomy was revised to reflect how learning is an active process and not a passive one.
  • Although Bloomâs Taxonomy is met with several valid criticisms, it is still widely used in the educational setting today.

Take a moment and think back to your 7th-grade humanities classroom. Or really any classroom from preschool to college.

As you enter the room, you glance up at the whiteboard to see the class objectives. âStudents will be able toâ¦â is written in a red expo marker.

Or maybe something like âby the end of the class, you will be able toâ¦â

These learning objectives we are exposed to every day are a product of Bloomâs Taxonomy.

Learning Theories In Psychology

Theories of learning have done much to influence the way people teach, create course curriculum and explain things to their children. Theories have sprung up that reflect the changing values in our social environments and the popular influences of the day. In the 1960s, cognitivism moved to the forefront of learning theory, exactly when popular culture was embracing do your own thing. Behavioralism, a more basic reward-and-learn postulation, became a little less popular about then.

Learning theories are very persistent. Many explanations have been devised to define the same phenomenon, possibly because learning is complex and one theory does not fit everyone or every situation. Here are five prominent theories that attempt to explain how we go to bed at night a little smarter than when we woke up that morning.

1. Behaviorism

Behaviorism dates back to the late 19th century and, as such, was born in an era when natural sciences were at the forefront of scientific discovery. It explains learning as a conditioned or operant response to the environment, which supplies either positive or negative consequences to any behavior. It also postulates that learning is only complete when it can be seen as a change in behavior.

2. Cognitivism

Understanding is defined as a cognitive schema, which is analogous to awareness or meaning. Learning is defined as a change in an established schema.

3. Constructivism

4. Humanistic

5. Experiential

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Development Of The Taxonomy

Benjamin Bloom was an educational psychologist and the chair of the committee of educators at the University of Chicago.

In the mid 1950s, Bloom worked in collaboration with Max Englehart, Edward Furst, Walter Hill, and David Krathwohl to devise a system that classified levels of cognitive functioning and provided a sense of structure for the various mental processes we experience .

Through conducting a series of studies that focused on student achievement, the team was able to isolate certain factors both inside and outside the school environment that affect how children learn.

One such factor was the lack of variation in teaching. In other words, teachers were not meeting each individual studentâs needs and instead relied upon one universal curriculum.

To address this, Bloom and his colleagues postulated that if teachers were to provide individualized educational plans, students would learn significantly better.

This hypothesis inspired the development of Bloomâs Mastery Learning procedure in which teachers would organize specific skills and concepts into week-long units.

The completion of each unit would be followed by an assessment through which the student would reflect upon what they learned. The assessment would identify areas in which the student needs additional support, and they would then be given corrective activities to further sharpen their mastery of the concept .

Bayesian Theories Of Concept Learning

Learning Theory Concept Map

Bayesian theories are those which directly apply normative probability theory to achieve optimal learning. They generally base their categorization of data on the posterior probability for each category, where for category , this posterior is given by Bayes rule,

where is the probability of observing the given data on the assumption it was generated from category , is the prior probability of category , and is the marginal probability of observing the data, which usually does not enter into consideration. In general, the category possessing the maximum posterior would be category selected for the given data.

Bayes’ theorem is important because it provides a powerful tool for understanding, manipulating and controlling data5 that takes a larger view that is not limited to data analysis alone6. The approach is subjective and this requires the assessment of prior probabilities6, making it also very complex. However, if Bayesian’s show that the accumulated evidence and the application of Bayes’s law are sufficient the work will overcome the subjectivity of the inputs involved7. Bayesian inference can be used for any honestly collected data and has a major advantage because of its scientific focus6.

