Friday, September 20, 2024

What Is An Example Of Geography

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Examples Of Absolute Location

What is a Map? Crash Course Geography #2

The absolute location of a place does not change. The broadest example of a place’s absolute location is its combined latitude and longitude. The place’s position on a map and its address are also examples of absolute location.

  • The White House’s latitude is 38.8977° N and its longitude is 77.0365° W.
  • The White House’s address is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C.

These examples hold true for any place, from your home to your school to your favorite places to visit and beyond.

Example : Segmenting Based On Time Zone

Time zone marketing is most useful to large businesses, as they are more likely to be operating across multiple time zones. It can also be of interest to smaller businesses if they operate in nations that have more than one time zone, as the United States.

Email marketing is an area that can hugely benefit from segmenting by time zone. Whilst big announcements and press releases should generally be shared at a set time, generic email marketing often benefits from being seen at a certain time of day.

If you are looking to have your customers read your email first thing on a Monday morning, segmenting by time zone allows it to arrive at 8:45 am local time, putting your email right at the top of the pile.

What Is Geography In Simple Words Basics Branches And Examples

by Sandhya Jeremiah Dung

Geography is often seen as a very tricky and confusing subject. What is the difference between a Peninsula or an island? Is Geography limited to just the study of different kind of vegetations? Does geography study climatic conditions as well? questions like these are often raised by people. Geography in totality appears to be as a complex subject. But heres the catch, this article will a hundred per cent help you to clear your doubts about the subject of geography and provide you with a strong basic knowledge about what Geography studies and comprises of.

The subject of Geography is like an entirely different world. Where a person with zero knowledge about Geography might think, that it just studies Countries or Continents and the type of trees or plants that grow there. To some extent this is true, but Geography deals with even more aspects. Geography is the study of physical features of Earth, even the other planets in the Solar System, the Landscapes, the Vegetation, the distinct Species of Animals found in different areas of the world, the Weather and Climatic conditions of a region. Various other topics like Landforms, the Population of the nations, Migration of the people, the Cultures and Communities of the humans are also studied under Geography. In simple words, almost everything that surrounds us is studied under the subject of Geography.

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The Definition In Practice

This definition of geography works well for several reasons. First, it emphasizes that geography is a methodology. It stresses the geographic way of organizing and analyzing information pertaining to the location, distribution, pattern, and interactions of the varied physical and human features of Earth’s surface. All geographic inquiry should begin with the question, “Where?” Geographers and all other scientists ask “Why?” And, of course, most major Earth-bound events, features, and conditions can and often do have some impact on our lives, thereby begging the question, “Why care?”

An example on the global scale, petroleum resources in the Middle East certainly have contributed to a host of conflicts, and “petro-politics” surely will be a major issue for decades to come. Oil production, distribution, consumption, and trade all impact the lives of several billion people daily.

The definition I describe is clear and concise. It places no limitation on what geographers study it clearly identifies the discipline’s unique methodologythe spatial dimension of features, including where they are, in what patterns they occur, what important relationships exist, and so forth.

*Charles F. Gritzner, “What Is Where, Why There, and Why Care?,” Journal of Geography, 101, no. 1 , pp. 3840.

Location: Coordinates And Relative Distance

What is Geography

Two distinct but related parts the specific and the general make up the idea of location. Specific location refers an actual address, like “123 Main Street,” or a set of geographical coordinates like “40.7128° N, 74.0060° W.” General location describes where a place is in relation to another place. It does not give a direct address but indicates a place’s relative location and its relative distance. For example, the general location of a certain store could be “20 minutes away by car, next to the bank.”

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Systemic Or Topical Geography

Systematic or topical geography considers systematic studies of climate, landforms, economics, and culture among others. Geographers may specialise and call themselves, for example, urban geographers, climatologists, biogeographers, geomorphologist, political geographers and historical geographers. One thing in common to all of them is their focus on the spatial perspective in their studies. They see their subject matter in terms of locational characteristics and seek answers to certain patterns of place or the interactions between places.

The Simplest Geographic Questions Pertain To Individual Entities

Such questions include:

  • Where is the entity located?
  • What is its extent?
  • What are the attributes of the entity located there?
  • Do its attributes match one or more criteria?

Questions about time

  • When were the entity’s location, extent, or attributes measured?
  • Has the entity’s location, extent, or attributes changed over time?

Simple questions like these can be answered effectively with a good printed map, of course. However, GIS becomes increasingly attractive as the number of people asking the questions and the required level of precision grows, especially if they lack access to the required paper maps.

Questions concerning multiple geographic entities

  • Do the entities contain one another?
  • Do they overlap?
  • Are they situated within a certain distance of one another?
  • What is the best route from one entity to the others?
  • Where are entities with similar attributes located?

Questions about attribute relationships

  • Do the entities share attributes that match one or more criteria?
  • Are the attributes of one entity influenced by changes in another entity?

Questions about temporal relationships

  • Have the entities’ locations, extents, or attributes changed over time?

Notice that all of these questions deal with where things are, how things relate to other things, and how things change or persist relative to these locations. These are the kinds of questions that GIScience and professionals in the geospatial industry are prepared to answer.

Practice Quiz

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Chapter 1 Introduction To Geography

R. Adam Dastrup

Most individuals define geography as a field of study that deals with maps, yet this definition is only partially correct. A better definition of geography may be the study of natural and human-constructed phenomena relative to a spatial dimension.

The Greek word geographos from which geography is derived, is literally translated as writing about the Earth . Geography differs from the discipline of geology because geology focuses mainly on the physical Earth and the processes that formed and continue to shape it. On the other hand, geography involves a much broader approach to examining the Earth, as it involves the study of humans as well. As such, geography has two major subdivisions, human and physical .

The journey to better understanding Earth begins here with an exploration of how scientists learn about the natural world, along with understanding the science of geography.

The Key Concepts Or Big Ideas In Geography

What is Human Geography? Crash Course Geography #28

Geographic concepts allow for the exploration of relationships and connections between people and both natural and cultural environments. They have a spatial component.

They provide a framework that geographers use to interpret and represent information about the world.

The development of understanding of these concepts will allow students to participate as critical, active, informed and responsible citizens.

The geography achievement objectives in The New Zealand Curriculum are based on conceptual understandings. A concept is a general idea, thought, or understanding. Conceptual understandings are what learners know and understand about a concept. When the concepts are elaborated into generalisations, they become conceptual understandings. The key concepts are all derived directly from the Level 6 to 8 achievement objectives for geography.

It is expected that students will develop their understanding of concepts through time.

Teachers may also choose additional concepts that may connect with the local environment or the circumstances of their students. Such concepts must be geographic in nature they must have a spatial component.

Spatial components relate to how features are arranged on the Earths surface. For example, an understanding of ‘environments’ will be supported by students also developing an understanding of additional concepts such as location, distance and region.

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What Are The 78 Organs In Human Body

These organs work in coordination to give rise to several organ systems. Among these 78 organs, five organs are considered vital for survival. These include the heart, brain, kidneys, liver and lungs.Types of Organs in a Human Body. Anus Arteries Capillaries Cerebellum Joints Liver Nerves Nasal Cavity Skin Spleen.

What Does Human Geography Include

Human geography consists of a number of sub-disciplinary fields that focus on different elements of human activity and organization, for example, cultural geography, economic geography, health geography, historical geography, political geography, population geography, rural geography, social geography, transport Oct 12, 2021.

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Example : Segmenting Based On Location

Though all geographic segmentation involves grouping customers by the area they live or work in, here were talking about selling purely based on the availability of a product to a certain area. This is a tool that is useful to businesses that only have the infrastructure or facilities to serve customers within certain boundaries.

The food box subscription service Oddbox has, until recently, only had the infrastructure to deliver within the borders of London. However, they have now expanded to deliver to another nearby city, Brighton.

Using geographic segmentation they were able to target potential customers living in the city and deliver relevant marketing via social media ads. See their ads targeting Londoners and Brighton residents back to back above. As a result, users who werent previously aware of Oddbox can be shown the service now available to them.

To see exactly how they do this watch the video below.

Whilst the above videos can be used to address an entire country, some brands choose to go even more local and focus on specific cities.

One brand that tried this was Nike with their Nothing Beats A Londoner video. The video does a great job of addressing football fans in London by including key landmarks, local football stars, and general life in London.It worked so well that it shot to the top of YouTubes trending chart within hours. It was even covered by national newspapers, tweeted by London mayor Sadiq Khan, racking up millions of views in the process.

The Field Of Geography

Mapping Climate Refuges

Geography is a vast subject, it is divided and then studied on the basis of two categories: PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY which deals with the physical characteristics of the Earth, such as the Atmosphere, the Relief features, the Ozone Layer, water bodies, Tectonic plates, Volcanoes etc. Such features are also analysed individually in the context of regions, which is studied under Regional Geography. For Example, The kind of Mountains found in a specific area or country or the Active Volcanoes of a region. Regional Geography focuses on physical features or features of the people inhabiting those areas in a specific and direct manner. They deal with one region at a time. These regions are often formed by dividing the continents into some categories. HUMAN GEOGRAPHY the second branch of Geography deals with the study of how people are distributed around the world i.e called Population Density. Why an area is densely populated with people? and why only a few people inhabit another region? The Economic activities they practice, the factors that cause them to migrate from one region to another region, the Cultures they develop and the Communities they form, are examples of what is studied under Human geography.