You can find more information on this topic on the Wikipedia page for ACT-R

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Meaning Of Learning And Learning Definition In Education

Various psychologists and educationists have defined the concept and meaning of learning in their own way. Some define as a process, some as a change in performance and some define learning as acquisition and retention of knowledge.According to Gestalts view,The basis of learning is to gain knowledge after observing the whole structure. Responding towards the entire situation is learning.Kurt Lewin has presented the field view of learning and explainedThe learning as the direct cognitive organization of a situation. Motivation has a significant role & place in learning.According to Woodworth,The process of acquiring new knowledge and new responses is the process of learning.G.D. Boaz observes learning as a process. According to himLearning is the process by which the individuals acquires various habits, knowledge, and attitudes that are necessary to meet the demands of life, in generalAccording to Cronbach,Leaning is shown by a change in behavior as a result of experience.Pavlov has said,

Job Description And Roles Of An Educational Psychologist

Educational psychologists have typically earned either a masters degree or doctorate in the field.

They work in a variety of teaching, research, and applied settings .

Those with a doctorate often teach and do research at colleges or universities.

They teach basic courses such as Introduction to Educational Psychology and more advanced seminars such as Professional Ethics in Educational Psychology, or Research Methods in Educational Psychology.

They conduct research on topics such as the best measure of literacy skills for students in secondary education, the most effective method for teaching early career professionals in engineering, and the relationship between education level and emotional health in retirees.

Educational psychologists also work in various applied roles, such as consulting on curriculum design evaluating educational programs at schools or training sites and offering teachers the best instructional methods for a subject area, grade level, or population, be it mainstream students, those with disabilities, or gifted students.

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Modern Psychological Theories Of Concept Learning

It is difficult to make any general statements about human concept learning without already assuming a particular psychological theory of concept learning. Although the classical views of concepts and concept learning in philosophy speak of a process of abstraction, data compression, simplification, and summarization, currently popular psychological theories of concept learning diverge on all these basic points.

Iithe Role Of Concept Use In Concept

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Research on concept learning is deeply influenced by the goals and functions concepts are assumed to serve. This influence guides the kinds of learning tasks studied, and the mechanisms proposed in learning models. Research has not, however, been guided by a diverse mix of inward-and outward-facing uses. Rather, concept-learning research has assumed, implicitly or explicitly, a single, primary use: prediction of properties in the world. When researchers have asked how the function of concepts might influence the learning process, it is this external function that has been the focus of analysis . The idea that the purpose of concepts is to predict properties in the world plays out differently for models that focus on supervised versus unsupervised learning.

Most research on concept learning has focused on the outward-facing, predictive functions of concepts. However, the inward-facing functions of concepts take center stage in research on one key phenomenon: Match to prior beliefs and theories influences ease of concept learning and what is learned . Research here has provided information about how existing beliefs influence new classification learning . Prior theoretical beliefs are included as influences determining how easily a new classification problem will be learned.

Robert L. Goldstone, … Mark Blair, in, 2017

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Iiathe Legacy Of Learning Theory

The psychology of learning during the 1930s and 1940s incorporated several competing theoretical systems . There was not much disagreement about experimental data. The major facts of acquisition, extinction, generalization, discrimination, and the like were, for the most part, consensually endorsed. Nonetheless there was spirited argument at the seemingly basic levels of what was being learned, what was being unlearned, and so forth. Hull spoke of habits. Tolman spoke of expectancies. Guthrie spoke of S-R bonds.

Joseph Wolpe chose to articulate his explanation of desensitization effects using the language of Hull . When he did so he invited rejoinders in the languages of Guthrie and Tolman. Once Joseph Wolpe’s ideas gained some notoriety, these rejoinders did not take long to appear. Guthrie’s language was used in the assertion that systematic desensitization embodies counterconditioning. Tolman’s language was used in the argument that desensitization works, in part, by engendering optimistic expectancies.

Henry L. RoedigerIII, … Suparna Rajaram, in, 1993

Learning: Definition Characteristics And Types Of Learning In Psychology

The process of learning is continuous which starts right from the time of birth of an individual and continues till the death. We all are engaged in the learning endeavours in order to develop our adaptive capabilities as per the requirements of the changing environment. For a learning to occur, two things are important: 1. The presence of a stimulus in the environment and 2. The innate dispositions like emotional and instinctual dispositions. A person keeps on learning across all the stages of life, by constructing or reconstructing experiences under the influence of emotional and instinctual dispositions.