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The Lines Of The Earth

There are certain imaginary lines on the Earths globe that help us to determine the location of an area or the time zone of the place. The earth is supposed to rotate on its Axis. The important lineson Earth are LONGITUDE, these are long imaginary lines running North-South on the Earths surface. The PRIME MERIDIAN, passes through Greenwich, England and is used to keep in touch with the time zones of the world. On the other hand, LATITUDES are imaginary lines that are in a lateral position, running on the Earths surface. The central line is called the EQUATOR, which divides the Earth into two hemispheres i.e. the Northern hemisphere and the SouthernHemisphere. Other important Latitudes include :


When these Longitudes and Latitudes cross each other, they form a Grid, these grids interlink to form Coordinates which are used to specify the location or locate places. One important fact is that nations such as BRAZIL, ECUADOR, KENYA that are closer to the Equator, experience Extreme Hot Climate, whereas, areas at the North pole and the South Pole have an Extreme Cold Climate.

What Do Geography Students Do

The top ten jobs held by geography graduates employed in the UK include secondary education teaching professionals, environment professionals, marketing associate professionals, chartered architectural technologists, planning officers and consultants, business associate professionals, construction project managers and related professionals and data analysts.


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Geography’s Ways Of Looking At The World

A central tenet of geography is that “location matters” for understanding a wide variety of processes and phenomena. Indeed, geography’s focus on location provides a cross-cutting way of looking at processes and phenomena that other disciplines tend to treat in isolation. Geographers focus on “real world” relationships and dependencies among the phenomena and processes that give character to any location or place. Geographers also seek to understand relationships among places: for example, flows of peoples, goods, and ideas that reinforce differentiation or enhance similarities. Geographers study the “vertical” integration of characteristics that define place as well as the “horizontal” connections between places. Geographers also focus on the importance of scale in these relationships. The study of these relationships has enabled geographers to pay attention to complexities of places and processes that are frequently treated in the abstract by other disciplines.

Integration in Place

Places are natural laboratories for the study of complex relationships among processes and phenomena. Geography has a long tradition of attempting to understand how different processes and phenomena interact in regions and localities, including an understanding of how these interactions give places their distinctive character.

Interdependencies Between Places

Suggested Citation:Rediscovering Geography: New Relevance for Science and Society

Interdependencies Among Scales

What Are Examples Of Physical Features

What is Urbanisation? – GEOGRAPHY BASICS

The first thing you see when you look at someone could be their hair, clothes, nose, or figure. These are all examples of physical characteristics. To get good examples of a persons physical characteristics, consider factors relevant to their physical appearance, such as their build, face and other physical traits.

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Keeping Up With The Journal Literature

Want an easy way to keep up with the journal literature for all facets of Geography? And you use a mobile device? You can install the BrowZine app and create a custom Bookshelf of your favorite journal titles. Then you will get the Table of Contents of your favorite journals automatically delivered to you when they become available. Once you have the ToC’s you can download and read the articles you want.

You can get the app from the App Store or Google Play.

Don’t own or use a mobile device? You can still use BrowZine! It’s now available in a web version. You can get to it here. The web version works the same way as the app version. Find the journals you like, create a custom Bookshelf, get ToCs and read the articles you want.

Essential Concepts Of Physical Geography

Population factors, that is how people are distributed in various regions of the world and emphasis on the factors that cause a certain area to be densely populated and some others to be sparsely populated. Other examples of this topic include The Demographic structure, Population density, the Fertility rates, the Literacy rates, the Mortality rates, Health concerning threats and issues etc. Other important topics studied and analysed under Human Geography include Migration, the pull factors that attract people to move or migrate to a region such as Greater opportunities, Better health facilities, peaceful environment etc. and the push factors that compel people to leave a region for better opportunities such as Political turmoil, Lack of basic facilities etc. the migration statistics on a global level are certain topics discussed under this category. The most important concept under this heading is Urbanization, which refers to the migration of people from rural areas to urban areas, increasing the population of most urban cities. Besides this, Political Geography is also a major aspect of Human Geography that studies the political phenomenon on a national as well as international level. Trade relations, the Diplomatic Communication between countries, the relation of people and politics etc. are discussed under this category in detail.

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Who Is The Most Famous Geographer

10 Notable Geographers Ellen Churchill Semple. Sir Halford John Mackinder. Paul Vidal de la Blache. William Morris Davis. Arnold Henry Guyot. Carl Ritter. Alexander von Humboldt. Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi. Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi was a Persian scholar who lived between the years 780 and 850 CE.

Examples Of Relative Location


The relative location of a place changes based on how its location is being described in terms of its relative position to another location.

  • The White House is approximately nine miles from Ronald Reagan National Airport in the District of Columbia.
  • The White House is approximately 30 miles from Dulles International Airport in Chantilly, Virginia.
  • Washington, D.C. is around 40 miles from Baltimore, Maryland.
  • The Port of Baltimore in Maryland is 197 nautical miles away from the Port of Norfolk in Virginia.
  • AIM Mail Center is in the shopping center located at the intersections of Grelot and Hillcrest roads in Mobile, Alabama.
  • The fourth grade classroom is in the second building past the gymnasium.
  • Interests along the eastern coast of the Gulf of Mexico should closely monitor the storm’s progress.

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