Psychologists in general define Learning as relatively permanent behavioural modifications which take place as a result of experience. This definition of learning stresses on three important elements of learning:

  • Learning involves a behavioural change which can be better or worse.
  • This behavioural change should take place as a result of practice and experience. Changes resulting from maturity or growth cannot be considered as learning
  • This behavioural change must be relatively permanent and last for a relatively long time enough.

The key characteristics of the learning process are:

  • When described in the simplest possible manner, learning is described as an experience acquisition process.
  • In the complex form, learning can be described as process of acquisition, retention and modification of experience.
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    Theory Of Discovery Learning

    The theoryof learning by discovery was developed by the American psychologist JeromeBruner. Like constructivist theory, discovery learning encourages theparticipation of individuals in their learning process. It considers effectivelearning is obtained when students face a problem not only to solve it but totransfer it.

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    As noted above, Bayesian models of concept learning generally follow a learning-by-hypothesis-testing framework . In these models, the system starts with a large set of representations and rules for combining them, and then learns combinations of these elements that best fit a given set of data. In other words, the model might learn a particular configuration of symbols to solve a problem, but this representation can be generated in the model before any actual learning occurs. In fact, a configuration must be generated in order to enter as a candidate hypothesis in the learning algorithm.

    It is certainly possible that models like those proposed by Lake et al. and Kemp and colleagues might be augmented with routines to generate the representations that they assume at the onset of learning. Perhaps solutions like DORA and BART might provide the means by which such useful representations can be generated on the first place. At the very least, Lake et al. and Kemp and Tenenbaum’s models might serve as very useful tools for addressing questions about what humans do with the representations that we have learned after they have acquired them.

    Peter Gärdenfors, in, 2005

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    Educational Research Methods. Concepts. The notion of concept is a central idea in theories about learning and conceptual development. There are different models of what concepts are.

    What is concept and scope of education?

    1) Scope means range of outlook, view, application, operation and effectiveness. Scope encompasses breadth, comprehension, and variety of learning experiences that can be provided in the education process. 2) Education begins in the womb and ends in the tomb. Its theme is life.

    What is the modern concept of educational psychology?

    educational psychology, theoretical and research branch of modern psychology, concerned with the learning processes and psychological problems associated with the teaching and training of students.

    The Psychology Of How People Learn

    Learning is often defined as a relatively lasting change in behavior that is the result of experience. When you think of learning, it might be easy to fall into the trap of only considering formal education that takes place during childhood and early adulthood: but learning is realistically an ongoing process taking place throughout all of life.

    How do we go from not knowing something to acquiring information, knowledge, and skills?

    Learning became a major focus of study in psychology during the early part of the twentieth century as behaviorism rose to become a major school of thought. Today learning remains an important concept in numerous areas of psychology, including cognitive, educational, social, and developmental psychology.

    One important thing to remember is that learning can involve both beneficial and negative behaviors. Learning is a natural and ongoing part of life that takes place continually, both for better and for worse.

    Sometimes people learn things that help them become more knowledgeable and lead better lives. In other instances, people can learn things that are detrimental to their overall health and well-being.

    The process of learning new things is not always the same. Learning can happen in a wide variety of ways. To explain how and when learning occurs, a number of different psychological theories have been proposed.

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    What Are Additional Learning Theories

    While these five learning theories are the main educational learning theories for teachers who want to support their students learning, there are additional theories they may want to understand. Some may work as good supplemental theories for teachers to bolster their educational support with a new approach.

    Transformative Learning Theory

    Transformative learning theory is a great approach for adult education and young adult learning. Also referred to as transformation learning, transformative learning theory focuses on the idea that learners can adjust their thinking based on new information.

    This learning theory was founded by Jack Mezirow, who discovered it after doing studies on adult women who went back to school. His initial research found that adults dont apply their old understanding to new situations and that having a new perspective helped them gain a new understanding of things as they change. Mezirow also believed that students had important teaching and learning opportunities connected to their past experiences and that critical reflection and review could lead to a transformation of their understanding.

    Social Learning Theory

    There are four elements to social learning theory:

    Experiential Learning Theory

    Experiential learning theory focuses on learning by doing. Using this theory, students are encouraged to learn through experiences that can help them retain information and recall facts.

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